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A Systematic Analysis :: Indian Missile Technology is Far More Advanced than Pakistan

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Jan 17, 2009
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The Reason i a have come up with this thread is that i have seen many threads depicting how Indian Missile Technology is "Failure" , but No article ever cares to explain why.
I am a proud Indian and I truely respect Pakistan and Its Development.
We may continue to Troll, engage in endless War of Words but No one shall ever come to a conclusion..

My Mission is to Reach a Solid Conclusion via This Article.


This Article is NOT about who is superior to whom but rather Whose Technololy is More Advanced.

The PRESENT Missile and Nuke Arsenal of Both Nations is MORE THAN SUFFICIENT to counter each other hence NO POINT OF TALKING ABOUT STRATEGIC SUPERORITY.

So Plz Stick to TECHNOLOGY Alone.


The Rules of Engagement ( IN THE DISCUSSION ) :






#4. We shall Talk ONLY about TESTED Missiles Not the PLANNED ones.. So the Indian Agni V with 5000km Range is Out of Discussion.


One Obvious (yet which we often tend to Miss ) Thought should be .. "How will you Compare the Missile technology of Two Nations" ?
Well.. To be systematic.. Lets Divide the Missile technology Category Wise and Then Put in the Contendors.

So We shall Compare the Existsing Missiles in the following Categories or CLASSESS of Missiles.
Note : Each Class Needs a Fresh Approach towards Development and Design.. and its success surely depicts the new edge the nation has.
For example : ASAT technology is a CLASS of Missile Tech which Immediately Tells you US and China have "Technological" Advantage over India in ASAT Category.
Or Technology wise China is Ahead of India.

#1. Ballistic Missiles

a. Short Range
b. Medium Range
c. Intermediate Range

#2. Cruize Missiles

a. Subsonic Missiles
b. Supersonic Missiles

#3. Quasi/Hybrid Ballistic Missiles

#4. Surface-To-Air-Missiles

#5. Submarine Launched Ballistic Missiles

#6. Air-to-Air Missiles

#7. Air To Surface Missiles : ALCM

#8. Anti Tank Missiles

#9. BMD Systems

So All Set Lets Rock n Roll.....

1 . BALLISTIC MISSILE Capabilities


Pakistan :

Pakistan Operates the Hatf 1 and Hatf 2 and Hatf III which have arange of 80 To 300KM+

HATF Series - HATF series formed the initial component of the Pakistani missile arsenal. It was also planned as a counter to India’s Prithvi missile. Besides the nuclear capability of HATF II and III, in the conventional mode it was designed as an offensive weapon to knock off Indian armour concentrations.
In the defensive mode, it would be used in dual roles to destroy Indian bridge-heads in Pakistani territory . Its chief use could be said to be along Pakistani borders with India, both inside and outside.

India :
India Operates Prithvi Series of Missiles which have a range of 150 to 300 Km in Range.

The Prithvi missile (from Sanskrit पृथ्वी pṛthvī "Earth") is the tactical surface-to-surface short-range ballistic missile (SRBM) developed by India under the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program. The Prithvi was India's first indigenously developed ballistic missile. Development of the Prithvi began in 1983, and it was first test-fired on February 25, 1988 from Sriharikota, SHAR Centre, Pottisreeramulu Nellore district, Andhra Pradesh.

It has a range of up to 150 to 300 km. The land variant is called Prithvi while the naval operational variant of Prithvi I and Prithvi II class missiles are codenamed Dhanush (meaning Bow). Both variants are used for surface targets.

Conclusion :: Both Nations Have Similar Capabilities and are Evenly Matched in SRBM Category.


Pakistan :

The Missiles falling in this category Are :

* Ghauri I
* Shaheen I
* Ghauri II

* GHAURI series - With its extended range, the GHAURI series could effectively reach virtually the whole of India but it seems that the strategic targeting of this missile would be more towards Mumbai and Peninsular India in which lie India’s most sensitive installations.

GHAURI is a mobile system and could be used for counter-value-strikes. Pakistan claims that GHAURI can carry nuclear, chemical and anti-tank warheads.

The Ghauri was first test-fired on 6 April 1998 from Malute, near the city of Jhelum, about 76 miles south of the capital Islamabad.[7] Fired from a mobile launcher, it travelled 1,100 km (682 miles) in a flight lasting 9 minutes and 58 seconds before hitting its designated target in the desert of Balochistan.[7]

After this test-firing, the missile was nicknamed "India Killer" by the international press.

