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A Proud Pakistani Female Wants to join the Army

I hate to be the one to throw water on this but I would consider what this is going to cost you and I don't mean career wise. Unless you're aiming for a desk job, I can guarantee you that you will need knee surgery within 3 years and a bad back within 5. They don't call war a young man's game for no reason.

Yep I second that.......

Also most kit (especially boots) is created for men. And almost none of it is for women. This creates biomechanical problems which are worse for women than for men.
I hate to be the one to throw water on this but I would consider what this is going to cost you and I don't mean career wise. Unless you're aiming for a desk job, I can guarantee you that you will need knee surgery within 3 years and a bad back within 5. They don't call war a young man's game for no reason.

Officer and Keyseroze I agree with both of you, but scientifically women have a higher rate of tolerance. Now I would say that women going in PAF(one of worlds best air force's) was probably unimaginable but there are not just making it but they are doing it with sword of honor and now even a Sikh has even enrolled. Sure its unimaginable in the start but 'A True Pakistani' will surprise all of us when she makes it into the army after a few years.:pakistan:
A couple of points that may help...

The only option for you, at least in the Pakistan Army, is to go through what is known as the "Technical Graduate course". You can use your technical background and degrees to get a commission in the Army.

The Army is taking men and women into engineering and IT branches through this path for service in technical arms (EME, Engineers, as well as the newer C4I directorate). You may have to go through a year long training at the PMA (if selected), however age requirements and your physical fitness etc. would have to be examined by the Army.

The best way to get information about the Technical Graduate program is to reach out to the Army Selection and Recruiting Centers all over the country. The list of ASRCs is here:

Pakistan Army - AS&RCs

One point, usually the Technical Graduate courses are run on an as-needed basis by the army (depending on shortage of engineers etc. within the Army) so I hope they are currently running this course.
but scientifically women have a higher rate of tolerance.
Never borned out in the top regiments. Now, women have even passed the much vaunted SAS course but none has ever been invited to join those prestigious regiments (top 5 percentile which invariably are always men).
Sure its unimaginable in the start but 'A True Pakistani' will surprise all of us when she makes it into the army after a few years.:pakistan:
If she can make it, then bless her but given the Pak Army ethos of leading from the front, she is not only required of keeping up with 20 year old boys but keep in front of them. To start this from 30 years old instead of 20 as both Keys and I did, she has not learned the tools of the leadership that us old war horses have long since learned.
officer of Engineers, thank you for your input. I had the same concern bcz I do not have 'excellent' health. Maybe abt 10 years ago, it would have been an entirely different story altogether but now maybe not as a 'fighter' but something else. But let's see.

blain2, thanks you so much for the list. Great info indeed. I've been to fortress stadium couple of times so shouldnt be difficult to find the centre. Besides, after my pre-engineering, bcz of being in the middle east during 1994-1996, I had no option but to switch subjects to business as that part of the world is extremely backward education wise. so I do not have technical/IT education or background.

Anyway, thanks all for your input.
And you want to join the army?

LOGISTICS is the trade that gets you your food, ammo, and most importantly, your paycheque.
In the business world, logistics is keeping record of the amount of stock a company/business enterprise holds of their products in their warehouse and stores. In other words, keeping record of the stock situation (availability/non-availability/what's needed/what's needed to be discarded/what's sold,etc.) of a company's products is called LOGISTICS. It would be nice to know how the term is used in the army.

And you want to join the army?

LOGISTICS is the trade that gets you your food, ammo, and most importantly, your paycheque.
In the business world, logistics is keeping record of the amount of stock a company/business enterprise holds of their products in their warehouse and stores. In other words, keeping record of the stock situation (availability/non-availability/what's needed/what's needed to be discarded/what's sold,etc.) of a company's products is called LOGISTICS. It would be nice to know how the term is used in the army.

And you want to join the army?

LOGISTICS is the trade that gets you your food, ammo, and most importantly, your paycheque.
Pretty well the same thing except you're also monitoring usage and delivery/non-delivery/replacement delivery, and both depot and transport protection.
Welcome aboard True Pakistani Baji, we need more women like you. :enjoy:
Keep up the spirit!

Neo :sniper:

hey NEO here i another baji!
it might be difficult to join army but not the PAF.because they already have a big bunch of women out there.infact a pretty bunch:cool:
so please please help
i want to join pAF and remember i am 23 years old.so tell me the way other than GDP.:wave:
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