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a modest proposal from the Soviets...duly rejected by Indian Babudom


Apr 4, 2012
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I came across an article, written by a Brazilian. The article called for getting Brazil's defence programs & industry up & going by hiring from among the number of highly trained American Scientists & Engineers.

Brazil will never find another opportunity like the one that is available today with NASA laying off thousands of highly qualified scientists and engineers who are specialized in the aerospace area and are ready to go to work immediately on these projects.

This kind of endeavor brings many benefits to the Brazilian economy such as high paying jobs, innovation, new technologies, and also shows that Brazil is serious about becoming one of the leading nations in the 21st century.

The fast development of a state-of-the-art defense and aerospace industry in Brazil has become a priority for Brazil to go up to the next level and become one of the leading nations in the 21st century.

With the recent closure of America's Space Shuttle program, a large number of them are expected to lose their employment. Thus, their experience & knowledge would be an invaluable addition to any Science & Technology program they choose to associate themselves with.

While the article called for Brazil to approach these American Technologists, it was the Russian Government which itself made a similar proposal in the immediate aftermath of the break-up of the U.S.S.R. Saddled with a collapsed economy that fuelled widespread unemployment, the Russians sought to place its vast pool of Scientists & Technologists, that the Soviets-era regime had nurtured & supported during the Cold War, in suitable & relevant positions of employment, least they turn rogue [speculating]. With this in mind, it approached the Government of India, then headed by Prime Minister Mr. PVN Rao.

This was revealed by Mr. Bharat Karnad, in his book, "Nuclear Weapons & Indian Security: The realist foundations of strategy".



As seen above, from the snippets of a page from the book, the Soviets even agreed to the Scientists being paid part of their salary in Indian Rupees, while the rest, expectedly, the much-needed American Dollars in cash. However, Indian Babus, playing "seniority-seniority" scuttled this heaven-sent opportunity, citing rulebooks, pay-grades, Loch Ness monster & what not's.

In India's defence though, our own economy up until the early 90s was itself tottering & heading nowhere, at least not up North. So the financial viability of the proposal, from India's stand point, could itself have been suspect [speculating]. However, as seen above, it wasn't India's fiscal situation that was cited as the reason for rejecting the offer, but pay-grade of government employees. Which is why the news is all that more irksome. Salary structure of government employees & seniority & prestige indicated by salary drawn eventually took precedence over India's National interests - how unfortunate.

Not surprisingly, they found a very welcoming China who, it appears, greeted them with open arms & coffers. Russian Scientists form an integral part of many a critical Chinese weapons development programs. In its drive to posses required technologies, China has adopted a multi-pronged approach, including contracting expertise from overseas, if required. Take, for example, China's flat-top development program. Ukraine, which inherited significant portions of erstwhile Soviet Unions vast Naval development infrastructure, has deputed large number of its Naval Engineers to be part of the program.

While by no means publicly advocating that India too engage in industrial espionage & unauthorized cyber-intrusions to lay its hands on required technologies, but to decline a legitimate offer that would've given a much-needed fillip to our own projects, borders on incredulity. The benefits, their participation in India's programs would have brought about are too obvious to require any re-stating. This huge loss of opportunity has left India's programs bereft of the immense benefits their participation would've brought in and could've possibly helped side-step many a roadblocks, including time & cost over-runs, it has had to encounter as part of its R&D programs.

a modest proposal from the Soviets...duly rejected by Indian Babudom - AA Me, IN
china was in better position when compare to india in 90'.Due to f**king economic policy of government,licence raj..we had money to run our country for barely 15 days forget about taking unnecessary burden of soveit engineer's...
china was in better position when compare to india in 90'.Due to f**king economic policy of government,licence raj..we had money to run our country for barely 15 days forget about taking unnecessary burden of soveit engineer's...

