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A girl and a boy out alone must mean trouble in Pakistan

this is a rare incident, nothing more... anyone can roam freely at night or day..........no issue at all...
If they are not reported then how do you know they happen?

How do you know that they dont happen if they are not reported?

This is a feature of conservative societies. Even in India the official number of rapes reported are far less than what actually happen, because of associated social taboos. This is more so in the case of Islamic societies.
Such incidents happen due to following reasons.

1. Police think, normally, that if a boy and girl are together,alone; they must be doing "lafada"
2. Increase in rapes; due to which police question girls and boys wandering to check that whether everything is OK.

We always hear cases, where a boy/man trusted by a girl/woman raped her.

So when Police do some questioning to boys and girls/Men and Women, their intention, at most times, to prevent such cases from happening in the first place.
^^ bradar please, police only want some bribe out of this !!
How do you know that they dont happen if they are not reported?

This is a feature of conservative societies. Even in India the official number of rapes reported are far less than what actually happen, because of associated social taboos. This is more so in the case of Islamic societies.
Islamic Countries have least amount of rape if compared to India and Western countries they have the highest rate of rape and the major reason is because they allow free mingling of sexes which has resulted in rise of rape by every passing year
Islamic Countries have least amount of rape if compared to India and Western countries they have the highest rate of rape and the major reason is because they allow free mingling of sexes which has resulted in rise of rape by every passing year

Thats not even an argument., so please try again. Like I said, rape exists everywhere and can happen in a variety of situations. In more liberal societies people are more aware of these instances and therefore they report it. In Islamic societies the knowledge about what rape is, is rudimentary and rape itself is misinterpreted as sex. Hence your supposedly low numbers. The real picture is much different, as it was highlighted in that article about Saudi Arabia the other day.
Thats not even an argument., so please try again. Like I said, rape exists everywhere and can happen in a variety of situations. In more liberal societies people are more aware of these instances and therefore they report it. In Islamic societies the knowledge about what rape is, is rudimentary and rape itself is misinterpreted as sex. Hence your supposedly low numbers. The real picture is much different, as it was highlighted in that article about Saudi Arabia the other day.
No Sir every Islamic Society is very clear on what rape is and what is the punishment for the one who commits rape that is death and article by USA touts GOOD JOKE I can quote thousands of Articles about India
No Sir every Islamic Society is very clear on what rape is and what is the punishment for the one who commits rape that is death and article by USA touts GOOD JOKE I can quote thousands of Articles about India

Please do. And I am saying that rape in India is far higher than what is reported. Because it is a conservative society and there are associated social taboos. Its more so in Islamic society.

BTW no, Islamic society and its principles do not take into account the intricacies of gender relations. Its outdated. And hence your definition of what rape is, is actually wrong. Like I said, is marital rape valid reason? In India we have made laws against marital rape after some amount of lobbying. That is not possible in Islamic society because you go strictly by 7th century understanding of what rape is. Hence outdated.
Please do. And I am saying that rape in India is far higher than what is reported. Because it is a conservative society and there are associated social taboos. Its more so in Islamic society.

BTW no, Islamic society and its principles do not take into account the intricacies of gender relations. Its outdated. And hence your definition of what rape is, is actually wrong. Like I said, is marital rape valid reason? In India we have made laws against marital rape after some amount of lobbying. That is not possible in Islamic society because you go strictly by 7th century understanding of what rape is. Hence outdated.
Sir even if you take our martial rape out of the rapes taking place in India and west still the number is in thousands that is no the case in any Muslim society
Sir even if you take our martial rape out of the rapes taking place in India and west still the number is in thousands that is no the case in any Muslim society

Of course you are the one that oversees everybody's marital life! :lol: There was an article here on PDF itself about how rape is rampant in Pakistani rural areas. Which never get reported.

