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A Curious Indian!

And indians pricks abuse our religion,celebrate our deaths and use disgusting personal attack on this very forum?indians are also claiming ayni airbase and colonising the moon... :lol:


Oh yes its us mass murdering muslims,sikhs and christians... things might not be very good but certainly arent as bad as in india... where even feeding the dog of a higher caste fella gets u killed..... shias (me being one) are muslim but ahmedias sure arent praying to a fake prophet certainly aint islam,

Yes must be the reason u celebrate 48,65 along with 62? as for 90000 it includes thousands of civilian officials aswell... and we fought with a ratio of 1:50...

English for dummies:

Oh. You're a Shia. Therein ends my criticism of you. You will be in my prayer brother
I have been browsing this forum since the last few months, but this is going to be my first post. I have observed that the Pakistanis have a notion that the Muslims in India are a very oppressed class and given a chance, they will rush to Pakistan. This is all BULLSHIT! I don't know what some lame Pakistani sites say, I just know what I have seen in reality. I will tell you, in my school, there were around 8 Muslim students in a class of 45. And not even once, I ever felt that they are different from the rest of 37 of us. We used to play together, study together, party together and we even used to discuss how Sachin Tendulkar thrashed Shoaib Akhtar in 2003 World Cup. Even today, in college, I have many Muslim friends and professors but neither of them have ever been discriminated on the basis of their religion. They all are achieving great success in their respective fields whether its Academics (like we have the IAS 2009 Topper from J&K) or Cricket or Bollywood (I don't need to give examples here) because they all are INDIANS, by heart.
So please change this opinion of yours which you have created just by reading some fake news on the Internet. I accept that there are some groups within India, which see Pakistan as their homeland. But these groups hardly account for 2-5% of the Total Muslim population of India (which is more than the population of Pakistan).

Apart from this issue, I have one more issue in my mind.
Every Indian child grows up reading that India has 9 Neighbors - Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan & Sri Lanka. So it comes to us as a shock that the map we have been seeing since the last 15 years is not completely ours and India doesn't share any border with Afghanistan, at least it doesn't in reality. It was around 2 years back that I came to know that Gilgit–Baltistan and Aksai Chin are not a part of India in reality. Trust me, I was shocked as hell. But now I have accepted this fact.
India has 43% of Kashmir, Pakistan has 37% and China has occupied the rest 20%, so what I feel is whatever we have, we should be satisfied because I have seen people fighting on this forum, as in one day the Indians will get hold of the P.O.K and the Pakistanis will get the Indian Kashmir.

Apart from this, I want to know a few things about Pakistan:
1. What do general Pakistanis feel about the Indians?
2. How do the Pakistanis rate India as a country?
3. How are the other religions (apart from Islam) treated in Pakistan? Are they given equal rights and freedom?
3. Is Pakistan that unstable as we see on various news channels and on internet, unstable as in daily there is a bomb blast somewhere or the other?
4. Why is the Pakistani Army the most respected institution of the country? What's the reason?

Please give me an honest answer because I have already read enough shits on the Internet.

A good start to your PDF experience, sir. Welcome to PDF and a good post! I shall answer you anchoring my answers into the realistic picture that we hold.

1. What do general Pakistanis feel about the Indians?

Generally, Pakistanis feel OK about Indians, we share a common cultural root and are consumers of Bollywood and Indian soaps. Pakistani businessmen are interested in Indian economics and Pakistani academia, especially the social sciences, is extremely interested in India and Indians. Pakistanis abroad share a better dyad with Indians then we locals do.

2. How do the Pakistanis rate India as a country?

Pakistanis rate India very well as a country and this is the main fact that scares Pakistanis; we do not want to be left behind and have to compete with a supremely powerful India. Pakistani educated class especially sees Pakistan at the cross-roads where either we'll begin catching up or be left in the dust. We admire your achievements, are cautious of your power and interested in your model.

3. How are the other religions (apart from Islam) treated in Pakistan? Are they given equal rights and freedom?

That truly varies across the socio-economic status of the said minorities, well to do minority members face little or no problems. Not so well to do minorities are marginlaised but this is not truly based on their minority status it is actually due to the colonial and feudal inheritance that we have. Same as your Caste and Minorities status, the ground realities in Pakistan are not so different despite the media portrayals and harsher laws.

3. Is Pakistan that unstable as we see on various news channels and on internet, unstable as in daily there is a bomb blast somewhere or the other?

