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A newly-released picture shows a large group of Indian soldiers captured by China PLA in Galwan Valley in 2020

I agree with you indeed they are not a threat but still remain the main frontline because there is no chellenge in the eastern side across the strait it comes easy there. Imo the first move will be India because it will pave the way for the new chinese age. Pakistan is ready here to launch including couple of other players who would tag along but the key element is to provoke an incident here and jump in from mulitple axis. All tho not now but down the line 2-3 decades from now perhaps 2 and half. India has to go in it's current format. We can share the spoils of india into 4 colonies meaning into 4 parts. One Pakistan part, One Chinese part, One IEA part and one North korean part. We can throw in around 3 million forces for this offensive alone from our side not adding what China-NK can bring on the table..

Pakistan often seems to me like also another that desires war between India and China. It benefits Pakistan I guess just like such a war benefits USA.

Sorry but any war with India is too pointless and just a waste even if a small waste or larger waste it is a waste. Our nation isn't about conquering India. We don't need that useless nothing land. This ladakh thing is about Tibet and right in the face of imperialist and racist attitudes which indians themselves are using and taking on. Believing they are modern imperialists partying with the white boys. They desired acceptance into club of rapists and looters and despite being victim like us a long time ago, turned around to be that too. India should be left alone but the situation not let go since they are definitely in the USA's camp. They often say only going towards USA because China is mean to them. This is just so fucking untrue.

They are the ones since the 1960s butting in on Chinese matters. Supporting Tibet independence and Xinjiang independence now. Imagine if since 1960s China support Kerala and Assam independence and armed Kashmir with rockets and bombs or at least give them money to source such things.

Pakistan would not touch India if such a war happened. Pakistan would simply sit and watch as the two of us attack each other.

India is not China, unless they initiate war or invade us, which they half tried since this is disputed land, then there is no war between us. We just want to complete our nation from western imperialism and finish our civil war. Then progress and develop without war. War in modern age is for the foolish but if it comes, at least CCP now unlike old China knows what the outside savages are like with violence and war and learned the lesson. If someone demand war and starts war, we need to finish them and finish the war.
Modi must be sacked. He is bringing too much humiliation for India. India shall get an actor for PM. At least he can give a better acting.

It is precisely these times when Modi is most beneficial for China but it is on knife's edge. He can easily be forced to act stupidly although I think he'll just use media to say nonsense so the typical bhakts are happy. China may or may not let him depending on how risky the situation is and how much benefit or loss there is involved in allowing Modi to play propaganda and what kind of propaganda. I suspect Indian and Chinese officials are in talks to engineer some way outs for Modi in return of course with promises for things that China wants such as buffer but that's something I doubt Modi can give right now.
Pakistan often seems to me like also another that desires war between India and China. It benefits Pakistan I guess just like such a war benefits USA.

Sorry but any war with India is too pointless and just a waste even if a small waste or larger waste it is a waste. Our nation isn't about conquering India. We don't need that useless nothing land. This ladakh thing is about Tibet and right in the face of imperialist and racist attitudes which indians themselves are using and taking on. Believing they are modern imperialists partying with the white boys. They desired acceptance into club of rapists and looters and despite being victim like us a long time ago, turned around to be that too. India should be left alone but the situation not let go since they are definitely in the USA's camp. They often say only going towards USA because China is mean to them. This is just so fucking untrue.

They are the ones since the 1960s butting in on Chinese matters. Supporting Tibet independence and Xinjiang independence now. Imagine if since 1960s China support Kerala and Assam independence and armed Kashmir with rockets and bombs or at least give them money to source such things.

Pakistan would not touch India if such a war happened. Pakistan would simply sit and watch as the two of us attack each other.

India is not China, unless they initiate war or invade us, which they half tried since this is disputed land, then there is no war between us. We just want to complete our nation from western imperialism and finish our civil war. Then progress and develop without war. War in modern age is for the foolish but if it comes, at least CCP now unlike old China knows what the outside savages are like with violence and war and learned the lesson. If someone demand war and starts war, we need to finish them and finish the war.

