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A Must Read Opinion About Pak Army - Death or Destruction

the article started from pak army and ended on Pakistan... was it about Army or Pakistan ? I think the author is confused like most military apologists !!!
We just incorporate FATA fully into Pakistan. That is the solution. These snakes will die once development comes. It's happening in Baluchistan and it will happen in FATA soon.

Yes exactly. This incorporation is the delicate matter. The tribals aren't used to being ruled, they aren't very well educated and are very set in their ancient ways. I'm trying no to use the words capricious and obtuse. Their's is the mentality which needs to be revamped and that is the most difficult part. They don't like change and how can you, as an outsider, ask them to leave everything that they've lived by and come adopt your way of life? The concept of identity for them needs to be made Pakistan centric instead of tribe or ethnicity centric, for starters. Make them except you as one of their own and then they will listen to you about education, law, rights, etc, etc. And the "assimilation", rather the amalgamation has to be complete and thorough (that goes for all of Pakistan) not just jurisdictional, with their cultural interests still being safe guarded.
the article started from pak army and ended on Pakistan... was it about Army or Pakistan ? I think the author is confused like most military apologists !!!

My God -- what a clever reply --- no wonder our LEADERS are like that !!! no material but full of junk rhetoric...
when we dont have proper education in these regions no mental development, no skills (besides being a mason), we dont teach our own people how to respect our own country how can we teach others to respect it and no one besides the army is taught to respect Pakistan as much as it deserves.
The media is a WEAPON which proves an innocent as guilty and a guilty as innocent this weapon must be taken care of Seriously, for it's high time now that Pakistans innocence to War on terrorism is time to time being proved as guilt and in this time of despair when no one is willing to lead the country to the right path inclusive of its own people who are the main cause of its disaster, i say no to politicians. The Army is also being challenged due to careless actions carried out by our Politicians. our people WANT POLITICIANS as they support these thefts and murderers.
Our police cant maintain security inside the country which is also HEAVILY responsible for the current situation of Pakistan as we have BHATTA KHORI in play causing businessmen being forced to flee the country.
There is no difference between DOCTORS, THEFTS & MURDERERS in Pakistan now.
after all these situations on the rise THANKS TO DEMOCRACY we better get the ARMY in coz "laaton ke bhoot baaton se nahin maan tay" we need serious LAW and ORDER.
The above mentioned things if dealt seriously, can surely clear the path of progress for Pakistan and we can swiftly proceed :D :)
honestly in my opinion DEMOCRACY of more of a threat than a save guard of the country. :)

Well Pakistan wont end up like Yugoslavia, im pretty sure Pakistani people understand the importance of Pakistan being a NUCLEAR ARMED state :D :cheers:

and mind you but This is :pakistan: Pakistan army :pakistan: NOT ill-disciplined, impotent like the Somali National Army (SNA)
No need to worry about Pakistan believe in Allah, As Allah says in the Quran: "And He provides for him from (sources) he never could imagine. And if anyone puts his trust in Allah, sufficient is (Allah) for him. For Allah will surely accomplish His purpose. Verily, for all things has Allah appointed a due proportion (Quran 65:3).
I disagree, we just have alot of gullible people who feel that Islam is under attack and everything going on is because of some conspiracy from the west.

The only thing I see for hope is that it is never too late for a clean up.


My little brother---I want to ask you a painful question----what if someone very dear and close to you has cancer---aty the first hint of it---you will have that person go through the treatment and have it removed---why---so that it does not spread---because once it does---there is no way out----.

Steve Jobs learnt it the hard way---now didn't he---. Same way with terrorist activity / insurgency---. It is also a cancer---you need to completely destroy it within the first 3 to 6 months---. After that it takes a life of its own----time is the worst enemy of the state---.

Just do what the muslim emperors and caliphs did to any insurgency during their time----.

You children are really illeterate---you have not read up on your own history---most of you are fakes---stop listening to your moms dads and grandfathers and uncles---just read up---look up for books in the libraries and do your own research---.
MK, those sahabas and emperors were the Leaders, now a days we have morons of highest caliber neither in the government nor in the Military to take real action all are divided and confused and looking for their own interests. The State is dieing a slow painful death atleast economically and in terms of human loses. Pakistan had two options one was to join WOT ask for the best equipment and enough on our terms opportunity we screwed and the other was tell them we are not going to be the part of this War not our War. Things got screwed up badly, all that claim this TTP and other groups would abandon with another government in power is not an easy job IK claims are unrealistic PTI will also have to deal the same old way. We are in a mess where sri-lanka took 27 Years to eradicate terrorism but these are a new breed of terrorists to eradicate them needs huge resources that we don't have the blame goes towards those who were in charge and jumped into this War without negotiating terms, funds and equipment agreeing and then going after terrorists, tighten your seat belts...

My little brother---I want to ask you a painful question----what if someone very dear and close to you has cancer---aty the first hint of it---you will have that person go through the treatment and have it removed---why---so that it does not spread---because once it does---there is no way out----.

