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A Professor of Zoology in Bannu Apologize in front of Mullahs for Teaching Theory of Evolution


Jan 21, 2015
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Clerics in Bannu district have forced a senior zoology teacher of the Government Postgraduate Degree College to denounce English naturalist Charles Darwin’s theory of biological evolution and mixed-gender gatherings, and declare that women are inferior to men.


Assistant Professor Sher Ali gave a three-page undertaking to the deputy commissioner’s office that “all scientific and rational ideas, which were in contradiction to Islamic Sharia, including Darwin’s theory of evolution, are falsehood.”

He also declared that he believed in women’s inferiority to men “in terms of wisdom as stipulated by the Sharia and declared that unnecessary mingling of women with men is not allowed.”

The senior teacher also renounced his speeches in seminars, lectures, and social media posts for being “contrary to the teachings of Islam” and said if something untoward happened to him, the clerics of Domel area of Bannu district would bear no responsibility for it.

Sher Ali also resents mixed-gender gatherings, calls women inferior to men

Mr Ali, who holds MSc degree in zoology from the University of Peshawar and MPhil’s in human genetics from the Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad, reportedly addressed a seminar on Oct 5 in Domel area about women’s rights in light of the Constitution and the law.

His remarks didn’t sit well with local clerics, who convened a meeting and accused him of “spreading debauchery and speaking against Islam and local culture,” and demanded strict action against him by authorities.

As the issue caused an outcry on social media, the assistant professor took to Facebook, where he has over 20,000 followers, to “clarify” his position on Darwin’s theory of evolution.

Holding a biology textbook of the intermediate course published by the KP Textbook Board, he insisted that he was teaching biological evolution as part of the course.

“Chapter 24 of the biology textbook discusses Darwin’s theory of biological evolution and if someone has problems with this topic, then they should approach the government for the removal of the chapter from the course,” he said.

Mr Ali also said if he didn’t teach the topic, the students would question his teaching ability.

He added that he always taught Darwin’s theory of evolution after seeking the consent of his students.

“I always ask them [students] whether they’re interested in studying this chapter, and if they say yes, only then I proceed,” he said.

After the district administration intervened, clerics and the professor agreed to resolve the issue. Mr Ali submitted an undertaking to the office of Bannu deputy commissioner renouncing his thoughts on Darwin’s theory.

A Facebook video showed him reading 11 points of the undertaking, which was signed by both the clerics as well as the professor.

When contacted, the professor refused to discuss the issue with this correspondent.

A senior district administration official told Dawn that the issue had been discussed on social media for two weeks prompting the administration to bring both sides to the table to resolve it.

He said Prof Sher Ali told clerics in the meeting that social media posts regarding purdah (veil) or women’s rights didn’t belong to him and that they’re “digitally altered.”

The official said both sides agreed to resolve the issue amicably.

Published in Dawn, October 22th, 2023


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I mean just for the sake off denial is okay,

Mullah not try to understand world level muslims problems is is major problem
Clerics in Bannu district have forced a senior zoology teacher of the Government Postgraduate Degree College to denounce English naturalist Charles Darwin’s theory of biological evolution and mixed-gender gatherings, and declare that women are inferior to men.

View attachment 964679

Assistant Professor Sher Ali gave a three-page undertaking to the deputy commissioner’s office that “all scientific and rational ideas, which were in contradiction to Islamic Sharia, including Darwin’s theory of evolution, are falsehood.”

He also declared that he believed in women’s inferiority to men “in terms of wisdom as stipulated by the Sharia and declared that unnecessary mingling of women with men is not allowed.”

The senior teacher also renounced his speeches in seminars, lectures, and social media posts for being “contrary to the teachings of Islam” and said if something untoward happened to him, the clerics of Domel area of Bannu district would bear no responsibility for it.

Mr Ali, who holds MSc degree in zoology from the University of Peshawar and MPhil’s in human genetics from the Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad, reportedly addressed a seminar on Oct 5 in Domel area about women’s rights in light of the Constitution and the law.

His remarks didn’t sit well with local clerics, who convened a meeting and accused him of “spreading debauchery and speaking against Islam and local culture,” and demanded strict action against him by authorities.

As the issue caused an outcry on social media, the assistant professor took to Facebook, where he has over 20,000 followers, to “clarify” his position on Darwin’s theory of evolution.

Holding a biology textbook of the intermediate course published by the KP Textbook Board, he insisted that he was teaching biological evolution as part of the course.

“Chapter 24 of the biology textbook discusses Darwin’s theory of biological evolution and if someone has problems with this topic, then they should approach the government for the removal of the chapter from the course,” he said.

Mr Ali also said if he didn’t teach the topic, the students would question his teaching ability.

He added that he always taught Darwin’s theory of evolution after seeking the consent of his students.

“I always ask them [students] whether they’re interested in studying this chapter, and if they say yes, only then I proceed,” he said.

After the district administration intervened, clerics and the professor agreed to resolve the issue. Mr Ali submitted an undertaking to the office of Bannu deputy commissioner renouncing his thoughts on Darwin’s theory.

