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A message to the Arab Loving Pakistanis

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Lots of sources confirmed this theory, that Israel is working as consultant , how to control Kashmir, by dividing into small region. Also the concept of surgical strike or preemptive strike concept and training given by Israel AF to Indian pilots. All drop weapons pieces are made in Israel,except fuel tanks.

You know that this is compounded by the fact that we don’t have normal relations with Israel? You also know that India sucks Israel into the Kashmir conflict and takes full advantage of absence of Pak Israel relation? This can only be countered of we change our Israel policy.
Absolutely agree on point 1. Let’s talk and find out if we can find common ground.

Point 2 and especially the Palestinian conflict is complex. This will take a lot of time. We can at least become party in talks. We will always defend our holy sites at all cost because this is our responsibility. We don’t need Israeli confirmation.

We need to be smart about point 3. We want to have good relations with all nations. We don’t want to appease one side and anger the other. That is why I keep pointing out to the Indian case. India plays a cunning and smart game. It appeases all sides. That is why they reap benefits from all sides despite oppressing Kashmiris. From an Islamic perspective we cannot abandon Palestine, but that is my personal opinion. This can also be said from a humanitarian perspective. Having said that, we must also normalize relations with Israel. Right now India is reaping all the benefits by sucking Israel into the Kashmir conflict.
Sorry prava beggars can't be choosers right now we don't have the economy too do anything.As much as we want too help out our brothers in Kashmir we are limited we are strained by our economy and due too this reason we have a less say in world politics.

If we can improve our economy by large margin Pakistan will be the country too solve this issue permanently and as well as the Kashmir issue. For now we don't have the economy too back up our right hook and for the right hook to work we need energy which is economy
The indian army is doing FAR worst to the Kashmiris than the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians. Did the Israelis also force the Palestinians to become pro-indian?
You are seriously lacking facts, is it ignorance or convenience?
Sorry prava beggars can't be choosers right now we don't have the economy too do anything.As much as we want too help out our brothers in Kashmir we areimited we are strained by our economy and due too this reason we have a less say in world politics.

If we can improve our economy by large margin Pakistan will be the country too solve this issue permanently and as well as the Kashmir issue. For now we don't have the economy too back up our right hook and for the right hook to work we need energy which is economy

You think that I am proposing normalizing relations with Israel confined to the Palestine/Kashmir conflict? Economy is a very important component of normalization.

We as a nation have a lot to learn yet. We aren’t cunning and smart. We need to learn to strike multiple birds with one stone.
You might as well should join Hezbollah. Go help your fellow brothers in Palestine and hope for a good beach landing

Oh, we have a Janjua who wants to normalize relations with Israel. What's the point in saying this online, go and say it in Matore:) We both know, what the answer is going to be. But please continue to live on the internet, because you won't ever speak publicly in Pakistan on this issue.
I tell you why the Palestinians are losers and not worth supporting or having solidarity with not saying I am in the camp for establishing relations with Israel but the Arabs dont care about us
Palestinians are losers and I do not care about Palestine-Israeli conflict.
Pakistan has to worry about Kashmir.
You think that I am proposing normalizing relations with Israel confined to Palestinian conflict? Economy is a very important component of this normalization.
Phelay start tho karlo bhai phir future relations ki ma bhen ek karna ,[emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
I raised this issue for one reason us Pakistanis refuse to answer or want to if these Arab s..cums will ever fight for us in Kashmir but I also have to burst the bubble of those who are citing Turkey an example even they will not support us on Kashmir Pakistanis need to wake up and understand that Kashmir will only be free from our own hardwork and support no one will support us and it time to adopt a realpolitik approach to things than a emotional solidarity condemnation policy we have had since the 1970s however I think the ISI,GHQ and PAF has understand this since like 2014 they started viewing PAKISTAN FIRST now we have a civilian govt that understands this as well
Oh, we have a Janjua who wants to normalize relations with Israel. What's the point in saying this online, go and say it in Matore:) We both know, what the answer is going to be. But please continue to live on the internet, because you won't ever speak publicly in Pakistan on this issue.
Matore can go for a beach landing and hope for the best good luck from me
You think that I am proposing normalizing relations with Israel confined to the Palestine/Kashmir conflict? Economy is a very important component of normalization.

We as a nation have a lot to learn yet. We aren’t cunning and smart. We need to learn to strike multiple birds with one stone.
I say recognize Israel but once two state solution is done even if Israel gets all of Jerusalem.
I know all the world powers rejected all of Jerusalem going to Israel.
but losers or beggars can't be choosers.
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You are seriously lacking facts, is it ignorance or convenience?

When the Palestinians/Arabs start caring about Pakistan and Pakistanis then we will reciprocate. Till then I couldn't care less if the Israelis/Jews wipe them off the face of the earth. Not my business. Not my problem. If you're really concerned you can fly out and help them.
What's wrong with recognising Palestine? By recognising Israel you are agreeing to accepting international war crimes and universal injustice and that one group of people can lay claim to another's land through colonial patronage. It will set a precedence- today Israel then tomorrow Kashmir and maybe even Baluchistan or Sindh etc. If grab for land is based on historical claims it will open up a can of worms as centuries of colonial maps are undone by military might.

There is nothing much that can be done about landgrabbing as far as the Israeli Palestinian is concerned. This is the ground reality and the vast majority of the world agrees that an Israeli state and a Palestinian state must exist side by side. Even the Palestinians are willing to accept this through a certain framework.

There is a day and night difference between Palestine and Baluchistan, Sindh etc. Certain powers are stoking resenemt against the state of Pakistan which is a recent phenomena. Pakistan is united and we don’t have territorial conflicts among ourselves except for the Kashmir conflict with India. The Palestinian conflict is as old as hills. Historically this land belongs to the Palestinians, but the Jews were settled by the Western powers. We cannot do much about that.
When the Palestinians/Arabs start caring about Pakistan and Pakistanis then we will reciprocate. Till then I couldn't care less if the Israelis/Jews wipe them off the face of the earth. Not my business. Not my problem. If you're really concerned you can fly out and help them.
I agree with you to a certain extent.

but the crimes against humanity the zionists have done to the Palestinians is wrong.
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