The Shaheen I is a short-range ballistic missile (SRBM) with an optimal range of 750 km, propelled by a single stage solid fuel rocket motor.

The Shaheen I can deliver either a conventional or a nuclear payload much faster than liquid fuelled missiles such as the Ghauri because it does not need to be fuelled before launch, reducing deployment time significantly.

The Ghauri-II missile has a maximum range of 2,000 km (1,250 miles). It is 18.0 m in length, has a diameter of 1.35 m and a launch weight of 17,800 kg. Its payload is a single separating warhead weighing 1200 kg, or as low as 750 kg for use at its maximum range[1].

This may used to carry a 250 kg warhead of a 15 to 30 kT yield nuclear, HE or sub-munition warhead. The missile uses a single-stage liquid propellant rocket motor.

Indian MRBM ::

# Prithvi III
# Dhanush
# Agni I


Agni-I is a single stage, solid fuel, road and rail mobile, medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM). This shorter ranger missile specially designed for targets in Pakistan. The need for the Agni-I was felt after the Kargil war with Pakistan. It took DRDO 18 months to develop the Agni-I after having completed Agni-II development.

Agni-I was first tested at the Interim Test Range in Chandipur in 1989, and is capable of carrying a conventional payload of 1000 kg (2,200 lb) or a nuclear warhead. Agni missiles consist of one (short range) or two stages (intermediate range). These are rail and road mobile and powered by solid propellants.

The Agni I has a range of 700-800 km.

Prithvi III class (codenamed Dhanush meaning Bow) is a two-stage ship-to-surface missile. The first stage is solid fuelled with a 16 metric ton force (157 kN) thrust motor. The second stage is liquid fuelled. The missile can carry a 1000 kg warhead to a distance of 350 km and a 500 kg warhead to a distance of 600 kilometres and a 250 kilogram warhead up to a distance of 750 kilometres. Dhanush is a system consisting of a stabilization platform (Bow) and the Missile (Arrow).

Supposedly it is a customised version of the Prithvi and that the additional customizations in missile configuration is to certify it for sea worthiness. Dhanush has to be launched from a hydraulically stabilized launch pad. Its low range acts against it and thus it is seen a weapons either to be used to destroy an aircraft carrier or an enemy port. The missile has been tested from the surface ships many times

Prithvi III was first tested in 2000 from INS Subhadra, a Sukanya class patrol craft. The missile was launched from an updated, reinforced helicopter deck of the vessel. The first flight test of the 250 km variant was only partially successful.[4] The full operational testing was completed in 2004.[5]

The following year in December an enhanced 350 km version of the missile was tested from the INS Rajput and successfully hit a land based target.[6]. The missile was again successfully tested-fired from INS Subhadra anchored about 35km offshore from the Integrated Test Range at Chandipur on December 13, 2009. It was the sixth test of the missile

Conclusion : Like SRBM Category Both Nations have enough firepower in MRBM Category and are Equally Matched.

C. IRBM Capabilities

Pakistan ::

* Shaheen II
* Ghauri-III

Shaheen-II was successfully test fired for the first time on March 9, 2004. At that time, the National Engineering and Science Commission (NESCOM) chairman Samar Mubarakmand stated that the missile was a two-stage rocket with diameter of 1.4 m, length of 17.5 m, weight of 25 tons and a range of 2,500 km.

In February 2001 it was reported by Pakistan's Jang newspaper that the range of Shaheen II had been increased from 2,500 km to 3,500 km,[6] although this was considered unlikely, as of 2007

The Ghauri-III is an intermediate-range ballistic missile developed and being deployed by Pakistan. Based on the previous Ghauri I and II missiles, it has three liquid fuel rocket stages. Currently its range is longer than any other ballistic missile in Pakistan's arsenal.

The Ghauri-III reportedly started development around 1999 [2] with a planned range of over 3,000 km.[3] [4] Few details are known, but Ghauri III is presumed to be road mobile, being transported and launched by a transporter erector launcher. The warhead, like other Pakistani ballistic missiles, is believed to be either conventional or nuclear and guided by an inertial guidance system.

