You shud be careful bout writing what you think. It actually doesnt matter to them who are more exposed to the world vis a vis people living in self falacy lala land completely alien to facts and definitions.
For us its not OBVIOUS that Modi can be termed terrorist so will you plz refrain from creating definitions?
By the way how is it so called obvious for you? Do u have any proofs of his direct involvement? Hell No but its wrong to expect Pakistanis relying on such mere useless things called proofs. For them its all what they want to believe. Rest is all moh maya.
For Pakistanis, people who export terror are revolutionany but those people are terrorist who havent even cared bout looking at them. And the u expect the world to take you guyz seriously.
You see, there is a saying, A jaundice eye sees everything yellow.
Pakistanis obsessed with the word TERRORIST. Natural no?