It is precisely these times when Modi is most beneficial for China but it is on knife's edge. He can easily be forced to act stupidly although I think he'll just use media to say nonsense so the typical bhakts are happy. China may or may not let him depending on how risky the situation is and how much benefit or loss there is involved in allowing Modi to play propaganda and what kind of propaganda. I suspect Indian and Chinese officials are in talks to engineer some way outs for Modi in return of course with promises for things that China wants such as buffer but that's something I doubt Modi can give right now.

War is not good obviously I agree with you by all accounts but if such a huge one was to be ignited there is no other way than to deplatform India. Pakistan doesn't seek anything in the region but if any misacalculation were to occur our intention is to completely deplatform India by invading it entirely with our newly found stragetic depth we will be indestructable stragetically and have inpregnatable landscapes even against nuclear outfalls. The plan is to goad them into an offensive to only counter them. The aim is clearly to end this circus
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In fact, the Chinese are not interested in Indian territory. India's territory lacks resources and has nothing but population, and China doesn't want India's population. China only wants to get Ladakh and protect the security of CPEC.
Finally, according to the public opinion of the people of southern Tibet, if they are willing to become Chinese, we will establish the autonomous region of southern Tibet. If they don't want to, let southern Tibet be independent.
In fact, the Chinese are not interested in Indian territory. India's territory lacks resources and has nothing but population, and China doesn't want India's population. China only wants to get Ladakh and protect the security of CPEC.
Finally, according to the public opinion of the people of southern Tibet, if they are willing to become Chinese, we will establish the autonomous region of southern Tibet. If they don't want to, let southern Tibet be independent.

You can never get these areas via limited skirmishes you either gotta break the camels back or walk away there is nothing inbetween these 2 choices I mean as in the long term future
War is not good obviously I agree with you by all accounts but if such a huge one was to be ignited there is no other way than to deplatform India. Pakistan doesn't seek anything in the region but if any misacalculation were to occur our intention is to completely deplatform India by invading it entirely with our newly found stragetic depth we will be indestructable stragetically and have inpregnatable landscapes even against nuclear outfalls. The plan is to goad them into an offensive to only counter them. The aim is clearly to end this circus

China's focus is always on the East. For South Asia, China will only focus on protecting the security of CEPC and Pakistan. If it is not necessary, the Chinese are unwilling to fight a war across the Qinghai Tibet Plateau.

India is a country with a population of more than 1 billion. China can defeat it for the time being, but it cannot completely destroy it. Moreover, the Chinese people have always believed that if the Chinese Army invades Indian territory, it will only make Indians unite to resist the invaders, and finally a unitev and unified India will be born in such a defend War.
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War is not good obviously I agree with you by all accounts but if such a huge one was to be ignited there is no other way than to deplatform India. Pakistan doesn't seek anything in the region but the India provocations if it leads to any misacalculation our intention is to completely deplatform India by invading it entirely with our newly found stragetic depth we will be indestructable stragetically and have inpregnatable landscapes even against nuclear outfalls. The plan is to goad them into an offensive to only counter them. The aim is clearly to end this circus

Pakistan seeks a Kashmir that is either a part of Pakistan or at least a reliable buffer with India and one that is Muslim majority.

China just wants India to stop pushing Tibet independence and stop claiming our land. of Aksai Chin at least. Even the surrounding areas which are up to China's claims were China in the past and before British left India.

If they stopped all this and stopped the international propaganda they keep using, then no issue with India at all from China. None. China would continue being close with Pakistan just like we are on good terms with Iran and Saudi Arabia and also Israel. Maybe ties with Pakistan reduces a little bit if India and China tensions are resolved. The problem is India had one leader after another in the pocket of western powers and in the pocket of Indian elite classes.

If India asks for war and starts the war then we will respond to them but we will not start something because we have no intention to capture India like England for example. All the maps before British Indian demarcation showed Chinese claim lines up to those borders were part of Tibet which is China.

