Thats really cool
So can you please tell me my eyesight of -0.75 in 6/6 kind of scale?
I believe One day I will do that 6/6 thing too
see , that 6/6 thing is basically a "rough estimate" !!! its not the exact thing that where your eyes stand !
EYES have many features like :
*these have sharpness of vision(the range in which vision is harp may vary from person to person)
*eyes perceive colours
*eyes perceive shades/contrasts
*eyes undergo sbrupt movements/reflexes (eg, your eyelids close abruptly when there is a sudden loud noise produced)
*and so on..
so this 6/6 thing from a chart is just a rough estimate of your sharpness of vision ONLY !
this sharpness you may regard as the resolution of your eye :p like a camera has :p .. n is called VISUAL ACUITY !
so, if you eye sight is -0.75 , it means that you either got this number from computerized measurement of eyesight or through the frame-and lens measurements that eye specilists used to have(some still use)
-0.75 is actually, -0.75D where D stand for Diopters !
and it means that you are 'short sighted' by just and just -0.75 D
When you ll stand infront of a snellens eye chart(tht measures in 6/6 thing)(i am talkiing about the chart we had in our hospital) , i think so that you ll have problem reading the 2nd last line ! or may be a ver very lil trouble in 3rd last line !
(those who read 2nd last line are 6/6 , and having 6/6 doesn mean that you are normal, since i told you computerized and (by lenses and frame method) the actuall eye sight is measured !)
(while those who read the very small last line are 6/5 :p :p )
(some charts have another line for 6/4 , and some even have for 6/3 :p :p , and so on the last line its written usually that for how much visual strength it denotes
so, at a stage if -0.75 , there will be a slight or lil more trouble in reading the 2nd last line !
just search in google images Snellen's Chart , and you ll see many versions of it ! The most common one is that is upto 5. thts the last line with 5 written over the line and 36 written on first line .
I am giving this info to you so that you relax :p
and that i terribly miss that here is no one to give me the information that i need :p lolll