India :

The Agni-II was first tested on 11 April 1999 at 9:47 a.m. IST (Indian Standard Time), from a converted rail carriage, with a carriage roof that slides open to allow the missile to be raised to the vertical for launch by two large hydraulic pistons. The launch process is controlled from a separate railcar. The missile was launched from the IC-4 pad at Wheeler Island, Balasore. Splash down was 2000 – 2100 km. down range in the Bay of Bengal, on a trajectory designed to simulate a range of 2800 – 3000 km. The Agni-II missile can also be launched from a road TEL vehicle, as demonstrated in the second test flight on 17 January 2001, at 10:01 a.m. IST (Indian Standard Time) to a range of 2100 km. This missile has a theoretical maximum range of some 3000 km with a 1000 kg payload (conventional or strategic).

Tested to range of over 2000 km, the Agni-II has an all-solid propellant system. After the January 17th test, the missile was cleared for production and it is possible that a production capacity (under-utilised at present) exists for 12 Agni-II missiles per year.

On the January 17th test, the missile was alleged to have covered a range of over 2100 km with a 700 kg warhead. The Agni-II is designed to be launched from a rail-mobile launcher,it is also available in road-mobile configuration. This lends flexibility and reduces vulnerability to first strike.

Agni-III is an intermediate-range ballistic missile developed by India as the successor to Agni-II.[4] The ballistic missile has a range of 3,500 km- 5500 km[5], which means that India is capable of engaging targets deep inside neighbouring countries.[6]

The missile’s Circular Error Probable (CEP) is within 40 meters range, which makes it one of the most sophisticated and accurate ballistic missiles of its range class in the world

Conclusion : This Category has an Intresting scenario.
Looking by the Needs, India and pakistan are EVENLY Matched as Both can have the maximum reach as required.

Going by the Range out of Context of India and Pakistan Then India Has a clear Advantage AS India has a 3500KM tested ( 4000Km Expected ) Missile while Max Range Tested is 2500KM for Shaheen II.

Hence Technologically India is Ahead in IRBM Category. ( Though Strategically its Not of any Importance as Both Nations Have what they Need )

2. Cruise missiles

A. Subsonic Missiles :

Pakistan ::

Pakistan Has Tested and Deployed the "Babur Cruize Missiles".

Babur (Urdu: بابر) (named after the first Mughal Emperor Zahir ud-Din Babur), also designated Hatf VII, is the first land attack cruise missile to be developed by Pakistan.[1]

Launched from ground-based transporter erector launchers, warships and submarines, the Babur can be armed with a conventional or nuclear warhead and has a reported range of 700 km (435 miles). The missile is designed to avoid radar detection and penetrate enemy air defences.[1][2][3] Serial production of the Babur started in October 2005

India ::

India Does NOT have an Operatoal Cruize Missile in This Category.
However India is working on Nirbhay but Thats our of our Domain for this Artice.

Conclusion :: Pakistan has a Clear Technological Advantage in This Category. They have Tested an deployed Babur while India is Yet to Test Nirbhay.

B. Supersonic Missiles

Pakistan :

Pakistan has NO Active Programme for Supersonic Cruize Missiles.

India :
India is Way Ahead of pakistan in This category.
Its Has Tested and Deployed Brahmos Supersonic Missile while is having an Active Programme for its Hypersonic Version as well.

BrahMos is a supersonic cruise missile that can be launched from submarines, ships, aircraft or land. It is a joint venture between India's Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and Russia's NPO Mashinostroeyenia who have together formed BrahMos Aerospace Private Limited.

The acronym BrahMos is perceived as the confluence of the two nations represented by two rivers, the Brahmaputra of India and the Moskva of Russia. It travels at speeds of Mach 2.5 to 2.8. It is about three-and-a-half times faster than the USA's subsonic Harpoon[2] cruise missile. A hypersonic version of the missile is also presently under development (Lab Tested with 5.26 Mach Speed).[3]

Conclusion :: India has a Clear Advantage in Technology Terms in This category. Pakistan does NOT have ( as of now ) any Active Programme for any Missile in This Class.

3. Quasi Ballistic Missiles ::

Quasi ballistic missiles :

A quasi ballistic missile (also called a semi ballistic missile) is a category of missile that has a low trajectory and/or is largely ballistic but can perform maneuvers in flight or make unexpected changes in direction and range.[2]

At a lower trajectory than a ballistic missile, a quasi ballistic missile can maintain higher speed, thus allowing its target less time to react to the attack, at the cost of reduced range.

