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A Sri Lankan national lynched in Sialkot by mob of terrorists for blasphemy

Blashphemy laws are CLEARLY inhumane. Minorities can be blackmailed easily. These man made laws are doing no service to islam. They are actually showing extreme intolerance, showing extreme violence. The responsibility of the islamic country is to protect its minorities at all costs. But we are being completely failed!

Imagine, the low level IQ of society which glorified the murderer Mumtaz Qadri. Salman Taseer hadn't even done blashphemy. He only had guts to try and protect a weak christian woman who he thinks was innocent. To me, Salman Taseer became a real hero!. Going against the vicious evil of society and to stand with a weak person needs guts. He knows very well, his life will be in great danger but he said, in my heart i know, i am at the right side. I think one of the reasons why blashphemy laws still exists is because our lawyers are also radicalized. I don't remember the name but one low life lawyer or a judge actually kissed the murderer Qadri.

State needs to take bold steps and confront the radicals head on. State needs to start appreciating late Salman Taseer and condemn the murderer at state level.
The days of establishment is close to over. Soon Pak will not have money to keep this big fat army and establishment. Decades of lawlessness, corruption, useless judiciary, mismanagement, crooks ruling (or ruining) the nation, religious intolerance, illiteracy has put the country into verge of bankruptcy.

Now Pak cannot survive on loans of Saudia, UAE, China and IMF anymore as all are putting strict conditions on loans with very high interest rate and amount of loans too are not enough to float the economy. A big massive surgery is required but who will do this.
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If what is being said is true, that it was a false accusation and they murdered him, then all of them need a slap. No, a punch.
False accusation or not a fair trial is necessary before any action. Doesn’t matter if you agree or disagree with the blasphemy laws. Everyone in the video should be arrested for their involvement and taken to court
The days of establishment is close to over. Soon Pak will not have money to keep this big fat army and establishment. Decades of lawlessness, corruption, useless judiciary, crooks ruling (or ruining) the nation, religious intolerance, illiteracy has put the country into verge of bankruptcy.

Now Pak cannot survive on loans of Saudia, UAE, China and IMF anymore as all are putting strict conditions on loans with very high interest rate and amount of loans too are not enough to float the economy. A big massive surgery is required but who will do this.

I doubt anything is going to change in this country. It will keep going as it is..
If miraculously we somehow get a visionary leader then course correction can be done. But i don't see any such leader in any of political parties as of yet.
False accusation or not a fair trial is necessary before any action. Doesn’t matter if you agree or disagree with the blasphemy laws. Everyone in the video should be arrested for their involvement and taken to court
Seeing how our judiciary / lawyers are radicalized OR how they bow down to pressure of extremists, its better this go to military court. But this won't happen, even if govt intends to do it like so.. Military won't involve. It loves to involve otherwise in other matters, but here it just sees tamasha .. it should learn from Egypt. How they crushed radicals. Entire middle east / Turkey / other muslim countries have ZERO tolerance against radicals like TLPs or their mindset. We are so lenient and its killing us
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I doubt anything is going to change in this country. It will keep going as it is..
If miraculously we somehow get a visionary leader then course correction can be done. But i don't see any such leader in any of political parties as of yet.

Do you know Saudia has agreed to deposit $3B in state bank of Pak with 4% of interest rate. This 4% is too high when sovereign country gives loans to another sovereign country. They also put the condition that Pak will return the loan in 72 hours if Pak goes bankrupt. IMF has agreed to give $1B billion loan only and that too on a very strict condition.

Pak cannot run (or survive) like this anymore.
These South Asian countries with their weak central governments are a 1000 years behind the rest of the world, they still practice mob justice in the 21st century, hell even sub Saharan Africa is more civilized!
This so shameful. The people involved in this horrendous, despicable crime are not Muslim. They are not even human, but rabid wild animals. They need to be hunted down and given the harshest punishment.

Unfortunately this is another example of our failed system. There will be investigations a few people arrested and thrown in jail. The TTP and other religious groups will protest and the courts and/or government will cave and let the criminals go, or st least reduce their sentences.

