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A Wake-up Call : Almost all terrorists are Muslims.

no matter how much we humans kill each other in the name of religion....in the end......we will have to unite...as one...coz the destiny of mankind is beyond this world... beyond earth...and we have just started as a civilization
humans ok :rolleyes: humans are unite even today :eek:
Your terrorism is always state sponsored, and all those name you mentioned means nothing.
Ironically, terrorists are only killing Muslims, all Indian army cum contractors are safe in Afghanistan.

India finances trouble in Pakistan: Hagel - DAWN.COM

Please go through the title of the thread once again.From where does the link provided by you is related to the topic in hand, moreover the thing you are talking about is debunked many times.
Please go through the title of the thread once again.From where does the link provided by you is related to the topic in hand, moreover the thing you are talking about is debunked many times.

report the psot
Well, this is a ridiculous statement " Almost all terrorists are Muslims".
But such statements do not prove anything, you should look at statistics, figures. statistics greatly differ with your statement. Muslims in majority are peace loving people but world consider them a biggest threat. Now it is an easy way, First kill a Muslim and then simply say, "he was a terrorist".

There is no law for those who are powerful and strong. Anyone is a terrorist, I say, we cannot prove it, only a court can trial and convict it, but it is strange, we blame anyone whomsoever we want a terrorist while accusedes is not given a chance to defend his innocence in a fair trial. Bad reputation is worse than bad acts.
better statement would be...An increasing no of terrorists are Muslims,as Islamic societies are at loggerheads and frankly confused on their path forward.On one hand there are progressive thinkers (MOST OFTEN ALL OF THEM ARE INACCURATELY GROUPED UNDER liberals), and on the other hand they have elements which in their opposition to liberals are becoming more conservative then ever.With these extremist, also comes a violent streak, an illiterate majority vs a silent but powerful modern minority is creating unrest in Islamic world, leading to creation of terrorists.
better statement would be...An increasing no of terrorists are Muslims,as Islamic societies are at loggerheads and frankly confused on their path forward.On one hand there are progressive thinkers (MOST OFTEN ALL OF THEM ARE INACCURATELY GROUPED UNDER liberals), and on the other hand they have elements which in their opposition to liberals are becoming more conservative then ever.With these extremist, also comes a violent streak, an illiterate majority vs a silent but powerful modern minority is creating unrest in Islamic world, leading to creation of terrorists.

The Sky is falling, quick run to the HILLS!
Strange topic...I think terrorism in recent months has taken a refugee of religion...It is not that religion that is to be blames for ...rather it is the middle man who wear the mask of religion head,utilize religion to gain their own political objective...And the saddest part is these religious head take the credit if something good happens...but if there is something goes wrong then they take refugee of religion due to which such kind of impression got created...

Take example of Taliban....they fight for their own tribal culture interest in Pakistan....When they win...then credit is for their leadership....If they fail and do some bad work...they take refugee of Fatwa kind of stuff....So in this scenario, there is nothing wrong with religion rather people who are misusing religion...As long as Laden uncle was helping America in Afghanistan...till that point of time, he was hero in English press, the moment he changed sides...then blame is all on the Islam religion...What a crazy thought...So every case of terrorism is different...All gods never say to kill somebody....It is the messenger who are the culprit rather than the God itself..
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