A Facebook video showed him reading 11 points of the undertaking, which was signed by both the clerics as well as the professor.

When contacted, the professor refused to discuss the issue with this correspondent.

A senior district administration official told Dawn that the issue had been discussed on social media for two weeks prompting the administration to bring both sides to the table to resolve it.

He said Prof Sher Ali told clerics in the meeting that social media posts regarding purdah (veil) or women’s rights didn’t belong to him and that they’re “digitally altered.”

The official said both sides agreed to resolve the issue amicably.

Published in Dawn, October 22th, 2023

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I also used to oppose the theory of evolution. But then I saw Quraan saying that we created life from water. Then Quraan said we created humane from dust. Then Quraan mentioned human development stages in detail.
Then I saw how an sperm which looks like an insect becomes a human.
But now: Amanar rasool bima unzila ilyk.

We definitely need to read Quraan.
Next they will make physics teacher to say that earth is flat. They don't understand that Koran is not a science book.
I also used to oppose the theory of evolution. But then I saw Quraan saying that we created life from water. Then Quraan said we created humane from dust. Then Quraan mentioned human development stages in detail.
Then I saw how an sperm which looks like an insect becomes a human.
But now: Amanar rasool bima unzila ilyk.
View attachment 964682

We definitely need to read Quraan.
I became a big supporter of the theory by second year of studying life sciences, especially when I learned cell biology. But as I advanced into more complex subjects such as analytical chemistry, biophysics and genetics, I could see the holes forming. And when I got to 4th year, learning advanced biochemistry and molecular biology, I abandoned the support as I learned that this concept is mostly nonsense. The only portion of it that is sensible is spatial speciation.
I mean just for the sake off denial is okay,

Mullah not try to understand world level muslims problems is is major problem
The study of evolution actually is of no practical benefit.

Let's suppose the Mullahs and everyone have consensus that evolution occurred and allow its study... what is the benefit? This is not a practical science that produces anything of benefit, unlike engineering, pharmacology, etc.

In simpler words, if I'm a physician/electrician/plumber/architect/salesman, believing or disbelieving in evolution or any of its subdomains has absolutely no effect on my professional output.

In a school system, where you only have a set amount of hours to teach a number of subjects, I'd rather have the curriculum teach something more practical that is will be helpful in daily life.
I became a big supporter of the theory by second year of studying life sciences, especially when I learned cell biology. But as I advanced into more complex subjects such as analytical chemistry, biophysics and genetics, I could see the holes forming. And when I got to 4th year, learning advanced biochemistry and molecular biology, I abandoned the support as I learned that this concept is mostly nonsense. The only portion of it that is sensible is spatial speciation.
evolution yes, darwinian evolution no, simple.
inferior women part is utter stupidity, those who forced this man to denounce his views in such way are idiots.
These Mullah don't have enough brain cells to even hold a debate over Evolution, there are more qualified people among Muslims who are countering the arguments, but Pakistani Mullah are thugs are dogs without a leash.
Congratulations to the government of Bannu for earning 100 Pkr.
He also declared that he believed in women’s inferiority to men “in terms of wisdom as stipulated by the Sharia and declared that unnecessary mingling of women with men is not allowed.”

Under constitution and the law, unnecessary mingling of men is also not allowed.

Assistant Professor Sher Ali

With a name like Sher Ali, he needs no crash course to being brave and truthful.

He said Prof Sher Ali told clerics in the meeting that social media posts regarding purdah (veil) or women’s rights didn’t belong to him and that they’re “digitally altered.”

The official said both sides agreed to resolve the issue amicably.

People of Bannu should demand their 100 Pkr back. Whose gonna investigate the cyber crime alleged by Ali?
I became a big supporter of the theory by second year of studying life sciences, especially when I learned cell biology. But as I advanced into more complex subjects such as analytical chemistry, biophysics and genetics, I could see the holes forming. And when I got to 4th year, learning advanced biochemistry and molecular biology, I abandoned the support as I learned that this concept is mostly nonsense. The only portion of it that is sensible is spatial speciation.
You know there is whole scientific procedure to nullify the theories
Why do not you follow that procedure and come up with a proper research to prove this theory wrong?
Come on dude,use your analytical chemistry skills and do something good for this mankind instead of "trust me bro Darwin was wrong " type arguments
You know there is whole scientific procedure to nullify the theories
Why do not you follow that procedure and come up with a proper research to prove this theory wrong?
Come on dude,use your analytical chemistry skills and do something good for this mankind instead of "trust me bro Darwin was wrong " type arguments
there are plenty but scientific community behaves in that regard as religious sect.
Under constitution and the law, unnecessary mingling of men is also not allowed.

With a name like Sher Ali, he needs no crash course to being brave and truthful.

He is brave enough to save his life, he has survived a bomb attack in 2022.
This is what got to them: 'addressed a seminar on Oct 5 in Domel area about women’s rights'

They threw in theory of evolution as a FU for added measure.

The theory is unsatisfactory, but from a scientific perspective, they teach it based on available evidence.
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