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A Soldier Reviews ‘Haider’ movie

How would this EX-ARMYMEN explain or justify the rapes his colleagues did in name of fighting so called terrorists ?
What is propaganda and brainwashing? How is public opinion formed? Look at the stories being told, all one-sided, all about poor tortured Kashmiris. How many movies have been made about Kashmiri pandits? So who is presenting the other side of the story? You think all these one-sided stories are just happening without any other intention behind it? Just entertainment?

So Bharadwaj is a lousy filmmaker, does that absolve him of his antipathy to our armed forces?
Do you really think a stupid movie would make an average Indian hate their army?

I guess reality bites. LOL, the poor chap has no mention of Indian Army rape/murder/killings. They were no different than the so called terrorists.

freaking bullshyt. No wonder, even today when they go in there, they get pelted with stones.
should google about army's rescue effort in Kashmir and how happy Kashmiris were by their efforts. If you still don't agree go join the Million march in London on 26th.
well atleast rondoos on our side don't kill someone if they speak out against them

be it film makers or journalists

when was the last time a film maker in your country had the guts to make a movie on human rights violations in balochistan

Did you forget Indian army human rights violations and Extra judicial killings in assam ?
Do you really think a stupid movie would make an average Indian hate their army?

should google about army's rescue effort in Kashmir and how happy Kashmiris were by their efforts. If you still don't agree go join the Million march in London on 26th.

Two wrongs don't make a right. Indian Army did countless rape/murders/killings/torture on those who deserved none. There is a reason why hostility still prevails in the region, and unless India sorts it out (which will take a whole generation, since most of current generation, Born pre1990s, has seen this brutality), it will remain deep rooted.

Did you forget Indian army human rights violations and Extra judicial killings in assam ?

Well, not just Assam, add Punjab to it as well.
Do you really think a stupid movie would make an average Indian hate their army?

There are enough stupid Indians out there who think nationalism is dangerous. There are enough stupid people out there who give coordinates of our personal when a war is happening. There are enough stupid Indians who hate our armed forces enough and are raging insurgencies in various corners of our country. You think India is United States where there are hardly any fault lines and no enemy nation as neighbors?
There are enough stupid Indians out there who think nationalism is dangerous. There are enough stupid people out there who give coordinates of our personal when a war is happening. There are enough stupid Indians who hate our armed forces enough and are raging insurgencies in various corners of our country. You think India is United States where there are hardly any fault lines and no enemy nation as neighbors?
weren't such people got slapped right across their collective faces by the huge mandate to BJP? Power is with BJP they will deal with such things, let them do it silently.
. .
We have spoken before and there is no need for you to lecture me on your leadership.

when have we spoken?? i truly don't remember... can you post link to that discussion??
Two wrongs don't make a right. Indian Army did countless rape/murders/killings/torture on those who deserved none. There is a reason why hostility still prevails in the region, and unless India sorts it out (which will take a whole generation, since most of current generation, Born pre1990s, has seen this brutality), it will remain deep rooted.
I agree many wrongs have been committed by people in army but to suggest its being used as a policy is wrong. And Army did inquire about such cases, and many have been convicted.

Since we already have the Kashmir there is no hurry, we will wait for couple of more generation to make sure no such hostilities remain.
LOL.....half a million hindus and Sikhs were massacred, according to this idiot.

Always overstate civilian casualties, but understate Indian Army killed civilians.

I mean, did he really serve in kashmir at that time?

What a farce.
Did you forget Indian army human rights violations and Extra judicial killings in assam ?

things are much more peaceful out there in comparison to the land of pure where army has to drop bombs on their own people to recapture lost territory
weren't such people got slapped right across their collective faces by the huge mandate to BJP? Power is with BJP they will deal with such things, let them do it silently.

Such people got slapped because majority of Indians understood the wrong they stood for. Yet they have not been punished for all the wrong they did. Majority of them still control the media and still try to mold public opinion. India has paid a high price controlling the conflagration fanned by these idiots. That price is paid by the common Indians in bearing our huge defense budgets. It becomes our duty to point out these people and run our counter information campaign so that more innocents do not fall prey to their machinations.
I agree many wrongs have been committed by people in army but to suggest its being used as a policy is wrong. And Army did inquire about such cases, and many have been convicted.
Since we already have the Kashmir there is no hurry, we will wait for couple of more generation to make sure no such hostilities remain.
He says countless and on those who deserved none.
I agree many wrongs have been committed by people in army but to suggest its being used as a policy is wrong. And Army did inquire about such cases, and many have been convicted.

Since we already have the Kashmir there is no hurry, we will wait for couple of more generation to make sure no such hostilities remain.

The so called Kashmiri movement is dying down anyway, with proper economic impetus and bringing infrastructure, jobs and overall growth of Kashmir like its begun to happen right now, the final nail to the coffin will be hammered in.
I agree many wrongs have been committed by people in army but to suggest its being used as a policy is wrong. And Army did inquire about such cases, and many have been convicted.

Since we already have the Kashmir there is no hurry, we will wait for couple of more generation to make sure no such hostilities remain.

The Indian Army policy was clearly wrong. Pakistan tried similar heavy handed approach in Balochistan in 1960s,70s and 80s. It didn't work. So now, in order to pacify the locals, Army has gone from being heavy handed to more like coordinated surgical strikes on thorough intelligence. Their leaders have been taken out, their sources of funding squeezed and above all Army has done civilian reconstruction. That is why you hear every now and then that 3000 so and so BLA fighters surrendered their arms. They are given a choice: You do anti state activities, you will be killed. You give up, you get full amnesty and no prosecution. That is why BLA blowing up a power pylon is their greatest achievement today. You don't go on blind killing rampage. It has never worked.

Half a million hindus and sikhs killed?

Can someone please post a credible source?
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