My views are as follows:
1) In Jews, now very few are real "Bani Israel", about 99.7 are white, European Khazaris(or converted Jews), who are not technically Jews, rather a gang of looters.
2) Israel is providing all help to India just to counter Pakistan, just the same way as Banu Nazir of Madinah helped Hindus of Quresh 1400 years ago. I think we should provide full scale help to all enemies of the state of Israel. Israelis will begin to talk when something will really begin to burn.
3) I think we should tell Israel's daddy, USA, that the biggest enemy of yours and dollar is Israel, as Israel is the power house of "Crypto-currency". Israel has set the chess of middle east, so that at first Arabs get destroyed through international powers, and then these powers get destroyed through atomic war.
4) Israel is after all oil of middle east. After that the dealers of international oil will not be "foolish" arabs, rather than .......!
5) Some other countries should also note that what will happen when you don't pay Israeli defense sector enough? So ultimately where are these so called friends are leading to.