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a Message frm Alishba Khalid for Rehman Malik

I know you probably meant this as a joke, and I can't say anything to the child since she is just being used as a puppet here, but this is in uber bad taste. Her parents need to be whacked on the side of the head for this display of holier-than-thou-by-proxy behaviour.

We are all Pakistanis, and our national language is Urdu. We should all know it well, yet many of us can't pronounce the most basic words properly. Should we start making videos about that too and rubbing people's nose in the mud for calling themselves Pakistani and yet not speaking the national language well? How many politicians, mullahs, leaders and scholars could be ridiculed with this?

Why should the ability to recite suras by heart be so different... first of all, it could very well be that the guy stumbled - the video puts his mistake in a loop to make it seem doubly bad. Second of all, Arabic is not his native tongue. If he had trouble reciting a sura - simple though it was - I don't see the need for facebook posts and youtube videos about this.

This all goes in the direction of, "Look at me. I have dressed up my 5 year old daughter in a hijab and she can recite the Qul, while you can't. You are trash and I am so superior". This is not Islamic behaviour, from what I understand of Islam, and nor is it - as I said - in good taste. This is the sort of thing low-life cheapsters do.

p.s> I can't stand Rehman Malik and this has nothing to do with him. It has more to do with this insufferable self-righteousness some of us seem to have embraced as if it were a good thing.
I know you probably meant this as a joke, and I can't say anything to the child since she is just being used as a puppet here, but this is in uber bad taste. Her parents need to be whacked on the side of the head for this display of holier-than-thou-by-proxy behaviour.

We are all Pakistanis, and our national language is Urdu. We should all know it well, yet many of us can't pronounce the most basic words properly. Should we start making videos about that too and rubbing people's nose in the mud for calling themselves Pakistani and yet not speaking the national language well? How many politicians, mullahs, leaders and scholars could be ridiculed with this?

Why should the ability to recite suras by heart be so different... first of all, it could very well be that the guy stumbled - the video puts his mistake in a loop to make it seem doubly bad. Second of all, Arabic is not his native tongue. If he had trouble reciting a sura - simple though it was - I don't see the need for facebook posts and youtube videos about this.

This all goes in the direction of, "Look at me. I have dressed up my 5 year old daughter in a hijab and she can recite the Qul, while you can't. You are trash and I am so superior". This is not Islamic behaviour, from what I understand of Islam, and nor is it - as I said - in good taste. This is the sort of thing low-life cheapsters do.

p.s> I can't stand Rehman Malik and this has nothing to do with him. It has more to do with this insufferable self-righteousness some of us seem to have embraced as if it were a good thing.
well we do have some non-Muslim parliamentarians too so we can't expect them to be reciting Qur'anic verses. That is fine to me if he can't read or memorize the Holy Qur'an. But why we have so many "dramay-baaz" in our political parties. If he doesn't know just say it... or just make an excuse and ask somebody else to recite it.

We must not forget he is the Interior Minister of "Islamic Republic of Pakistan" and he is repeatedly giving statements on TV like Mullahs... that we don't want this Islam, we don't want that Islam, Islam doesn't say this n Islam doesn't say that.. and we all blindly believe in the government... if he doesn't know the very basic "Surah" that a student studying in Primary class can recite, what else would he know about this religion when he is advocating on television. A leader is usually the best among public and Rehman sahab is representing a nation that is 97% Muslims only. If he can't recite the most important verse of Qur'an surely he wouldn't even know how to pray. Surely if he never learnt about prayer how would he understand the sentiments of 175 million Muslim population. You need to be sharing something common in order to develop or strengthen your relationship with the public. So when he is representing the nation and not sharing an opinion of the public, who gives him right to speak on behalf of the public?

We need someone who speaks like us, who lives between us, who behave like us, who act like us. Not an individual who fled abroad in fear of persecution, NRO exempted, poor security in-charge and highly suspicious background and tax evader who paid 64 rupees in tax on his billions of rupees worth of fortune.
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hahahahahhahahahhahaha :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Good lesson little girl :smitten:
well we do have some non-Muslim parliamentarians too so we can't expect them to be reciting Qur'anic verses. That is fine to me if he can't read or memorize the Holy Qur'an. But why we have so many "dramay-baaz" in our political parties. If he doesn't know just say it... or just make an excuse and ask somebody else to recite it.

We must not forget he is the Interior Minister of "Islamic Republic of Pakistan" and he is repeatedly giving statements on TV like Mullahs... that we don't want this Islam, we don't want that Islam, Islam doesn't say this n Islam doesn't say that.. and we all blindly believe in the government... if he doesn't know the very basic "Surah" that a student studying in Primary class can recite, what else would he know about this religion when he is advocating on television. A leader is usually the best among public and Rehman sahab is representing a nation that is 97% Muslims only. If he can't recite the most important verse of Qur'an surely he wouldn't even know how to pray. Surely if he never learnt about prayer how would he understand the sentiments of 175 million Muslim population. You need to be sharing something common in order to develop or strengthen your relationship with the public. So when he is representing the nation and not sharing an opinion of the public, who gives him right to speak on behalf of the public?