Actually Pakistan is extremely stable and that's the problem. The Status-quo of Pakistan has an extremely strong writ of the government but a weaker one of the law and order institutions. A good comparision would be of the underworld culture of your native country. The exception is that our gangs have political agendas and thus commit acts of terror.

4. Why is the Pakistani Army the most respected institution of the country? What's the reason?

Punjabi and Pakhtun culture (around 75% of Pakistan) has an affinity to the warrior culture. Thus, the army, the most vocal face of our armed forces, has a deep affinity within these cultures. Secondly, the army is seen as a non-interest group though after Musharaf era this is no longer a mainstream perception. Thirdly, for most Pakistanis the Ayub era is held as the golden era which was again a military regime. Fourthly, a lot of people in Pakistan believe that democracy is unsuited for the nation and thus look to the autocratic system of the military as the better alternative.

Its all about perceptions. We all consider our people/our land/our leaders/our country as perfect but find nothing positive to say about opposite side. We more concentrate on positive of our side and negative of opposite sides.

If we bother to try then we would find the same faults and weakness in our government/country. Corruption/discrimination/injustice/inequality/poverty/crimes/rapes are prevalent in both society. If you get videos of some hindu guys not happy in Pakistan then you also find videos of some Indian Muslims complaining about India and been told to migrate to Pakistan by hinduvta nationalists. If some Indian Muslims are proud to be Indian than there are also many guys like him who are proud to be Pakistani and are happy living in Muslim majority areas

Its better to get rid of this habit of generalizing about nation of millions and try to paint everyone with same brush
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Firstly when India was invaded there was no India, it was many states and kingdoms, so you really need to think before you start babbling.

People saying on this forum and many others that Pakistan is unstable and blah blah and will perish, but its still doing good.

If your writing is better then mine then congratulation, would you like me to give you a browny point?.

You asked for an honest opinion, upon receiving that you found utility very hard to handle and have resorted to personal insults.

Ny dear friend if you don't like the answers then don't ask such questions.

Read the correct history, India was there from Mauryan empire which is older than China, there are times where it was broke and kingdoms began fighting.
Apart from this, I want to know a few things about Pakistan:
1. What do general Pakistanis feel about the Indians?
2. How do the Pakistanis rate India as a country?
3. How are the other religions (apart from Islam) treated in Pakistan? Are they given equal rights and freedom?
3. Is Pakistan that unstable as we see on various news channels and on internet, unstable as in daily there is a bomb blast somewhere or the other?
4. Why is the Pakistani Army the most respected institution of the country? What's the reason?

Please give me an honest answer because I have already read enough shits on the Internet.

1. We feel Indians have their priority set somewhere. I mean, both our countries are same condition, more or less.

2. Don't get what you mean.

3. Hindus are given even more political representation in Pakistan than Muslims in India. That should give you a idea.

4. Pakistan is safe... It's just like normal counties, some bad areas, some good areas.

5. Pakistan Army is respected because it is least corrupt & most productive in entire countries institutions.

List of countries by Human Development Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Medium human development
Rank 136 India 0.554
Low human development
Rank 146 Pakistan 0.515

List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rank 133 India 3,830
Rank 141 Pakistan 2,881


10 places of HDI is nothing to brag about. Lol.


Per capita doesn't matter in a poor nation like India. Per capita is just GDP divided by population. Not a good measure in a poor nation like India where 70% live below $2
I have been browsing this forum since the last few months, but this is going to be my first post. I have observed that the Pakistanis have a notion that the Muslims in India are a very oppressed class and given a chance, they will rush to Pakistan. This is all BULLSHIT! I don't know what some lame Pakistani sites say, I just know what I have seen in reality. I will tell you, in my school, there were around 8 Muslim students in a class of 45. And not even once, I ever felt that they are different from the rest of 37 of us. We used to play together, study together, party together and we even used to discuss how Sachin Tendulkar thrashed Shoaib Akhtar in 2003 World Cup. Even today, in college, I have many Muslim friends and professors but neither of them have ever been discriminated on the basis of their religion. They all are achieving great success in their respective fields whether its Academics (like we have the IAS 2009 Topper from J&K) or Cricket or Bollywood (I don't need to give examples here) because they all are INDIANS, by heart.
So please change this opinion of yours which you have created just by reading some fake news on the Internet. I accept that there are some groups within India, which see Pakistan as their homeland. But these groups hardly account for 2-5% of the Total Muslim population of India (which is more than the population of Pakistan).

