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A New Political Party



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Feb 14, 2010
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You can observe people saying that there is no democratic political party in Pakistan and all political parties are move around one person or his family; further amendment in laws of party in a hand of party leader and that candidate for general election is nominated by Party Leader and not by members; he can expel any member even without any reason.

Until now no Government has finalize or stabilize the state departments, if one government makes a plan and next government always finish plans and starts its own even splitting or merging of different departments for their own purposes, it has been doing for last 60 years.

There is no political party who really tried for the federation of Islamic Nations although there are many bases on which it can be formed.

Every new government when it takes charge; People of Pakistan were informed that there is a shortage of Money so loan is very essential but no government tried to loan to be zero.

Everyone knows that education in Pakistan is being expensive yearly because Government is not spending money in education.

Every government promised that it will end the load-shedding of Electricity; it will strive for low-priced; it will increase the employment; it will give equal status to every people but it has never done.

That is why we formed a new political party with the name Justice and Development Party Pakistan.

We announce our Party’s manifesto as under: -

1. We will end public debt and lend; further will work for its prohibition.
2. We will end electricity load-shedding by joining of rivers in a way that river water will be enough for electricity production.
3. We will end sales tax and there shall be only three types of taxes, further we will introduce a new style of receiving income tax.
4. We will establish all government departments in all union councils, tehsils and districts of the country; further will work for stability of departments and regional sovereignty.
5. We will establish the same hierarchical method for all departments according to responsibilities and also the privileges on equity basis.
6. We will establish production factories in all tehsils of the country on equity basis enabling to increase employment.
7. We will end all hidden agreements between other countries, as well as between departments and / or governments.
8. We will update the whole system with two basics; union council and department.
9. We will strive for low prices by prohibiting the export of essential products until all tehsil have more than enough essential products for one year; further will work to fix the prices on month basis instead of daily basis.
10. We will establish the every chief and minister of department shall have to present performance report before people quarter-yearly. If chief and / or minister fail to complete minimum half of the target; he will have to resign.
11. We will establish free education, free heath, and pension for old; for all people on equity basis.
Schedule and Rules of intra-party election 2012 of Justice and Development Party Pakistan shall be announced during the month of December 2011 insha Allah. Every Pakistani person may vote in the intra-party election 2012 and no registration required and no fee at all for JDP voter.
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