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A foreigner’s love for Pakistan

I have never met a Pakistani in my life, never had the chance to get to know one..But i have been raised to love Pakistan and Pakistanis..I am happy to be raised that way and %95 of Pakistanis here that i met are really kind, warm hearted people..This "Love Pakistan" tradition amongst Turkish families is very widespread here, and the reason is very justifiable..

So i see no reason why he wouldnt love Pakistan even if he didnt meet his lady

We have the same Love Turkey culture here in Pakistan for the obvious reasons. We love you, Brothers.
She goes back and forth to Ukraine, while my uncle stays in Pakistan, due to Zamindar work. She only likes coming during the winters, but as soon as the summer is starting up she goes back to Ukraine with my cousins.

I know the feeling...come the summer and we're out of here.... Just getting ready to escape the heat now and wont be back till september at the earliest...
my cousin married a Belarussian in early 2000s and they moved from Belarus to Peshawar after he finished his degree in medicine

she's been in Pakistan now for over 12 years, her wardrobe is Pakistani, she speaks fluent Pashto (and Urdu) now Mashallah; fits right in. Of course when Peshawar faced the brunt of attacks in 2008/09 it was difficult for the kids because they were not allowed to play outside due to fear of kidnapping etc. Now luckily some normalcy has returned, she's very happy to be in Pakistan.

from Day 1 we could hardly communicate with her; you could definitely tell she felt some culture shocks --- being in a big house with big family and different cultural adaptations (for example, we eat on the floor - not at a dinner table) and small nuances like that

she's now even quite active in the Pakistani fashion business and she drives herself from Peshawar to Lahore regularly to teach once a week classes on fashion (out of respect for privacy, i cant share her name)....so basically, she's well integrated and happy to be in Pakistan despite the initial adjustments.

the most beautiful part about it is that her children (my nieces and nephews) are multi-lingual. They are speaking Russian, English, Pashto and Urdu. Brings great pride to me. Mashallah.
From Belarussian to Pashto!!!

Quite a jump. CAn she write as well? And how much time did it take?
Why mixed race children are the most beautiful. And without the variety, the world will be bland

Mixed race children are not the most beautiful, are you saying pure race children are ugly? The beauty of the child depends upon genes, the race of the parents has nothing to do with beauty. All children can be beautiful regardless of them being born to parents of different or the same origins.
Mixed race children are not the most beautiful, are you saying pure race children are ugly? The beauty of the child depends upon genes, the race of the parents has nothing to do with beauty. All children can be beautiful regardless of them being born to parents of different or the same origins.

perhaps you're having incorrect understandings......first of all, i never said mixed race are most beautiful so please don't put such a generalization on me.

but i'm happy to see foreign tongues touch....why not?

diversity is a good thing......multi-lingualism is a good thing. Marriage to me is a bit over-rated, but hey they love eachother so why not? From a total stranger to a stranger land, she's now basically a Pakistani herself.

From Belarussian to Pashto!!!

Quite a jump. CAn she write as well? And how much time did it take?

took quite some time.....we used to just converse with her in English in the beginning

i dont know about writing, but her Pashto and Urdu are pretty darn good. Slowly slowly she picked up small words and phrases and I guess just by listening and by trial & error she picked up the language in a few years. 1999 they came to Pakistan and have been there since.....every year they go to visit her side of the family in Belarus.

in fact they are there now for the holidays/vacation
perhaps you're having incorrect understandings......i'm happy to see foreign tongues touch....why not?

diversity is a good thing......multi-lingualism is a good thing. Marriage to me is a bit over-rated, but hey they love eachother so why not? From a total stranger to a stranger land, she's now basically a Pakistani herself.

I don't have incorrect understandings, I myself like the diversity among humans. I just didn't like that other member's comment that mixed race children are the most beautiful, implying that other children aren't. That is obviously not true.

Multilingualism is a good thing of course, learning a variety of different languages aids in understanding different cultures & gaining knowledge from them. Who are you referring to when you say "hey they love eachother so why not? From a total stranger to a stranger land, she's now basically a Pakistani herself"? If you are talking about the man and the woman in the article, then I don't care about them getting married. If they love each other then they have every right to get married.

Personally I do consider marriage to be important, as it's considered to preserve half of faith from the point of view of Islam.

first of all, i never said mixed race are most beautiful so please don't put such a generalization on me.

Read my original post in this thread again, I was not even responding to you. It is you who responded to my post.
Beautiful Story. The hospitality in Pakistan is like no other.

P.S. The guy in the article looks like a Pakistani, born-and-bred lol
There are many foreigners who love Pakistan, especially Arabs, I remember a thread in an Arab defense forum where Arab members showed full support and sympathy aftermath the floods in 2010. We were praying for you and calling for donations to Pak brothers.
I have respect and love for my arab brothers and sister especially Palestinians.
Thanks for comments.
took quite some time.....we used to just converse with her in English in the beginning

i dont know about writing, but her Pashto and Urdu are pretty darn good. Slowly slowly she picked up small words and phrases and I guess just by listening and by trial & error she picked up the language in a few years. 1999 they came to Pakistan and have been there since.....every year they go to visit her side of the family in Belarus.

in fact they are there now for the holidays/vacation

Quite a little achievement IMO. Considering that the dialect is different.

I'm Pakistani and there's 70% of the country i've never even seen before. But we are famous for hospitality to guests and hopefully once situation improves we can bring in more tourism.

First time I went to Northern Areas, the deep ones, I was like 'Are you sure this is pakistan' to my father? Long time ago.
My neighbor, she is American and visited Pakistan 10 years ago. She accepted Islam and loves Pakistan and Pakistani culture.
my Grandfather (bless his departed soul) has house in Lahore - Upper Mall area. Our neighbour is an American lady married (but divorced later) to a local. I think she's an author now. Lives a private life, we used to send jamun to her home weekly since we had 4 jamun trees in our yard

lady used to drive in an old beat up Volkwagen Beetle in orange colour, i respected her a lot for that :D

oh memories....
Beautiful Story. The hospitality in Pakistan is like no other.

When it comes to foreigners we Pakistanis are very hospitable, but if only we were just as much if not more hospitable, tolerant, and welcoming towards each other, which we aren't.

Why mixed race children are the most beautiful. And without the variety, the world will be bland

Mixed Race - Half Indian Half Other

Who the hell cares!! why are you bharatis posting your crap on this thread?

I swear you bharatis always post nonsense related to your country on threads that have nothing to do with you guys. Like seriously, get over yourselves, the world doesn't revolve around you guys.
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