We need someone who speaks like us, who lives between us, who behave like us, who act like us. Not an individual who fled abroad in fear of persecution, NRO exempted, poor security in-charge and highly suspicious background and tax evader who paid 64 rupees in tax on his billions of rupees worth of fortune.
Wat all this has to do with the video u ve posted.Wats the connection between the issues pointed out in video with those of the daily need of the common people?really wat i feel is the issues pointed out in the video is such a trivial issue.
Even RAW agents can recite this basic surah well.

Every thing related to Islam should not be measured with the glasses of extremism, alright we have some really extremist bad, women abusers, strict, ready to kill in the name of Prophet type mullahs. But in order to be moderate, liberal one, at least in courtesy we should know the basic pillars of Islam, the basic Surat, the Kalimah, commonly these basic things are thought to us in our childhood, alright no problem Mr Rehman Malik does not remeber the surah no problem, big deal is when he is representing the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Lets hope all such politicians can not recite Quran or have any clue about Islam, and thats the reason they are corrupt, greedy, dirty and useless.
well we do have some non-Muslim parliamentarians too so we can't expect them to be reciting Qur'anic verses. That is fine to me if he can't read or memorize the Holy Qur'an. But why we have so many "dramay-baaz" in our political parties. If he doesn't know just say it... or just make an excuse and ask somebody else to recite it.
I'm gonna take same line on this issue too as i took other day wrt to the senator trying to speak urdu.Rehman malik must be congratulated instead of being made joke of that he tried to recite the Surah .And thats not dramaybaazi thats called the initiative.

We must not forget he is the Interior Minister of "Islamic Republic of Pakistan" and he is repeatedly giving statements on TV like Mullahs... that we don't want this Islam, we don't want that Islam, Islam doesn't say this n Islam doesn't say that.. and we all blindly believe in the government... if he doesn't know the very basic "Surah" that a student studying in Primary class can recite, what else would he know about this religion when he is advocating on television. A leader is usually the best among public and Rehman sahab is representing a nation that is 97% Muslims only. If he can't recite the most important verse of Qur'an surely he wouldn't even know how to pray. Surely if he never learnt about prayer how would he understand the sentiments of 175 million Muslim population. You need to be sharing something common in order to develop or strengthen your relationship with the public. So when he is representing the nation and not sharing an opinion of the public, who gives him right to speak on behalf of the public?
Wat type of statements he gives on islam...for example islam rejects terrorism and suicide bombings etc etc....for that u need not to be an expert scholar of islam.he knows Surah or not or he knows how to pray or not its all trivial issues for public.its like intruding in his private matters.His religious stuff should be between him and his god not the other way between him and the public.
We need someone who speaks like us, who lives between us, who behave like us, who act like us. Not an individual who fled abroad in fear of persecution, NRO exempted, poor security in-charge and highly suspicious background and tax evader who paid 64 rupees in tax on his billions of rupees worth of fortune.
Its not always true that only educated make a better leader or administrator.And regarding he is able to cheat on taxes etc is the failure of governance to prosecute him.last not the least what it has to do with the video.
Is it necessary for the Interior minister to be a Practicing Muslim??
I dont think it applied to the chief justice.. only to the President and Prime minister.
Is it necessary for the Interior minister to be a Practicing Muslim??
I dont think it applied to the chief justice.. only to the President and Prime minister.

No it is not necessary anybody can become Interior Minister as per the constitution.

But I am talking about poor choice for selecting Rehman Malik. We need Pakistani ministers who can represent the peoples of Pakistan... Topi drama nahi chalna chahiye...
Is it necessary for the Interior minister to be a Practicing Muslim??
I dont think it applied to the chief justice.. only to the President and Prime minister.

what is the point in having a Muslim President or Prime Minister if the whole cabinet is full of people with little knowledge of Islam?

and the justification for having only a Muslim President and Prime Minister is?
Is it the usual one or something new?
Is it necessary for the Interior minister to be a Practicing Muslim??
I dont think it applied to the chief justice.. only to the President and Prime minister.
Article 62 of the Pakistani Constitution expects any candidate who contests for Majlis-e-Shoora (National Assembly or Parliament) to be well versed in Islam as otherwise his nomination could be rejected. Many overzealous poll officials have asked the candidates to recite Dua Qanoot, a long Quranic verse not easily remembered by everyone, and have rejected nominations if they were unable to do so.

What are Articles 62 and 63 of the Pakistan constitution anyway? Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf Silicon Valley

correct me if im wrong.
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