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A new vision of India that is 100% Hindu

Natural curiosity. If you ask @$$hole type question, wouldn't one enquire if you are one or no? It's like if someone suddenly puts a post in Bong language, natural curiosity will make you ask, are you a bong?

PS- I never deleted my post, might have been the mods.

I guess the 11 negative ratings you seem to have picked up along the way show clearly who is the a$$hole here.
yes bro,,,,its not religious n no need to address me as sir
these monsters deserve death,,,,,,,
one thing i want to convey is the fact that i find it disgusting how national media covered the whole incident,,,,,seems tht peshawar is way too close n we r far away from rest of the country,,,,
there has been a lot of violence in NE,,,,,but it never got air time on national news,,,,when 2012 riots were going on,,,,i was amazed by the response of media,,,,,,,i thought,things have changed,,,,,,ppl r aware.
but like a frnd of mine told me(while i was vehemently opposing him) that concern(media/politics) was due to the fact tht muslims were being affected n they were a vote bank.
now hate it whn bodos r portrayed as evil,backward tribals on media,,,,
another thing,,,,,Christian missionaries have nothing to do wid this incident.

Yep, your friend was right!!!

Our Left-Liberal 'secular' Lutyens Delhi based media is more concerned about Page 3 celebrities, sunny leone & Pakistan over fellow Indian states such as the NE-Indian states & the Telugu-speaking states.....etc

You must be surprised over why I included the Telugu speaking states(Telangana, AP)Let me give some examples why:-
1) The Movement for a separate Telangana State has been going on here for the last 10-15 years .Due to the incompetence of the ruling party+dramebaaz & inciting by some politicos(TRS) supporting this demand, over 1000 PEOPLE had committed suicide for a separate TG !!!!.:(:(
Some people claim that the no. is much more at 2000!!! :o:
Also there was so much tension & abuse running b/w both sides.
Yet until 2013 when congress decided to divide the state, there was not a SINGLE word from the media(Hindi+English) on this movement since this movement began . :(

2) The rampant muslim appeasement from KCR the new CM of TG.
When the UPA sarkar in Maharashtra gave 16% reservation to Marathas+5%reservation to muslims, the entire media pounced upon them.
But when the TG sarkar talks about 12% reservation to muslims +3% reservation to Christians(which exceeds 50%)+ talking about Giving christians the right to build churches without the permission of the DM or any authorities
The media didn't even bother squeaking a word about it.
& especially when the TG cm praised the Nizam who wanted to integrate his state with Pakistan & butchered thousands of Hindus through the Razakars.(all for the muslim vote-bank)
There has not been a single word from the media regarding the many instances of such insane minority appeasement from the TG govt.

3)There also hasn't been a single squeak from the media of the insane populist farm-loan waivers which the AP govt.+TG govt. are offering to the farmers. Both the sarkars plan to use public money to clear the a portion of the debt of the farmers of their states:hitwall::crazy:.
Had this happened in UP or Haryana, ArnabGoswami would have blasted the BJP+the SP.

There are many such examples like the above which I have stated, here is one last example where an ex-CM justifies political corruption to young bureaucrats by telling them that anyway money lost due to it anyway comes back to the people during elections:-
YET, the media remained silent about it

"Excess money with the politicians always comes back into the system during elections. So do not worry too much about political corruption. I am not saying encourage political corruption but you should think more about business corruption, officer corruption, etc," :facepalm:
Political corruption a holy cow! Read what Kiran Kumar Reddy has to say : South, News - India Today
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98% Muslims. We will only tolerate monotheists here.

We will not send our Hindus, we need them to make our roads and for sanitation jobs. Plus its good to have some to look 'multi cultural'.

We will take Muslims if they come with their lands ;)

Almost 90% of temples which stood in 47 have now been demolished in return for Babri and Dargah Hazrat Bal. :)

We will treat hindus in Pakistan, exactly how hindus treat Muslims in India.

Don't worry, we have 'Qisas' in store for them. We left 200 million Muslims behind for a very good reason. You are an egg, they can't swallow, unless 'you' wanna be 'cracked and fried'.

@Dalit - What is your opinion about this? :) I believe you missed the discussions at the time. I would like to know your POV.

Yaar could you please clear the mystery for me and tell me who was Horus before he became Horus?

I have asked him a couple of times but guess he's been busy.

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