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A Must Read Opinion About Pak Army - Death or Destruction



New Recruit

Aug 7, 2009
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Dr Farrukh Saleem
Sunday, November 18, 2012
From Print Edition

Capital suggestion

Pak Army is under attack like never before - more than 100,000 army and FC troops are under attack by a host of Violent Non-State Actors (VNSA). Pakistan’s top politicians are bent upon weakening the institution they feel threatens their hold over absolute power. Some in the media are attacking the army’s ‘chain of command’ like never before and certain judicial maneuverings -unwittingly - are may be damaging unit cohesion and the army’s capacity to fight.

In Swat, the 37th Mechanised Infantry Division, the 19th Infantry Division and the 3rd Infantry Division managed to ‘clear’ the entire area from the hold of VNSAs. Unfortunately, the follow-up phases of ‘holding’ and ‘building’ that were to be undertaken by the civil administration have so far failed miserably. In South Waziristan, the 14th Infantry Division and the 9th Infantry Division are under attack while the 7th Infantry Division is holding turf in North Waziristan.

Within the media, some elements are playing a game of their own. There are indeed candid voices in the media that stand to identify genuine flaws related to the army’s worldview. But, there also are elements that attack the army’s ‘chain of command’ for their own ratings or for other favours. Hizbut Tahrir (HuT) has opened up its own front against Pak Army’s ‘chain of command’.

To be sure, the road we are on has come to a two-pronged fork. One of the prongs leads to Somalia and the other to Yugoslavia; the first leads to the ‘failed state scenario’ and the second to ‘balkanisation’.

Let’s first consider the ‘failed state scenario’. Somalia hasn’t had an effective government since 1991. The other four Somali characteristics were: economic growth stuck at under three percent; an economy dependent on foreign remittances; a large informal sector and an ill-disciplined, impotent Somali National Army (SNA). All this led Somalia into complete anarchy, civil war and state failure. Their army lacked the capacity to restore government writ and failed to keep the northern clans from declaring independence.

Can Pakistan become Asia’s Somalia? Well, our economic as well as our governance indicators are moving toward the ‘failed state’ direction. Our federal and provincial governments are largely ineffective. Our economic growth rate has been stuck at under three percent. Our economy is dependent on foreign remittances and we have a large informal sector. Intriguingly, the only exception is the Pak Army - the 620,000 strong, disciplined, organised force. Pakistan will not become Asia’s Somalia for as long as the Pak Army’s ‘chain of command’ remains intact.

Can Pakistan become Asia’s Yugoslavia? Yugoslavia was once a country. Not any more. Yugoslavia split into six - Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Slovenia and Serbia. Imagine; starting in 1943 till his death in 1980, Josip Tito served as the supreme commander of the Yugoslav People’s Army (YPA) holding the rank of Marshal of Yugoslavia. Marshal Tito, with 620,000 active duty personnel of the YPA under this command, kept Yugoslavia in-tact. Within a decade of Tito’s death, the YPA had to fight the Slovenia Territorial Defence in the Ten-Day War. The weakened YPA then had to take on Croatian forces seeking independence. YPA, fighting on multiple fronts, was weakened to the extent that it could not keep Yugoslavia in one piece.

Can Pakistan become Asia’s Yugoslavia? Pakistan will not become Asia’s Yugoslavia as long as Pak Army’s ‘unit cohesion’ and its ‘chain of command’ remain intact.
As a matter of fact They used the force over their people which was the basic reason why it disintegrated.
Although in Pak we had been initially got carried way with the flow of the situation that was endorsed upon us but now we have realized our mistakes.
Now we will not use the force against our own people unless its the last resort!!!!!!
Now we r trying to make people in our side by taking them into confidence, hence now there is no realistic fear of disintegration left in Our Great Nation anymore!!!!.
As a matter of fact They used the force over their people which was the basic reason why it disintegrated.
Although in Pak we had been initially got carried way with the flow of the situation that was endorsed upon us but now we have realized our mistakes.
Now we will not use the force against our own people unless its the last resort!!!!!!
Now we r trying to make people in our side by taking them into confidence, hence now there is no realistic fear of disintegration left in Our Great Nation anymore!!!!.

If the tribes in the north don't bend to the will of the Constitution and our Flag we must take action. Pakistan is not some playground where everyone is invited to stir crap up and then make us look bad.
]If the tribes in the north don't bend to the will of the Constitution and our Flag we must take action. Pakistan is not some playground where everyone is invited to stir crap up and then make us look bad.

after reading the bold part im happy that yr not part of Pakistani residents anymore!
after reading the bold part im happy that yr no more part of Pakistani residents anymore!

Just because I don't live there doesn't mean I don't care.

What I'm trying to say is that laws are being broken in FATA and the police can't take care of it. I mean we have America bombing the terrorists with drones and civilians are getting killed. All because the north is being used as a Dhaba for militants. This is making Pakistan and Pakistanis look bad and incompetent.
Just because I don't live there doesn't mean I don't care.

What I'm trying to say is that laws are being broken in FATA and the police can't take care of it. I mean we have America bombing the terrorists with drones and civilians are getting killed. All because the north is being used as a Dhaba for militants. This is making Pakistan and Pakistanis look bad and incompetent.