Apart from this issue, I have one more issue in my mind.
Every Indian child grows up reading that India has 9 Neighbors - Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan & Sri Lanka. So it comes to us as a shock that the map we have been seeing since the last 15 years is not completely ours and India doesn't share any border with Afghanistan. It was around 2 years back that I came to know that Gilgit–Baltistan and Aksai Chin are not a part of India in reality. Trust me, I was shocked as hell. But now I have accepted this fact.
India has 43% of Kashmir, Pakistan has 37% and China has occupied the rest 20%, so what I feel is whatever we have, we should be satisfied because I have seen people fighting on this forum, as in one day the Indians will get hold of the P.O.K and the Pakistanis will get the Indian Kashmir.

Apart from this, I want to know a few things about Pakistan:
1. What do general Pakistanis feel about the Indians?
2. How do the Pakistanis rate India as a country?
3. How are the other religions (apart from Islam) treated in Pakistan? Are they given equal rights and freedom?
3. Is Pakistan that unstable as we see on various news channels and on internet, unstable as in daily there is a bomb blast somewhere or the other?
4. Why is the Pakistani Army the most respected institution of the country? What's the reason?

Please give me an honest answer because I have already read enough shits on the Internet.
other than Muslims I give a dam about Indians and Gujarat and other several incidents shows what you are and some so called Bollywood Muslims what kind of Muslims they are everyone knows and 98% Pakistanis consider India the enemy and other religions have same kind of problems which they have in India which we need to solve yes after musharraf Pakistan is very unstable but we will solve it and Pakistan army is respected because it fights and is the most disciplined institution in pakistan
10 places of HDI is nothing to brag about. Lol.

Whatever it is-you are 10 places behind us-not ahead!!

Per capita doesn't matter in a poor nation like India. Per capita is just GDP divided by population. Not a good measure in a poor nation like India where 70% live below $2

so pakistan has better wealth distribution??
Welcome to the forum.And you got shock to know the reality about Aksai China and Gilgit Baltistan just two years back!!You must be very young I guess.About all of your questions,just spend few more time on reading good posts by very respected and honorable members here,you will get your answers.


1.General pakistanis may want peaceful settlement of Kashmir Issue but a section of your army don't.That is the difference.

2.You look at India through NGC glass!!!:woot: What do you think of Africans then?

1. LOL that Indian think he is a psych

2. jhinga lala ho jhinga lala ho , hu hu
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Those were some great answers! Thank you guys..
Thanks for your time.


2. Don't get what you mean.

3. Hindus are given even more political representation in Pakistan than Muslims in India. That should give you a idea.


Per capita doesn't matter in a poor nation like India. Per capita is just GDP divided by population. Not a good measure in a poor nation like India where 70% live below $2

2. I meant, What do you feel about India as a nation? You can answer it in respect to Pakistan.

3. LOL, seriously? I am sorry, but I have NEVER heard of any Hindu political leader from Pakistan.
I know only 3 Hindus from Pakistan who have made it big and they are:
- Justice Rana Bhagwan Das
- Danish Kaneria
- Deepak Parwani

Now would you like me to name some Muslims from India as well, who have made it even bigger? I guess, NO. But just for your satisfaction, I will tell you, since 1947 there have been 5 Muslims who have served as the President or the Vice-President of India:
1. Dr. Zakir Hussain
2. Mohammad Hidayatullah
3. Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed
4. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
5. Mohammad Hamid Ansari.
In case you don't know, The President of India is the head of state and the first citizen of India.

So Mr. Icewolf do you still believe that Hindus are given more political representation in Pakistan than Muslims in India?

That was right in your face!


Btw, do you really find yourself eligible to call India, a poor nation? Name one thing, just one single thing where Pakistan is ahead of India.
3. LOL, seriously? I am sorry, but I have NEVER heard of any Hindu political leader from Pakistan.
I know only 3 Hindus from Pakistan who have made it big and they are:
- Justice Rana Bhagwan Das
- Danish Kaneria
- Deepak Parwani

Now would you like me to name some Muslims from India as well, who have made it even bigger? I guess, NO. But just for your satisfaction, I will tell you, since 1947 there have been 5 Muslims who have served as the President or the Vice-President of India:
1. Dr. Zakir Hussain
2. Mohammad Hidayatullah
3. Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed
4. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
5. Mohammad Hamid Ansari.
In case you don't know, The President of India is the head of state and the first citizen of India.

So Mr. Icewolf do you still believe that Hindus are given more political representation in Pakistan than Muslims in India?

That was right in your face!


Btw, do you really find yourself eligible to call India, a poor nation? Name one thing, just one single thing where Pakistan is ahead of India.

