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A Deal's Collapse Clouds Pakistan's China Alliance

This may be mis-reported... 10 days ago they signed a very public MoU and things were moving. April was supposed to be project kick-off.

Obviously the deal had been in the works for a longer period of time - so what changed in 10 days? Would wait for some official confirmation. WSJ has a vested interest in "overstating the facts".
Chinese companies have been working with Pakistan even after their people were kidnapped for money and they sent in replacement people to take over. So keep in mind that China has been willing to go the extra mile to serve Pakistan's special circumstances in security.

Of course I would like to underscore that its high time we step up and provide them the security they need in the short-term.
India needs Pakistan to have a big and strong country with big influence on its army and civilian establishment..In this case China though not as big and powerful as USA but nonetheless very influential in Pakistan....
If and when there is a stand off between India and pakistan there should be a country who can advise pak and de-escalate the situation.
chinese are interested in pure business no emotion or relations.

And china's falling on back foot on biggest projects of pakistan due to some violence proved that peace is necessary for the chinese presence in the pakistan be it infrastructure or investment or manufacturing or pipeline or railways etc. etc..

And if any foreign power create some turmoil chinese will be out of pakistan, USA/CIA must be taking not or it.
it had backed out in August from a $19 billion deal in southern Sindh province because of concerns for its personnel after recent bombings in Pakistan's major cities.

do some research
Well as i said earlier and many pakistani poster have also posted the same on previous page!

Just wana say one thing...In todays world their is nothing called as brotherhood or bla bla emotional attyachar.

Its all about Self-Interests in this fast changing geopolitical world. Period!

The Pakistan China Alliance is too wide and too important to both China and Pakistan to let minor hiccups derail this mutually beneficial Alliance. I am sure as the security situation improves Chinese companies will be back to make money from this project. Nineteen Billion US Dollars is nothing to sneeze at. So the message to Indians is to stop dancing with joy, China will be back.

Hahaha.....why are so concerned about Indians? lol feeling the heat??

Btw...I am damn sure china will be back :enjoy:
It's unfortunate that both Pakistanis and Indians are reading this wrong, at least to my thinking - the Pakistanis and their denial mode is a now a given, Indians and their ideologically driven, "China is no friend or brother"

See, Pakistanis, it should be clear to all, do not have the will to take on extremism, actually i's worse, they do not know WHY, they should take on extremism and end it.

Are the Chinese brothers? Look we are talking about investments, and Pakistanis should keep in mind that "brotherhood" places obligations on them, that is to say that just like in your private life you would not allow harm to come to your biological brother, the same obligation exists in public life - you want the Chinese to see you as brothers, then behave as brothers towards them, do not allow harm to come to them, Can Pakistanis muster the ethical and moral courage to back their words with action, will they prove by their action that their words are not empty rhetoric?
China has backed Pakistan, its largest export market for armaments, for many years as a strategic counterweight to India in the Indian Ocean region. The countries have developed military hardware together, such as the JF-17 fighter jet, and China is helping Pakistan build civilian nuclear reactors.

I don't understand this part? Counterweight? In IOR? The only Navy present in the significant part of IOR is us (which is obviously our call) and the remaining half that doesn't interest us is internationally policed by US Navy. Where does Pakistan come into picture in all of this? The furthest of their Navy's deployment is in Gulf of Aden where they're involved in contributing to anti-piracy patrols.

Such a pact would draw China into any conflict involving their ally and likely anger the U.S. and India, Pakistan's regional rival.

Rival? us? of Pakistan? Either the writer fell off his morning stairs or he's just stuck in 1970s.

"That doesn't mean China wants to replace the U.S. in the role it played. It's not a zero sum game," she said.

Knowing Chinese up-close, it is quite the contrary of what Ms. Hua has concluded.

Pakistan's Defense Minister said that China had agreed to take over operation of Gwadar, which is doing little business as a commercial port, and that Islamabad has asked China to build a base there for Pakistan's navy.

This is an honest doubt; I'd like to know why does PN want to waste its money on a base that is never going to be used considering that they would not be at war with Iran anytime soon or even in visible future. Instead, they could simply use that money to improve the pay packages; or add some additional warships.
An official at China Kingho Group, one of China's largest private coal miners, said on Thursday it had backed out in August from a $19 billion deal in southern Sindh province due to concerns for its personnel after recent bombings in Pakistan's major cities.
Doesn't exactly equate to the Chinese government's official decision...... similarly, TATA has pulled out of some mining project in Afghanistan....does that imply to Indian Government's own stance towards that country. ??!!
Doesn't exactly equate to the Chinese government's official decision...... similarly, TATA has pulled out of some mining project in Afghanistan....does that imply to Indian Government's own stance towards that country. ??!!

TATA exited but NMDC Ltd, Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd (RINL), JSW Steel Ltd and Jindal Steel and Power Ltd (JSPL) are still on that mining bid for iron ore. And it is for Hajigak deposit, located in the Bamiyan province, 130km west of capital Kabul.:)
Doesn't exactly equate to the Chinese government's official decision...... similarly, TATA has pulled out of some mining project in Afghanistan....does that imply to Indian Government's own stance towards that country. ??!!


You are equating the Sinopak relationship with the Indo-Afghan relationship?
TATA exited but NMDC Ltd, Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd (RINL), JSW Steel Ltd and Jindal Steel and Power Ltd (JSPL) are still on that mining bid for iron ore. And it is for Hajigak deposit, located in the Bamiyan province, 130km west of capital Kabul.:)

Surely I don't need to give a breakdown of all the Chinese firms involved in mega projects across Pakistan. !! ;)
The deal was quite big.. $19 billion is not a small amount that can be neglected. But considering the security concerns, Beijing is correct. Despite their dictatorial regime, there must be a serious amount of public pressure from the families of those who tragically died in the multiple projects in restive parts of Pakistan, on the government to stop sending them there. So Pakistan has to first see how much it can provide reliable security to the Chinese engineers and workers. Investments will automatically flow.

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