Pls read the article again........

it wasn't India's fiscal situation that was cited as the reason for rejecting the offer, but pay-grade of government employees.
Damn what a colossual loss for India......we helped our own enemies get ot the position they are today due to our f-king leaders. When will you guys realize every politican in govt is crap? They only care about themselves and making a quick buck not the ppl. I guess Katju and Tata stated was correct.
......man that is depressing to read .......but even more depressing is our very own Rajiv Gandhi's idea to put a hold to nuclear arms research and foolish seek world peace by putting a moratorium on our research and asking the rest of the world to follow him :disagree: By the time he was dead, a lot of damage was done :confused:

Only good thing useless Vajpayee did was to conduct Nuke test.

Damn what a colossual loss for India......we helped our own enemies get ot the position they are today due to our f-king leaders. When will you guys realize every politican in govt is crap? They only care about themselves and making a quick buck not the ppl. I guess Katju and Tata stated was correct.

..yes ...which is why I am nominating you for 'Glorious Dictator' of India. We need someone of you brilliance and sight to lead us :tup:
Some the articles posted on here that point to the ineptitutde of our govt by all these politicans has to be circulated to a wider audience in India. The word has to get out....internet and comps has not penetrated deep enough in India to reach all the masses. A paper should created that has a few choice articles that highlight such articles yet keeps a neutral perspective.......vote for capable not corrupt ppl

......man that is depressing to read .......but even more depressing is our very own Rajiv Gandhi's idea to put a hold to nuclear arms research and foolish seek world peace by putting a moratorium on our research and asking the rest of the world to follow him :disagree: By the time he was dead, a lot of damage was done :confused:

Only good thing useless Vajpayee did was to conduct Nuke test.

..yes ...which is why I am nominating you for 'Glorious Dictator' of India. We need someone of you brilliance and sight to lead us :tup:

No problem....I will do whats need to be done since you cannot
why are you guys bashing our leader ship..whats was our economic situation then??country was nearly bankrupted and it was p.v.n who started economic reforms to save the country.we were in worse condition compared to russia...and its because of him india is like this today..can we be able to afford such a large pool of scientists??times have changed now..many russian scientists stay in india ..i myself know that in vizag they are given a 4 star hotel accomodation, cars to rome, a card of 1 lakh for expenses excluding salary and free meal in the hotel....before bashing our leaders we must remember that we are the one who elected them...
I tried to look up the book in Amazon.com.....it costs bloody over $500.00 for a used copy! Why are these books so expensive? This itself prohibits normal ppl from reading such vital info. These Authors should at least think about the big picture instead of their pockets....

..another brilliant suggestion ......you continue to amaze us :pop:

let us club authors along with politicians and babus in the list of people to be hanged. We can add more as we move along :enjoy:
why are you guys bashing our leader ship..whats was our economic situation then??country was nearly bankrupted and it was p.v.n who started economic reforms to save the country.we were in worse condition compared to russia...and its because of him india is like this today..can we be able to afford such a large pool of scientists??times have changed now..many russian scientists stay in india ..i myself know that in vizag they are given a 4 star hotel cars to rome a card of 1 lakh for expenses excluding salary and free meal in the hotel....before bashing our leaders we must remember that we are the one who elected them...

You can elect anyone you want based on a platform they try to sell to us . But once in power they forget what their objectives were. How can you blame the village illerate person for voting? They do not know better. But someone running for office should have some sound judgement and morality. Do we blame the ppl or the elected officials for never passing stringent laws to ban politicans with criminals records and criminal cases from elected positions?

Even if our economic situation was compromised back then, we should have incorporated out of the box thinking to richly award such scientists. How about giving them nice accommodations, a car/driver, women, wine, food and a monthly stipend, etc. how about giving them land? How about promising them treasury bonds and such investment vehicles backed and promised by the Indian govt. Just stipulate they cannot cash out for 10 -20 yrs. I know it is not sound economic policy but printing cash in order to achieve an objective goal like weapons development or industry should have received maximum priority.
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