The Russian Iskander, and India's Shaurya are quasi ballistic missiles. The Shaurya achieves hypersonic speeds very soon after launch, then cruises to its target at an altitude of 50Kms, following a quasi-ballistic path.

Missiles that combine a maneuverable reentry vehicle (MaRV) with a terminal guidance system, allowing them to adjust the flight path as they near their target, are thought to be under development in China for use as anti-ship ballistic missiles.

Indian Shaurya Missile :

The Shaurya missile (Sanskrit: Valour) is a canister launched hypersonic surface-to-surface tactical missile developed by the Indian Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) for use by the Indian Armed Forces. It has a range of between 750 to 1900km [4] and is capable of carrying a payload of one-tonne conventional or nuclear warhead.[5] It gives the potential to strike in the short-intermediate range against any adversary.[6] The Shaurya missile provides India with a significant second strike capability

The missile, encased in a canister, is mounted on a single vehicle, which has only a driver’s cabin, and the vehicle itself is the launch platform. This “single vehicle solution” reduces its signature – it cannot be easily detected by satellites – and makes its deployment easy.The gas generator, located at the bottom of the canister, fires for about a second and a half. It produces high pressure gas, which expands and ejects the missile from the tube. The missile has six motors; the first one is the motor in the gas generator.The centerpiece of a host of new technologies incorporated in Shourya is its ring laser gyroscope and accelerometer. The ring laser gyroscope was tested & integrated by the Research Center Imarat (RCI) based in Hyderabad.[10]

Shaurya missile was revealed to be designed specifically to be fired from Submarines. Top DRDO scientist has confirmed this and said that this missile is actually a Hypersonic cruse missile and not a ballistic missile, as it was earlier thought to be.

Conclusion : Pakistan Has No Missile Comparable to Shaurya. This Missile Has Range of More than Agni 1, And accuracy of Bhrahmos while Travelling at Hypersonic speeds.
The Missile is Canisterised ( None of pakistani Missiles have this Capability ) , and Its can be Launched from a Submarine as well.

India has a Huge Technological Advantage in This Class of Missile.

4. Surface-Air-Missiles

Pakistan :

Anza Missile :

Anza (English: Lance) is a series of shoulder-fired, man-portable surface-to-air missiles produced by Pakistan. Guided by an infra-red homing seeker, Anza is used for low level air defence.[6][7]

Anza is produced by Kahuta Research Laboratories (KRL), being one of the facility's main conventional weapons projects. Development was originally undertaken to eliminate dependence on importing expensive foreign systems.[8] Various versions of the Anza are currently in service with the Pakistan Army,[9] with the Mk-III version being the most recent.[10][11] The Anza is also offered for export, Malaysia being its only known export customer after receiving 100 Anza Mk-I in 2002 and, later, a further 500 Anza Mk-II systems.

India :


India Has a Huge List of SAMs.

  • Akash Missile
  • S300
  • Pichora SAM
  • Spyder

For More Details Check Here : Click Me

Conclusion : This Category maks India Far Far Ahead Than Pakistan. Infact Pakistan Must Quickly Look for some Good SAMs to counter the Indian Threat.

Tlking about only Indegenious Products - The Indian Akash SAM has been tested and is Being Inducted Giving India a Clear Advantage.

5. Submarine Launched Ballistic Missiles ( SLBM ) :

Pakistan has NO Ballistic Missiles that can be launched Underwater.
India has the ( yet to be deployed ) Sagarika Missile and the Shaurya Missile.

Both Shaurya and Sagarika are Canisterized and can be launched underwater.

Sagarika has a length of 10 metres (33 ft), diameter of 0.74 metres (2 ft 5 in), weighs 17 tonnes (17 LT; 19 ST) and can carry a payload of up to 500 kilograms (1,102 lb). Sagarika was developed at the DRDO’s missile complex in Hyderabad.[3]

This missile will form part of the triad in India's nuclear deterrence, and will provide retaliatory nuclear strike capability with a range of 700 KM

Shaurya missile was revealed to be designed specifically to be fired from Submarines. Top DRDO scientist has confirmed this and said that this missile is actually a Hypersonic cruse missile and not a ballistic missile, as it was earlier thought to be

Conclusion : Again Since pakistan Has No SLBM Programme India has the Clear Technological Edge Here.


Pakistan Does not have any Active AAM Programme.