LOL law was broken during the blackouts in Pennsylvania in america too and ''police cant handle it'', Laws r broken in Karachi,Lahore etc too when we c the street crimes, robberies and in resisting to these crimes the victims r killed in front of eveyone now why cant u say ''police cant handle it''???

Bottom line is that we know when we used the force against civilians in East Pakistan then what was happened, we know when we used the force in Lal Masjid, Against Akbar Bugti In Baluchistan then what happened!!! when we used force in Tribal areas in 2004,2009 etc we all did saw what happened.

Hence its not the right thing to do and is certainly not the solution of problems here.
We should negotiate first with it as our first policy and use of force as the only extremely last resort!!!
LOL law was broken during the blackouts in Pennsylvania in america too and ''police cant handle it'', Laws r broken in Karachi,Lahore etc too when we c the street crimes, robberies and in resisting to these crimes the victims r killed in front of eveyone now why cant u say ''police cant handle it''???

Bottom line is that we know when we used the force against civilians in East Pakistan then what was happened, we know when we used the force in Lal Masjid, Against Akbar Bugti In Baluchistan then what happened!!! when we used force in Tribal areas in 2004,2009 etc we all did saw what happened.

Hence its not the right thing to do and is certainly not the solution of problems here.
We should negotiate first with it as our first policy and use of force as the only extremely last resort!!!


These guys can't be trusted. Lal masjid was necessary, the operation in East Pak was necessary And Akbar Bugti is just doing this crap for power. Thats it.

These problems are pak millitary's own doings---> Their screw ups right from day---their not assessing the situation right---from the begining---their lolligagging through terrorist invasion into fata from afg----their mindset of islamic brotherhood---.

Pakistan is paying for the sins of what the pak millitary did not do---it did not recognize the enemy in time---then it did not know how to start a media campaign against the enemy---then it did not know how to shut down the media campaign by the enemy---its generals totally out of sync with realities of the trouble lying ahead of the nation.

Pakistani military heirarchy is pathetic at defending the honorable task it had been doing---its failure have created a monster---it was the job of pak military to shove it down the throats of pak public what the threat of terrorism was---.

Pak military should have known that an average adult pakistani had the intellect and intelligence of a child---they should have approached the situation accordingly---. But failures failures failures----that is all they have to show.

They could have killed osama and his cohorts on the mountain slopes and be the heroes to the nation and the world---they chose failure---and for the history books that is what they would be known as---.

Pak military should have known that an average adult pakistani had the intellect and intelligence of a child---they should have approached the situation accordingly---. But failures failures failures----that is all they have to show.

They could have killed osama and his cohorts on the mountain slopes and be the heroes to the nation and the world---they chose failure---and for the history books that is what they would be known as---.

I disagree, we just have alot of gullible people who feel that Islam is under attack and everything going on is because of some conspiracy from the west.

The only thing I see for hope is that it is never too late for a clean up.

These guys can't be trusted. Lal masjid was necessary, the operation in East Pak was necessary And Akbar Bugti is just doing this crap for power. Thats it.
like i said im happy that yr not part of Pakistani residents anymore!

Bottom line is..........

Its not the right thing to do and is certainly not the solution of problems here.
We should negotiate first with it as our first policy and use of force as the only extremely last resort!!!.
like i said im happy that yr not part of Pakistani residents anymore!

Bottom line is..........

Its not the right thing to do and is certainly not the solution of problems here.
We should negotiate first with it as our first policy and use of force as the only extremely last resort!!!.

....... Did you miss the first sentence or are you trolling?

I said there were negotiations 3 times and 3 different times ( Peace ) treaties were signed. Each time THEY not the gov or army broke them. All they do is take the money, root out gov/army sympathizers by killing them and buy more guns then attack again and make us look stupid.
....... Did you miss the first sentence or are you trolling?

I said there were negotiations 3 times and 3 different times ( Peace ) treaties were signed. Each time THEY not the gov or army broke them. All they do is take the money, root out gov/army sympathizers by killing them and buy more guns then attack again and make us look stupid.

Like time i checked we had broke the Swat treaty not them under the pressure from America after that girl beating video.
....... Did you miss the first sentence or are you trolling?

I said there were negotiations 3 times and 3 different times ( Peace ) treaties were signed. Each time THEY not the gov or army broke them. All they do is take the money, root out gov/army sympathizers by killing them and buy more guns then attack again and make us look stupid.

I get where you're coming from but these are delicate matters and soft hands defuse a bomb not a sledge hammer. Tact is today's word. The army is doing pretty well so far.

Like time i checked we had broke the Swat treaty not them under the pressure from America after that girl beating video.

Not true. These snakes have gone back on their promises too many times without provocation. We have to finish off this ideology that is the Taliban. There can be no peace with them.
I get where you're coming from but these are delicate matters and soft hands defuse a bomb not a sledge hammer. Tact is today's word. The army is doing pretty well so far.

Not true. These snakes have gone back on their promises too many times without provocation. We have to finish off this ideology that is the Taliban. There can be no peace with them.

We just incorporate FATA fully into Pakistan. That is the solution. These snakes will die once development comes. It's happening in Baluchistan and it will happen in FATA soon.
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