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A hoax call that could have triggered war

So you do take orders?.:lol:

Deterrence will work only as long as push doesn't become shove.
Well one doesn't know what is cooking on the sidelines.

Looks like coercive diplomacy has worked

So you do take orders?.

So you do take orders from Americans then?

Looks like people got panicked even with a hoax call, imagine if it would have been real call but you thought hoax call, what would happen?.

An inside job then?

Frankly, the only thing you seem to be good at, is picking and quoting one line from a para and then replying with one liners aimed at incitement!!! Hasn't your bluff been called earlier ???? Is it indicative of your intention for being on this forum or simple deficiency in maturity of thought, i'd leave it to the mods to ascertain. But after pondering over it for a while, i find nothing worth replying in the quoted one liners. :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
The US and The USSR had a direct phone line back in the days of the "Cold War" from what I have come to understand. This was so Moscow and Washington could clear up any misunderstandings before things could have gotten out of control. There were also other agreements used to secure established communications to ensure these communications were available when needed.

Perhaps, India and Pakistan should do the same?...
The US and The USSR had a direct phone line back in the days of the "Cold War" from what I have come to understand. This was so Moscow and Washington could clear up any misunderstandings before things could have gotten out of control. There were also other agreements used to secure established communications to ensure these communications were available when needed.

Perhaps, India and Pakistan should do the same?...
As far as I remember, they already do.
An inside job then?

or from outside. Remember the Palin call from a French comedian who acted as the French President? Screw up on the part of the Pakistani government. Can't afford these type of screw-ups.
It was infact Mukhur Jee!shame on GOI for using such language instead of using diplomatic language and then later on deny the call!
NEW DELHI: Indian Foreign Minister, Pranab Mukherjee has denied making any telephone call to President Asif Ali Zardari.

Pranab Mukherjee in a statement blamed Pakistan making a phone call story for keeping the people confused and diverting the attention from the Pakistani elements involved in Mumbai blasts. Indian foreign minister further expressed his fears that Pakistan could think of taking actions making the fake telephone call a basis.

The published report relating to Indian foreign minister’s phone call told that the call was faked, while the Federal Information Minister, Sherry Rahman said that the call received on November 28 was made from the authentic number of Indian foreign office and all phone calls were connected to the President after proper verification, but now the Indian foreign minister has himself confirmed that no such phone call was made by him. While the President House spokesman, Farhatullah Babar told Geo News that President Zardari was phoned up from the Indian foreign ministry’s authentic number. He said that the government has already clarified its position and he would not like to say any further in this regard.
Seems like a half assed security job in Islamabad or maybe the ISI trying to unnecessary flare up a war between the two nations !!
Seems like a half assed security job in Islamabad or maybe the ISI trying to unnecessary flare up a war between the two nations !!
Did ISI also rape you recently?Read the ******* news i posted above.I think you should stop posting here too maybe these forums are also funded by the ISI.:bunny:
Seems like a half assed security job in Islamabad or maybe the ISI trying to unnecessary flare up a war between the two nations !!

How do you find conspiracy theory in everything , some over enthusiastic fool played a prank , thats it.

Does anyone honestly think that Gop is as stupid to start a war on a phone call and is Pranab Mukherjee so stupid that he would forewarn before a military strike , brainpower @ it's best I see !!
The call was made on Nov 28, how come Mukerjee didn't spit it out earlier that he was not the caller?

I think he did make the call and is now backing down from his threats, propably cause someone hammered some sense into him!
The call was made on Nov 28, how come Mukerjee didn't spit it out earlier that he was not the caller?

I think he did make the call and is now backing down from his threats, propably cause someone hammered some sense into him!

The news of hoax call came from Pakistani sources dude. So, Pranab replied that this is all Psy-ops by Pakistan.
The news of hoax call came from Pakistani sources dude. So, Pranab replied that this is all Psy-ops by Pakistan.
Pakistan's Government Officials have already said that the call was actually made from Muhkerjee.
Pakistan's Government Officials have already said that the call was actually made from Muhkerjee.

Well, no defence minister in the world will call the counterpart and tell we will attack you. It will be simply ridiculous.

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