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A Statue for A Pakistani Punjabi Hero.....Porus

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He didn't see himself as an "indian". "indian" is a word coined together by the British. "india" was used to describe the geographic location of south Asia - nothing more. But you indians decided to name your country after this name "indian" which was given to you by your British masters.

The Greeks coined the term "India", not the British.
There is another thread which explains, in depth, the Greek perception of ancient India.


No one in India called themselves "Indians". The native name of the land is Aryavarsha. But the Greeks called the land as "India", and Porus an "Indian", and the inhabitants of the entire subcontinent as "Indians".

That is the basic fact of history. Whether you accept it or deny it is up to you, it is not my job to make deaf people hear.
No he did not see himself as indian, he saw himself as a king of a Punjabi kingdom - defending it from all comers, whether from anywhere.

They why did he asked the Kingdoms on Indo-gangetic plains for help. He warned them, if he falls they would fall after him. No, India always acted like confederation from times known. They had their own small kingdoms but they considered themselves part of higher abstract entity very likely "Bharat". Just to top icing on the cake, it is very unlikely if Porus has spoken Punjabi, he would very likely speak Pali or Sanskritic dialict.
The name "Punjab" didn't even exist until the Mughal times. In Porus' time the region was called "Gandhara".

The modern Punjabi language didn't exist back then either. Modern Punjabi has a lot of Persian, Arab, and Turkish influence, which didn't exist in 300 B.C.E.
Those who Don't know real facts about Porus and Pakistan's history .... Its time to listen to a Pakistani professor of History.

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This is what all you indians say. But your Country was also created in 1947 - the same year as modern-day Pakistan. You forget this huge fact so easily.

not modern day but only pakistan,you should start taking history education as no one called the region pakistan but the term bharat and india were used for a long time to describe this land
Brother, Pakistan did have an ancient civilization - The Indus Valley Civilization - The oldest Civilization of the face of this Earth - 5000 year old history.
Sure the people of North West india can claim IVC as their own, but certianly not the vast majority of indians. Whilst the vast majority of Pakistanis have every right over IVC.

Claiming the IVC belongs to the whole of south Asia is like saying the whole of the middle east can take credit for Persian Empire/Civilization because modern-day Iran happens to apart of middle east. :laugh:

And regarding King Porus - He was a Punjabi king/warrior, and all and only modern-day Punjabis have a right over him.

so where did people from IVC go after leaving their well planned cities ? please name specific location
They did not go anywhere they were obsorbed into Punjab, Pukhtankwa, Sindh, Baluchistan, Kashmir :)

Regarding Mr Nisar, he is a fierce critic, what I love about my country is, he can go on to national tv, and do his critic and no one bats an eye lid, that is the part of the Pakistan that india has no understanding of, and that is why this country will rise again, we have an ancient civilization - a brave well equipped armed forces, a hard working industrious people, a free media, and large well educated diaspora.

Regarding Mr Nisar, he is a fierce critic, what I love about my country is, he can go on to national tv, and do his critic and no one bats an eye lid, that is the part of the Pakistan that india has no understanding of, and that is why this country will rise again, we have an ancient civilization - a brave well equipped armed forces, a hard working industrious people, a free media, and large well educated diaspora.

In that sense, you have the same from 1947 arn't you?
Zero was discovered in Pakistan, Name India should be actually Pakistan's name, Ancient Indian civilisation is actually Pakistan's legacy and now PAKISTANI punjabi hero??!! Yes he did rule over modern day Pakistan and was punjabi but Pakistani?!


King Porus fighting Alexander at the Battle of the Hydaspes River. An early 18th-century Russian lubok.
Reign 340–317 BC

Birthplace unknown

Died 317 BC

Place of death Punjab region

Successor Malayketu (Porus' son)

Royal House Paurava Puru Dynasty [1][2][3] Yaduvanshi [4][5]

Religious beliefs Hinduism

King Porus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The next comedy I expect would be "Great wal of Pakistan" was shifted to China as a Gesture of Friendship and Hence renamed it "Great wall of China" .. I wouldnt be surprised even if I get to hear it.... I expect it any day....
Zero was discovered in Pakistan, Name India should be actually Pakistan's name, Ancient Indian civilisation is actually Pakistan's legacy and now PAKISTANI punjabi hero??!! Yes he did rule over modern day Pakistan and was punjabi but Pakistani?!


King Porus fighting Alexander at the Battle of the Hydaspes River. An early 18th-century Russian lubok.
Reign 340–317 BC

Birthplace unknown

Died 317 BC

Place of death Punjab region

Successor Malayketu (Porus' son)

Royal House Paurava Puru Dynasty [1][2][3] Yaduvanshi [4][5]

Religious beliefs Hinduism

King Porus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, he will be classied as a Pakistani Punjabi today. He was said to have been born in Jhelum (Pakistan's Punjab).

Wikipedia is not a reliable source. No Pakistani here would consider it a reliable source. The whole of wikipedia is infested by indians.

Pakistanis are claiming what is ours, what belongs to our own land. I think the whole (except you insecure indians) world will agree we are right about this.
The next comedy I expect would be "Great wal of Pakistan" was shifted to China as a Gesture of Friendship and Hence renamed it "Great wall of China" .. I wouldnt be surprised even if I get to hear it.... I expect it any day....

Nobody is going to claim this.
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