Steve Jobs learnt it the hard way---now didn't he---. Same way with terrorist activity / insurgency---. It is also a cancer---you need to completely destroy it within the first 3 to 6 months---. After that it takes a life of its own----time is the worst enemy of the state---.

Just do what the muslim emperors and caliphs did to any insurgency during their time----.

You children are really illeterate---you have not read up on your own history---most of you are fakes---stop listening to your moms dads and grandfathers and uncles---just read up---look up for books in the libraries and do your own research---.

you hit the nail upfront!
but it can take just another COAS to reverse the policy?

My little brother---I want to ask you a painful question----what if someone very dear and close to you has cancer---aty the first hint of it---you will have that person go through the treatment and have it removed---why---so that it does not spread---because once it does---there is no way out----.

Steve Jobs learnt it the hard way---now didn't he---. Same way with terrorist activity / insurgency---. It is also a cancer---you need to completely destroy it within the first 3 to 6 months---. After that it takes a life of its own----time is the worst enemy of the state---.

Just do what the muslim emperors and caliphs did to any insurgency during their time----.

You children are really illeterate---you have not read up on your own history---most of you are fakes---stop listening to your moms dads and grandfathers and uncles---just read up---look up for books in the libraries and do your own research---.

Your way is going to be like hell. I mean just going in and ending it once for all.. is...
Your way is going to be like hell. I mean just going in and ending it once for all.. is...


Isn't that the islamic way-----all great muslim caliphs who were successul---followed this golden rule---crush the insurgency----.

You people can't do even things the islamic way---what kind of muslims you are.

Isn't that the islamic way-----all great muslim caliphs who were successul---followed this golden rule---crush the insurgency----.

You people can't do even things the islamic way---what kind of muslims you are.

Oh come on sir I know you don't believe that. The prophet also signed an accord with the Quraish. The end decisive but the moves well thought out.
Oh come on sir I know you don't believe that. The prophet also signed an accord with the Quraish. The end decisive but the moves well thought out.


And as usual you shut your eyes for the rest of 1400 years of rule---quraish were not insurgents or terrorists---you ought o have some sense to understand the difference---quraish were not living as an entity within a state.

Bad bad example---.

Isn't that the islamic way-----all great muslim caliphs who were successul---followed this golden rule---crush the insurgency----.

You people can't do even things the islamic way---what kind of muslims you are.



And as usual you shut your eyes for the rest of 1400 years of rule---quraish were not insurgents or terrorists---you ought o have some sense to understand the difference---quraish were not living as an entity within a state.

Bad bad example---.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakist...k-army-death-destruction-2.html#ixzz2EUfktR7S

With logic like that you can say that Yazid was a benevolent Muslim who tried to protect the caliphate and ummah and that Husayn (May Allah Bless Him) was the insurgent with ill intentions.
But we all know that Yazid was a munafiq and Husayn was the rightful heir and a martyr.
Forgive me,I know my example is very crude and i really shouldn't speak like this to a more experienced member on PDF but the point I'm trying to make is that you cannot compare the political atmosphere of this century to that of 1300 years ago.

And as usual you shut your eyes for the rest of 1400 years of rule---quraish were not insurgents or terrorists---you ought o have some sense to understand the difference---quraish were not living as an entity within a state.

Bad bad example---.


On the contrary sir. Firstly, I'd like to clarify that I am not proposing peace with the Taliban. They need to be exterminated and there is no other way forward, period. What I am contesting is the way we do it. My example was not of a direct analogy but of how one needs to be delicate when the situation demands it. The Caliphs were mighty and unchallenged as such. The situation presented to them demanded and allowed that their actions be swift and decisive in one shot. We, however, have not been presented with such a luxury. Sadly we also have to placate the very people we are trying to save while destroying the menace which is in direct conflict with their very own existence. Lets not let that irony be blind on us. I am talking about the tribals here and I'm sure you would know more about their utter lack of any acute thought than I do, not to say that its not one of our national traits. Add to that their draconian pride in fighting and we have ourselves a poisonous broth. The Caliphs, having dispersed the mutineers, did not need to worry about the handful that could regroup after and wreak havoc on a hospital or school or prayer grounds. The rules of engagement have changed considerably. I would also like to keep my eyes open to what happened to us only a few decades ago, I've already lost one foot to my own axe.

The Pakistan army, in my opinion, is doing well for now. Using different mediums to turn local support into opposition for the Taliban, driving the snakes out, building roads, schools, clinics and mosques in the area cleared and then starting it all over again. Getting rid of the disease while making the lives for the locals some what better and very crucially gaining support from the tribals which the army never had. After all the army cannot sit their indefinitely. The grounds themselves have to be made inhospitable and hostile for those scum so that they may never think of coming back again. This is probably the reason why we have seen the success that we have achieved. Otherwise the US has been hammering away for quite some time now.

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