Sarab 1 — Pakistani version of Matra Magic Missile, Short Range Missile Project Cancelled due to unsatisfactory results

India has developed and tested the Astra Missile :

Astra[1] (Sanskrit: अस्त्र, Astra "Weapon") is an active radar homing beyond-visual-range air-to-air missile (BVRAAM) developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), India.

This is the first air-to-air missile developed by India---an advanced missile that enables fighter pilots to lock-on and shoot down enemy aircraft from a distance of more than 80 km away

Conclusion : Practically with the Induction of AIM Missile the BVR Missile, Pakistan will get Equalised to india which enjoys BVR Edge over Pakistan.

As Far as Technology is Concerned, India with Indegenious Capability to develop a BVR Missile Is Miles ahead of Pakistan.

7. ALCM :

Pakistan :

Pakistan has made a great achivement in this class. They have their RAAD Missile.

Ra'ad ALCM (Urdu: رعد) (English: Thunder) is an air-launched cruise missile (ALCM) developed by Pakistan and operational with the Pakistan Air Force (PAF). Though initially launched from a PAF Dassault Mirage III ROSE combat aircraft during testing, the missile is planned to be integrated with and launched from other PAF platforms such as the JF-17 combat aircraft. The Ra'ad ALCM's current range is stated to be 350 km.[1]

Ra'ad ALCM is designed to attack fixed enemy installations (such as radar posts, command nodes and stationary surface to air missile launchers) at stand-off range, keeping the launching aircraft away from enemy air defence systems. The accuracy of the missile is reported to be comparable to Pakistan's Babur cruise missile, which has "pinpoint accuracy" according to official source

India ::

India is also going to have the Air launched Brahmos Missile.
A Nice article over Indian Air To Surface Weapons : Here

Conclusion : Pakistan ( as of now ) has a Clear Advantage in Terms of Tested and Deployed Technology.
RAAD is a Technology Booster for PAF.

8. Anti Tank Missiles

To the Best of My Knowledge Pakistan Does NOT have any Indegenious Developent of Anti Tank Missile. However they do produce the Bakhtar Shikan Missile :

The HJ-8 or Hongjian-8 ("红箭-8" transliterated as "Red Arrow-8") is a second generation tube-launched, optically tracked, wire-guided anti-tank missile system deployed by the People's Liberation Army since the late 1980s.

Pakistan produces this missile system under licence as the Baktar-Shikan at Kahuta Research Laboratories.[2][4][5] It is able to defeat explosive reactive armour (ERA).

India has an INDEGENIOUS Anti Tank Missile "Nag" :

Nag (Sanskrit: नाग, Nāg "Cobra") is a third generation "Fire-and-forget" anti-tank missile developed in India. It is one of five missile systems developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) under the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program (IGMDP). Nag has been developed at a cost of Rs 300 crore.

It has a flight speed of 230 metres per second, is armed with a 8kg tandem shaped-charge warhead, has a rocket motor using nitramine-based smokeless extruded double band sustainer propellant, has a single-shot hit probability of 0.77 and a CEP of 0.9 metres, and has a 10-year maintenance-free shelf-life.

The Nag will be produced in two main basic variants. The land version has been tested from a tracked vehicle known as NAMICA (Nag Missile Carrier). With the IR version of the missile, targets are acquired using a thermal sight, and are then assigned to the nose-mounted IIR seeker.


I Believe This Article Shall Clealy Depict the Real Picture of Technological Advancements of Both Nations and Prove that India has Far Better and Advanced Technology Than Pakistan.
India has also started "Canisterzing" all its Missiles and 3 of them already have this capability.

Pakistan Has CLEAR Advanced tech Edge over India in ..

Sub Sonic Cruize Missile
Air Launched Cruize Missile

While India is Ahead in ....

IRBM with 3500 KM Tested Missile
Supersonic Cruize Missile
Quasi Ballistic Missile
Surface-Air-Missile SAM
Canisterization Tech.

FurterMore more India has its Ambitious Ballistic Missile Defence System which is Unique and very few Nations Possess the technology.

