sweaty! the reason why US ran away from Afghanistan the way it did, with its tail b/w its legs by august 2021 even though the date of withdrawal was of 11 September 2021 WAS BECAUSE SOMEBODY HAD PUT THAT IN NATO HEAD THAT PAKISTAN IS ABOUT TO CLOSE OFF THEIR BOTH LAND AND AIR SUPPLYLINES! AGAIN! LIKE WE DID BEFORE IN 2011 FOR 6 MONTHS WHEN THEY ATTACKED OUR SALALAH BORDER POST KILLING OUR 26 SOLDIERS.
You must have remembered it since yr Greece was also part of NATO forces back then in there. The entire supply was stopped for the entire 140,000 ISAF troops of the 48 countries being there which included that 28 member NATO too.
The situation became so bad for ISAF that that by the 4/5th month of the blockage they had no fuel for their MRAPs to even do the city patrols, Forget abt long range patrols b/w Kabul and Kandahar. All the while started receiving unusually high number of Taliban raids on their troops, and camps/bases. That's also when Taliban penetrated inside Bagram Air Base and destroyed a bunch of their fuel starved aircrafts (i think they were f18 mostly) there too, which made headlines in international media back then.
This is also the main reason why America knowing very well of our support to Taliban couldn't cross the border to hit their camps in Pakistan. But only found content in writing in their print media abt it. haha
And that's also how Taliban under our guidance were able to takeover Kabul within what 1 or two weeks after their withdrawal.
So yes, we have done the same for Pakistan! and now America is abt to again get our bases and use our airspace to spy or kill Taliban AGAIN! Giving us another opportunity to scam them!
The aide US used to give to Pak, Pak used to handover to Taliban to continue their war effort.
And thats how my friend America was defeated after fighting its longest war of almost 21 years in Afghanistan!