As for deplatforming India it cannot be done. Even if China, USA, Russia, France, Pakistan, and UK attacked India together, we could not destroy them. It is a country of over 1 billion. What China can try to do is show India strength and try to get them to stop bothering us. That is the best result for both India and China.

Indian provocations because Kashmir is unresolved. To be fair to Indians, they are also attacked by Pakistan and the Kashmir issue is trickier than this disputed land in Ladakh which history shows was administered by Tibet AKA China. British bastards drew lines right into Aksai Chin and we didn't agree but what can you do back then? Just like Japanese took the Diaoyu islands after war and then despite being asked by treaties to give taken islands back after they lost, they still claimed it and in recent years USA support them due to convenience. History again also proves in black and white this island was Chinese until change of Chinese governments and power weakening and then war where Japan took control.

If Pak and India resolve Kashmir and India and China resolve Ladakh, much more potential for peace but bhakts always shout about superiority and like to dominate and pretend they are powerful. So they act and vote according to those subsurface behavior and mentality. It cannot be resolved yet and USA is the only one with glee in Asian troubles. Of course propaganda from India and USA always will be China is bad and the one who is aggressive even if truth is opposite!
China's focus is always on the East. For South Asia, China will only focus on protecting the security of CEPC and Pakistan. If it is not necessary, the Chinese are unwilling to fight a war across the Qinghai Tibet Plateau.

We cannot spread military forces so thin like that.

China's strategy is to secure relations with Iran and Saudi Arabia and Russia for energy and in the meantime have Pakistan too as our regional ally due to India status. CPEC is part of grand decades to centuries long strategy just like BRI.

It is part of disengaging directly with USA. USA attacks from the east, we put military efforts there but USA's attacks are propaganda and trade in nature. We counter their psychological and trade attacks with moves to west.
You think these PLA soldiers or general can attack Indian openly without Xi's order?
Of course not, and that's why news of this got to Beijing so slowly, and kept broiling for so long.
Pakistan seeks a Kashmir that is either a part of Pakistan or at least a reliable buffer with India and one that is Muslim majority.

China just wants India to stop pushing Tibet independence and stop claiming our land. of Aksai Chin at least. Even the surrounding areas which are up to China's claims were China in the past and before British left India.

If they stopped all this and stopped the international propaganda they keep using, then no issue with India at all from China. None. China would continue being close with Pakistan just like we are on good terms with Iran and Saudi Arabia and also Israel. Maybe ties with Pakistan reduces a little bit if India and China tensions are resolved. The problem is India had one leader after another in the pocket of western powers and in the pocket of Indian elite classes.

If India asks for war and starts the war then we will respond to them but we will not start something because we have no intention to capture India like England for example. All the maps before British Indian demarcation showed Chinese claim lines up to those borders were part of Tibet which is China.

As for deplatforming India it cannot be done. Even if China, USA, Russia, France, Pakistan, and UK attacked India together, we could not destroy them. It is a country of over 1 billion. What China can try to do is show India strength and try to get them to stop bothering us. That is the best result for both India and China.

Indian provocations because Kashmir is unresolved. To be fair to Indians, they are also attacked by Pakistan and the Kashmir issue is trickier than this disputed land in Ladakh which history shows was administered by Tibet AKA China. British bastards drew lines right into Aksai Chin and we didn't agree but what can you do back then? Just like Japanese took the Diaoyu islands after war and then despite being asked by treaties to give taken islands back after they lost, they still claimed it and in recent years USA support them due to convenience. History again also proves in black and white this island was Chinese until change of Chinese governments and power weakening and then war where Japan took control.

If Pak and India resolve Kashmir and India and China resolve Ladakh, much more potential for peace but bhakts always shout about superiority and like to dominate and pretend they are powerful. So they act and vote according to those subsurface behavior and mentality. It cannot be resolved yet and USA is the only one with glee in Asian troubles. Of course propaganda from India and USA always will be China is bad and the one who is aggressive even if truth is opposite!

We cannot spread military forces so thin like that.