India has an active ABM development effort using locally developed and integrated radars, and local missiles.[20] In November 2006, India successfully conducted the PADE (Prithvi Air Defence Exercise) in which an Anti-ballistic missile, called the Prithvi Air Defense (PAD) an Exoatmospheric (outside the atmosphere) interceptor system intercepted a Prithvi-II ballistic missile. The PAD missile has the secondary stage of the Prithvi missile and can reach altitude of 80 km (50 mi). During the test the target missile was intercepted at an 50 km (31 mi) altitude.[21] India became the fourth nation in the world to acquire such a capability and the third nation to acquire it using in house research and development.[22] On 6 December 2007 the Advanced Air Defence (AAD) missile system was tested successfully.[23]

This missile is an Endo atmospheric interceptor with an altitude of 30 km (19 mi). According to scientist V K Saraswat of DRDO the missiles will work in tandem to ensure a hit probability of 99.8 percent.[24] Induction of the system into services is expected to be in 2010. Two new anti ballistic missiles that can intercept IRBM/ICBMs are being developed. These high speed missiles (AD-1 and AD-2) are being developed to intercept ballistic missiles with the range of 5,000 km (3,107 mi).

Comments are Most Welcome.
Thank You.
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One can only hope , XiniX :lol:
While , i and many others no doubt appreciate your effort XiniX , given the mindset of people your trying to educate , this would be a waste of time.

You should have let , results speak for themselves in the coming years.

Also , there are numerous errors i you post.

You don't take into consideration numerous other factors , Such As ABM , Guidance and the number of platforms capable of launching missiles.

Also I am sure PAk has more SAM's that what you put up there, you should some fact checking on that.
While , i and many others no doubt appreciate your effort XiniX , given the mindset of people your trying to educate , this would be a waste of time.

You should have let , results speak for themselves in the coming years.

Also , there are numerous errors i you post.

You don't take into consideration numerous other factors , Such As ABM , Guidance and the number of platforms capable of launching missiles.

Also I am sure PAk has more SAM's that what you put up there, you should some fact checking on that.

Infact i should have quoted Not only that but, CEP ( Circular Error probable ), Time to arm the missile , Canister Capability etc etc.

But My Aim is to let even the casual and non technical users understand the subject.
Thanks for info ...

Can some one make separate thread that contain under development projects of missile for both the nations ?

Mainly SAMs ..
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So let it be advanced.

What different would it make ??

Ours can do their job pretty well, that all matters.

A missile has to and should do its job, that is to reach its target and hit the target with precision, ours can do, Indians can do.

So what is the fuss about whose more advanced and whose not.

India has huge manpower, lots of money, huge infrastructure, so their missile program would be advanced too.

If we have the same resources, we can make things in the same manner also.

So what is the contest all about ??

Both Indian missiles and Pakistani missiles can do their assigned jobs, end of story.
So let it be advanced.

What different would it make ??

Ours can do their job pretty well, that all matters.

A missile has to and should do its job, that is to reach its target and hit the target with precision, ours can do, Indians can do.

So what is the fuss about whose more advanced and whose not.

India has huge manpower, lots of money, huge infrastructure, so their missile program would be advanced too.

If we have the same resources, we can make things in the same manner also.

So what is the contest all about ??

Both Indian missiles and Pakistani missiles can do their assigned jobs, end of story.

Dear Taimi,

You should raise this in those thread also which are created every other day and read like " Pakistan's Missiles are decades ahead of India's"

By the way Pakistan does have a BVR A2A missile program, its been tested and in operation too, but officially it has not been and most probably won't be told about, for operational secrecy issues.
So let it be advanced.

What different would it make ??

Ours can do their job pretty well, that all matters.

A missile has to and should do its job, that is to reach its target and hit the target with precision, ours can do, Indians can do.

So what is the fuss about whose more advanced and whose not.

India has huge manpower, lots of money, huge infrastructure, so their missile program would be advanced too.

If we have the same resources, we can make things in the same manner also.

So what is the contest all about ??

Both Indian missiles and Pakistani missiles can do their assigned jobs, end of story.

Not true, the missles with the cooler names are technically superior and better :tup: for instance, if you name a missle the Terminator than it will be unstoppable :chilli:
Dear Taimi,

You should raise this in those thread also which are created every other day and read like " Pakistan's Missiles are decades ahead of India's"


Well i have to see one good source which says that. A source which is reliable and trust worthy.

Not some delusional analyst who has no idea what he/she is talking about and comes up with Pakistan missiles are better then India.

Common sense does dictates, there is no comparison thing between India and Pakistan, we are making missiles as per our own requirements and they are meeting our requirements and benchmarks, we are not making missiles to have a quality and quantity competition with India. Or say, India made this, we will make that.

Its not a measuring contest going on.
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