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A.Q.Khan Discusses Pakistan's Nuclear Program in TV Talk Show

This man deserves respect and a lot of it. He was the first person who came into Pakistan and started working without any desire for fame, money or reward but only the defense of this homeland. Even if he has done nothing, he was the person who started the program and we as the countrymen owe highest levels of respect to every person who has contributed towards its progress, safety and defense.


Enough said and most of all well said.
what I find suprising is those people here who are critics of A.Q Khan are talking as if they have developed the whole thing.
Baat aisey kar rahey hai, jaisay in ka abha jee nuclear technology lay kar aya tha.
Give pakistan 1% of what A.Q has and then talk.
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This man deserves respect and a lot of it. He was the first person who came into Pakistan and started working without any desire for fame, money or reward but only the defense of this homeland. Even if he has done nothing, he was the person who started the program and we as the countrymen owe highest levels of respect to every person who has contributed towards its progress, safety and defense.
You know nothing then...It was not him who started atomic program..it was Dr Munir Khan.

---------- Post added at 03:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:28 AM ----------

Enough said and most of all well said.
what I find suprising is those people here who are critics of A.Q Khan are talking as if they have developed the whole thing.
Baat aisey kar rahey hai, jaisay in ka abha jee nuclear technology lay kar aya tha.
Give pakistan 1% of what A.Q has and then talk.
He's gotten more then 1% by selling centrifuges to Libya and Iran :angry:
We have enormous resources, and manpower is the most important of all. We made possible what Western analysts had declared impossible for us.
I had a lot of respect for him mate.Its not that i am a unpatriotic pakistani but what he is doing now is just giving Pakistan bad PR all over the world..and proliferation done by him is going to hurt pakistan until eternity we were almost given Nuclear state status unless the details of this guy network were known now i know you will say some army generals too might be invovled and i agree if they were aq khan should expose them in court which he never does..if anything he should be tried and i am all for accounting army men too if they were involved.
and anyone who is willing to get info regarding nuclear program should head to pakdef.info/forum and discuss it with M_Ahmed.He is a nuclear guru and will surely answer any question regarding AQ Khan.

How are you? It is ridiculous you saying he should expose the Army generals involved in the nuclear proliferation network like it's a piece of cake. The man has been in house arrest for nearly 6 years, and (note: Army Generals are never brought to justice. Has Musharraf been brought to justice? Zia, Hameed Gul for IJI, Aslam Baig, anyone).
And do you actually believe that this single person was dealing with the Libyan and Iranian and Korean governments, without the Pakistani government, army and ISI noticing. This might happen in a world of wonders but this is not the wonderland, it is real world.
i havenot met him but through mails which i sent him and he replied while discissing some engineering related issues and project which i did , i found that he is not so happy with current situation regarding restrictions on him,

this is really a cunning situation , i have not applied in KANNUP PIEAS PAEC coz of this . it affects personal life of one,
The one who has secured lives of 170 millions pakitani and we sleep comafortably coz of his efforts and he now cannot sleeep comfortably, this thing really change the mind of ones who wanna do some thing 4 country
and his one mail which i have in my inbox oh my GOD i can feel his EMOTIONS what he wrote in it, he reaally annoyed of restrictions over him
Atleast i am so sad and worried about what is happening with our National Hero,
Have anyone seen the last episode of Dr. Shahid Masoud on ARY.. where he pick up A.Q Khan issue...

Children should not argue about things which they don't understand and making decisions by false reasoning will get false results.

A Q was a God figure when he was the strongman---not a sparrow flew over kahuta without his permission---he had news writers and columnists at his payroll writing great things about him all the time---when in power he had the last and final word over any and every issue---he had to seek no one's permission to fly in and fly out in the millitary c 130 out of the country---his order was the word of god.

This interview shows a very spiteful man---who cares for his personal ego more than anything else---A Q was another cog in the wheel---almost everyone of them were invisible except for him.

Children should not argue about things which they don't understand and making decisions by false reasoning will get false results.

A Q was a God figure when he was the strongman---not a sparrow flew over kahuta without his permission---he had news writers and columnists at his payroll writing great things about him all the time---when in power he had the last and final word over any and every issue---he had to seek no one's permission to fly in and fly out in the millitary c 130 out of the country---his order was the word of god.

This interview shows a very spiteful man---who cares for his personal ego more than anything else---A Q was another cog in the wheel---almost everyone of them were invisible except for him.
And who were you then? His cashier? Huh.... Do you have any kind of proves what you are saying here? I don't think so. Can you name some columnists.

yeah army was just sleeping and AQ Khan was king to order and we were doing this to keep our N program covert:devil::devil:

I think you need a good couple of hour sleep.

No offense was intended but your post really triggered me.
And who were you then? His cashier? Huh.... Do you have any kind of proves what you are saying here? I don't think so. Can you name some columnists.

yeah army was just sleeping and AQ Khan was king to order and we were doing this to keep our N program covert:devil::devil:

I think you need a good couple of hour sleep.

No offense was intended but your post really triggered me.

Hi Kiddo,

Listen and learn---and if you don't want to---that is fine too.

Did I ever tell you the story about Dr Samar Mubarakmand's chicken that flew over the wall to our side---got mixed up with others and then it ended up as dinner. :yahoo::yahoo:
Yeah I want to Uncle but there must be some sense. This tussle of Sammar Mubbarak Mand with AQ Khan is not new. It is there since 1998. Dinner with him surely would be great but would you like to base your opinion without having similar dinner with AQ khan. If you will listen just one side of story it will not convince (at least me). I never believed that AQ made a bomb alone as real weaponization was not his domain of knowledge but Uranium enrichment was without which Pakistan was in no position to made a Uranium based N program.

PAEC initiated program following traditional plutonium based and mark my word had we keep on that track we would not have a single bomb by this day as there was no reactor to produce plutonium required for bomb.

Every scientist, technician is a hero be it Samar Mubbarak or AQ Khan but putting all the blame on one man for a crime which was not committed by him alone is not fair. In 2004, only way out for Pakistan was possible if AQ khan accept all this Nuclear dealings as his own deeds not by army otherwise we both know very well how quickly Pakistani WMD could have replaced Iraqi WMD in world media, press briefings of US officials and finally in UNO.... rest would history.
Khan sahab is our nation's hero. He is FATHER OF ISLAMIC BOMB.May GOD's mercy be upon him.
I guss, yes he was the , founder figure of pakistan's N-bomb!
but, like IMRAN KHAN, he is been played by , unworthy & crupt politicians, who knew , his weekneses.
i mean, his age & his desire , to work further more, which can be dangerous, for pakistan in the future, i guss! he is suffereing from a brain sndrome. kinda things, from which he, thinks that! he was been DISGRACED, unfairly used, or UNDERRESPECTED ?
by, the way! folks , he was OUR ONLY "JAMES BOND", indeed!;)

i guss, GOP shoud incourge, him & should try to take out his syndrome with love,& give him some , SITRA's in a reaspectfull cermony & make him a head of some UNI, & give him the same security, with hounor!:azn:
i think, GEN, musharaf did a hury, in his affairs! but gen. musharf did the right, thing!:smokin:
in the end, he will be remmembered, as the founding FATHER OF PAKISTAN's N-BOMB, there is no, 2nd opinion in that:tup:, others who did , copreated to make the BOMBS, are also should get respect & hounor.:agree:
by the way, he is very strict man, in the terms , of SECRET missions, specialy in DUBAI, one of my friends , was indeed his CSEs.:eek:;):pakistan:
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