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A fascinating map of the world’s most and least racially tolerant countries

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What I know very well is the fact that there has been no Gujarati style massacre on Chakmas, despite the fact that these guys have been running a decade long insurgency against Bangladeshis to deprive our citizens the right to settle anywhere within our own country. You gotta love our tolerance, compared to yours!! :P
I don't think you can call this racism. It's a fight for land, much like Israel vs Palestine or Europeans vs Native Americans, but on a much smaller scale, without involving the military and for land that historically belongs to Bangalis.

Another one confused between race and religion. Unlike you guys Muslims of Gujarat are not Arabs. The Hindus and Muslims of Gujarat belong to the same race :blah:

I put this up on my Facebook Timeline and pointed out that Pakistan appears to be more tolerant of other races than Indians and Bangladeshis. That started a storm but most people tended to agree with the survey and the others couldn't find a reasonable objections to the findings except that it was western ....

Serious question for you. Was the massacare of Bangladeshis by Pakistan Army in 1971 a racial violence?
I get the first part-in Gujarat ,same race ppl killing another of his race just because he believe s in other religion. Right?
The second part-yes,1971 was all and foremost is about racial fractions in social, economical, cultural differences between two part of Pakistan. Religion was never an issue.
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