Check this:

Rape in Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The prevalence of rape in Pakistan, the apparent official sanctioning of rape, and the official failure to punish rape, are matters of concern in the international human rights and women's rights communities. Among types of rape that appear officially sanctioned or go unpunished are "honor rapes" and rapes by police and members of the armed forces. The prevalence of rape received international attention in 2002 after a victim of sexual assault, Mukhtaran Bibi, spoke out and pursued a case against her rapists.

Magnitude of the problem

The group War Against Rape (WAR) has documented the severity of the rape problem in Pakistan and of police indifference to it. WAR is an NGO whose mission is to publicize the problem of rape in Pakistan; in a report released in 1992, of 60 reported case of rape, 20% involved police officers. In 2008 the group claimed that several of its members were assaulted by a religious group as they tried to help a woman who had been gang raped identify her assailants. According to Women's Studies professor Shahla Haeri, rape in Pakistan is "often institutionalized and has the tacit and at times the explicit approval of the state". According to a study by Human Rights Watch, there is a rape once every two hours and a gang rape every eight. Asma Jahangir, a lawyer and co-founder of the women's rights group Women's Action Forum, reported in a 1988 study of female detainees in Punjab that around 72 percent of them stated they had been sexually abused while in custody. In a study of child sexual abuse in Rawalpindi and Islamabad, out of a sample of 300 children 17% claimed to have been abused and in 1997 one child a day was reported as raped, gang raped or kidnapped for sexual gratification

And you say its LESS? You clearly dont know much and you are obviously stuck in some sort of a time warp. I myself am saying that Indian society is screwed up in a lot of ways, but atleast it is not AS screwed up as Pakistan's. You need to be able to admit it when there is a problem. That is the first step toward solving an issue. Denial wont help.

With all due respect, why are you keep posting threads which comes from personal blogs, mainly based on personal experiences and opinions? Express tribune is a tabloid sort of newspaper and most of it's bloggers resides outside Pakistan and they tends to portray Pakistan a land of extreme conversations - which it is NOT.

I belong to a what considered conservative city in other parts of the country, and I can assure nothing of the sort happens even here let alone in ISB, Lahore or Karachi. I don't know what the blogger is trying to achieve here by spewing such personal experience based incidents and portraying it in a shape that the whole of Pakistan and it's society is as such.

Please a brotherly advice, don't take express tribune and it's blogger serious.

Many bloggers and contributors in Pakistan want to see Pakistan from a Western society perspective. People of Pakistan who call themselves 'liberal' are those who are very confused and are in a sense of perpetual inferiority complex regarding their identity.

Actually people of Pakistan living in west are much more conservative than you have in Pakistan. The reason is simple which many in Pakistan fail to understand. Here in the west, you either become western, which you cant, or be what you are. So in a typical situation of identity crisis, we tend to revert to our roots, our culture and our religion. This is why views of a society and country of the people in west of Pakistan descent are much more conservative.

If you call yourself Muslim, you will have to accept Islam is against freely mingling of opposite sex.
It does happen in many part of pakistan. Its very conservative society after all but not for rich people. One of My Pakistani friend is in live in relationship with her boyfriend in karachi :eek:
Like I said, this is because most of the rapes are not considered rapes at all.

They are either misinterpreted or not reported. This list doesnt mean anything. If at all it means that countries like NZ which rank at the top are more aware of what is rape and what isnt.

Thats just lame- they are not reported and your opinion is based on unreported rapes- how stupid an assumption can get?-

Rape is so prevalant in indian society that the rapists are tired of raping indian women- they now rape foreign women for a change- dont know if the count is 3 local women and one foreign woman for a rapist or 10 local woman and one foreign-
There was a ET article about this issue as well, the writer going to McDonalds in Karachi I think, and being said by the waiter to leave the outlet because he was holding the hand of her wife or something like that.

And that BS was thoroughly debunked, this one too.

Can we please get some better source than ET next time?
i hate them cops > bribes paisa paisa its they that do not have shame you be with your sister or family in car and purposely they stop your car like perverts and stare as if they hypnotized.
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