China's strategy is to secure relations with Iran and Saudi Arabia and Russia for energy and in the meantime have Pakistan too as our regional ally due to India status. CPEC is part of grand decades to centuries long strategy just like BRI.

It is part of disengaging directly with USA. USA attacks from the east, we put military efforts there but USA's attacks are propaganda and trade in nature. We counter their psychological and trade attacks with moves to west.

Great post I must say and diplomatically well put all tho I agree with you on all fronts I just disagree with the part where they can't be deplatformed they are very vulnerable it is just not apparent to you because it is due to some deep social dynamics but alas it is for another topic. Here is my prediction whoever deplatforms Bharat will become the next superpower in the world. There is one entity whos willing to undertake this deed and make this their obsession and make it happen who can also both logistically and realistically make it happen.
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DAMMIT, beaten by minutes...
Eff it, I'm still posting!

Pakistan seeks a Kashmir that is either a part of Pakistan or at least a reliable buffer with India and one that is Muslim majority.

China just wants India to stop pushing Tibet independence and stop claiming our land. of Aksai Chin at least. Even the surrounding areas which are up to China's claims were China in the past and before British left India.

If they stopped all this and stopped the international propaganda they keep using, then no issue with India at all from China. None. China would continue being close with Pakistan just like we are on good terms with Iran and Saudi Arabia and also Israel. Maybe ties with Pakistan reduces a little bit if India and China tensions are resolved. The problem is India had one leader after another in the pocket of western powers and in the pocket of Indian elite classes.

If India asks for war and starts the war then we will respond to them but we will not start something because we have no intention to capture India like England for example. All the maps before British Indian demarcation showed Chinese claim lines up to those borders were part of Tibet which is China.

As for deplatforming India it cannot be done. Even if China, USA, Russia, France, Pakistan, and UK attacked India together, we could not destroy them. It is a country of over 1 billion. What China can try to do is show India strength and try to get them to stop bothering us. That is the best result for both India and China.

Indian provocations because Kashmir is unresolved. To be fair to Indians, they are also attacked by Pakistan and the Kashmir issue is trickier than this disputed land in Ladakh which history shows was administered by Tibet AKA China. British bastards drew lines right into Aksai Chin and we didn't agree but what can you do back then? Just like Japanese took the Diaoyu islands after war and then despite being asked by treaties to give taken islands back after they lost, they still claimed it and in recent years USA support them due to convenience. History again also proves in black and white this island was Chinese until change of Chinese governments and power weakening and then war where Japan took control.

If Pak and India resolve Kashmir and India and China resolve Ladakh, much more potential for peace but bhakts always shout about superiority and like to dominate and pretend they are powerful. So they act and vote according to those subsurface behavior and mentality. It cannot be resolved yet and USA is the only one with glee in Asian troubles. Of course propaganda from India and USA always will be China is bad and the one who is aggressive even if truth is opposite!

We cannot spread military forces so thin like that.

China's strategy is to secure relations with Iran and Saudi Arabia and Russia for energy and in the meantime have Pakistan too as our regional ally due to India status. CPEC is part of grand decades to centuries long strategy just like BRI.

It is part of disengaging directly with USA. USA attacks from the east, we put military efforts there but USA's attacks are propaganda and trade in nature. We counter their psychological and trade attacks with moves to west.

If it is only to avoid the Strait of Malacca, the original Thai KRA canal plan is more appropriate than CEPC. It's close to the Mekong River. No one can challenge China's influence in that region. But the Chinese govt abandoned the KRA canal plan and chose CEPC. Then it must be the hope to integrate the economy of nearby areas through Pakistan's superior geographical location. Therefore, China needs to exert certain pressure on India to help Pakistan clean up domestic rebel organizations as soon as possible and restore a safe and stable investment environment.
It's hilarious to see the Whatsapp University alumni melting down on other forums. I thoroughly recommend members here take a safari.
It's hilarious to see the Whatsapp University alumni melting down on other forums. I thoroughly recommend members here take a safari.

Kindly pm me the link, if its not allowed to post links of other forums. Thanks
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