Democracy does not work in Pakistan. We need someone with a big stick that starts the day with giving these kind a people a thrashing and ending the day the same way.
I am not surprised over the incident because it was coming and any rational dur andesh person can see it, Govt and Army's constant surrender to TLP's demands and compensations after violence gives a clear message, we (Pakistanis) criticize how Modi coming to power empowered RSS and Hindu Terrorists while the state machinery stand and watch, in Pakistan same is happening except the Govt and Army has surrendered to these religious fanatics, if a stricter approach was taken after Salman Taseer's murder, the culprit was hanged with his funeral being done under LEA's and buried in a unknown grave that would have been a lot better, but our Jahil Awam make him a hero and a martyr. Funny thing is that many of those who pretend to be super Muslim and create all kinds of fake stories about the murdered individual after the alleged blasphemy forgets that lying and spreading lies is also against Islam, did they ever look under their own skin that what are they doing and what have they become ?

Blasphemy laws are extremely critical similar to many other Shariah laws, if misused then it create havoc and that is what we are seeing today, this poor individual even if he did something wrong then the people has no right to take matters in their hands, under Islam there is no one person or group that has power of being judge, jury and executioner. There is a process of through which such cases needs to be handled but arguing with these TLP and their likes is like banging your head over the wall until you die or lose consciousness cause they won't budge cause they don't listen to Quran or Hadeeth but their local Mullah, unfortunately they are biggest Mushriq's and Kafir's than the alleged blasphemer cause they are the one's who have made their local Mullah their God/Allah, whatever Qazi sahab said must be true like Quran? I grew up with teachings like Quran is haq and everything else can be questioned except Quran, every chapter begins with " In the name of Allah, The most merciful and compassionate " and yet none of these traits are shown from the todays Muslims behavior, yes of course its not all the Muslims and infact many are fed up with this more than the world itself, just like Muslims were pissed when Organizations like AQ and ISIS hijack the whole religion and declare themselves to be the protectors and guardians of it, who made them ? what gives them that authority ?

When Rasool Allah talked about the turmoil within Muslims, this is exactly what we see today as these people who claimed to be the champions of Islam are acting like rabid dogs. This is what our religion has come to that people like me, everyday wake up to pray that Allah please let there not be any incident or terrorism involving a Muslim, and then we see news like these which makes it hard to explain how this religion is on HAQ ? our resolve is strong but incidents like these weaken the position of Islam and Pakistan, and our Govt and establishment's incompetency over taking strict actions makes it even worse. It feels like that People in Pakistan are becoming hostage by their version of Islam, I am a big believer of One Islam and that Islam is of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, under which Quran is the highest Authority, which begs the Question from this Govt that what does Quran say about those who act barbaric and challenge the writ of Govt/State ? What did Hazrat Abu Bakr RA did when a group of Muslims challenge his authority and refused to pay Zakat ? what Hazrat Ali RA did when his Govt was established and a group went against it? Govt has/Must take action against these animals before all the good work done over the years will go down in gutters, Imran Khan/Bajwa/DG ISI must resign from their posts as they have been proven to be extremely incompetent over tackling extremists within the society, and we need a Govt strongly backed by Army which brings the society out of this crazy extremists mindset and mob mentality, we need to established law and Order, not just that but make sure that every Mullah, Aalim , Qazi , Religious scholar remains within the regulatory terms with govt, just like in UAE and other Arab countries, Masajids needs to be closed down after Esha Prayers, Mimbers must not be used for inflammatory speeches against the state or any individual or any religious/Non Religious minority or any case of blasphemy or etc and any Masjid or Imam barghar that is not regulating with Govt's set parameters must be forced to shut down and the imam or Mullah replaced by a different one. I know its a fools dream that such things can be done in Pakistan, but without these strong concrete decisions our youth will plunge further into the darkness of extremisms and as we always takes pride in our youth making the strength of Pakistan, they will become the walking time bombs and suicide bombers which will send Pakistan back into the stone age.

I wish countries like China, America and EU stop all business with Pakistan until the resignation of Civil military leadership and steps taken towards controlling rabid dogs like TTP/TLP, all trade and business must be halted and Pressure must be build upon the current govt as they are getting to cozy with the extremism.
There needs to be a thorough investigation. The nature or how the event unfolded does not explain the spontaneity of the barbaric incident.
Well nevertheless someone should not be killed in such a inhumane barbaric way. But there are thousands of foreigners who live and work in pakistan happily ,tourists come here and leave happily with a positive image. The big question is how things got so bad for that poor soul , and how he was connected with a blasphemy issue. A educated manager is simply not that dumb to issue blasphemous statements against a prophet ( PBUH) in a Muslim majority area. Maybe some worker in his factory isn't happy with him and he decided to teach him a lesson by wrongly accusing him of blasphemy.
As a people, our threshold for what counts as bad is pretty high. We are willing to put up with a lot of things so that we don't rock the boat. This is something I have observed relative to other peoples of the world. We like to call it perseverance. I could argue it is a form of submissiveness (beghairatee). It is perhaps a function of our history. Once that threshold is crossed, like other rational people, we are capable of solving problems. For example, the COVID pandemic crossed our "bad threshold" and NCOC did pretty well, to the surprise of many of us.

Unfortunately, when it comes to extremist thought our threshold is very very high. Recall how much we let things go bad with TTP before the nation decided this is too much. At every one of these increasingly problematic lynching incidents I think to myself, "this must be our threshold," but I am proven wrong every time. I am afraid we have a lot more that we are willing to live with. Things will get increasingly worse until the point where we decide as a nation that this is not us, or maybe it will be and it will be too late. We needed an APS to realize that TTP was bad and even that we've started to go soft on. God knows what it will take to wake us out of this slumber. I shudder to think what.
Actually that extremist and radical mindset of the majority has made that bad threshold unbreakable.
Would you be willing to talk against a Zia made blasphemy law and put you and your family members lives in danger?
Well nevertheless someone should not be killed in such a inhumane barbaric way. But there are thousands of foreigners who live and work in pakistan happily ,tourists come here and leave happily with a positive image. The big question is how things got so bad for that poor soul , and how he was connected with a blasphemy issue. A educated manager is simply not that dumb to issue blasphemous statements against a prophet ( PBUH) in a Muslim majority area. Maybe some worker in his factory isn't happy with him and he decided to teach him a lesson by wrongly accusing him of blasphemy.

That's exactly is my thought about incident. Some personal vendetta, giving it a look of blasphemy issue to get mob support. But point is the blasphemy laws have made it convenient for such criminals to do mob justice. How dare they can hide behind such thing so easily and think they will garner support. Any such support / any TLP or any local cleric showing support must be crushed and massive changes needs in laws. Once society starts to believe that they can no longer accuse or worst kill anyone with impunity and no support will showed to them.. Only then this menace will end.
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anonymity can't be a factor, they proudly declare that they'e murdered the blasphemer, take selfies, and give interviews. they've no intention of hiding, in their minds the have no reason to hide when they haven't done anything wrong.
impunity might be a factor. the reward (the euphoria, the possible future glory) often outweighs the risks. even if they're hanged, they'll be content as millions celebrate them in the streets. there's moral support.

and the existence of the law is definitely a factor. why do they so vehemently oppose it's removal? it gives legitimacy to anyone who wants to feel like a vigilante, I think it's nearly as much a factor as the socio-religious sanction. the state is admitting moral ground to the vigilante. and of course it's used as a tool to harrass people. small local blasphemy cases might contribute to embolden people to feel justified in greater acts. giving any kind of legal legitimacy to even the most minor of blasphemy cases contributes to the larger hysteria of vigilante violence.

Fair enough. I can see how the anti-beef laws in India have spawned an industry of vigilantism where people, operating with impunity, unleash mayhem among defenseless minorities

My comment on anonymity was directed more towards the mob, and not to those who carried out and admitted to the crime. These are the people that made the crime possible.
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