A Hindu has been our SC justice.
Can you name any Muslim SC justice of India?

And you know better than I do, President is just a cermonial post in India. There has been Sikh, Christian PM, but still no Muslim PM

Inian Muslims hold LOWEST political and army representation of all minorities in India.

That should shut you up.


Pakistan is ahead of India in infrastrucuture, poverty, etc.

3. LOL, seriously? I am sorry, but I have NEVER heard of any Hindu political leader from Pakistan.
I know only 3 Hindus from Pakistan who have made it big and they are:
- Justice Rana Bhagwan Das
- Danish Kaneria
- Deepak Parwani

Now would you like me to name some Muslims from India as well, who have made it even bigger? I guess, NO. But just for your satisfaction, I will tell you, since 1947 there have been 5 Muslims who have served as the President or the Vice-President of India:
1. Dr. Zakir Hussain
2. Mohammad Hidayatullah
3. Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed
4. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
5. Mohammad Hamid Ansari.
In case you don't know, The President of India is the head of state and the first citizen of India.

So Mr. Icewolf do you still believe that Hindus are given more political representation in Pakistan than Muslims in India?

That was right in your face!


Btw, do you really find yourself eligible to call India, a poor nation? Name one thing, just one single thing where Pakistan is ahead of India.

A Hindu has been our SC justice.
Can you name any Muslim SC justice of India?

And you know better than I do, President is just a cermonial post in India. There has been Sikh, Christian PM, but still no Muslim PM

Inian Muslims hold LOWEST political and army representation of all minorities in India.

That should shut you up.


Pakistan is ahead of India in infrastrucuture, poverty, etc.
A Hindu has been our SC justice.
Can you name any Muslim SC justice of India?

And you know better than I do, President is just a cermonial post in India. There has been Sikh, Christian PM, but still no Muslim PM

Inian Muslims hold LOWEST political and army representation of all minorities in India.

That should shut you up.


Pakistan is ahead of India in infrastrucuture, poverty, etc.

A Hindu has been our SC justice.
Can you name any Muslim SC justice of India?

And you know better than I do, President is just a cermonial post in India. There has been Sikh, Christian PM, but still no Muslim PM

Inian Muslims hold LOWEST political and army representation of all minorities in India.

That should shut you up.


Pakistan is ahead of India in infrastrucuture, poverty, etc.
Altamas kabir is the current Chief Justice, he is a Bengali Muslim. Plus the director of Intelligence bureau is also Muslim.
A Hindu has been our SC justice.
Can you name any Muslim SC justice of India?

And you know better than I do, President is just a cermonial post in India. There has been Sikh, Christian PM, but still no Muslim PM

Inian Muslims hold LOWEST political and army representation of all minorities in India.

That should shut you up.


Pakistan is ahead of India in infrastrucuture, poverty, etc.

A Hindu has been our SC justice.
Can you name any Muslim SC justice of India?

And you know better than I do, President is just a cermonial post in India. There has been Sikh, Christian PM, but still no Muslim PM

Inian Muslims hold LOWEST political and army representation of all minorities in India.

That should shut you up.


Pakistan is ahead of India in infrastrucuture, poverty, etc.

Mohammad Hidayatullah was the 11th Chief Justice of India, serving from Feb 25, 1968 to Dec 16, 1970.
Mirza Hameedullah Beg was the 15th Chief Justice of India, serving from Jan 1977 to Feb 1978.
Aziz Mushabber Ahmadi was the 26th Chief Justice of India.
Altamas Kabir is the 39th and the "CURRENT" Chief Justice of India.

How was that? Might have hurt, right?

Yeah thats true we are yet to have a Muslim PM and thats really unfortunate but trust me we will have him quite soon, at least much before than you can find some more examples other than Justice Rana Bhagwan Das.

But.. but.. but we have had a number of Muslim CMs and Chief Minister is NOT just a ceremonial post in India. They are elected by the people just as the Prime Minister. Do you want me to name them as well?

I think we were comparing about the position of Hindus in Pakistan and that of Muslims in India. And I have already proved in this comparison, we are million steps ahead of you. But if you are so much interested about the comparison of minorities in India, I must tell you, its Christian who hold the lowest political and army representation of all minorities in India, and NOT Muslims.

Thanks for entertaining me so much tonight, I have still not caught hold of my breath. You are really funny! But the best of all your jokes was Pakistan is better than India in infrastructure.

I have never seen an antique piece like you. Bless my stars!
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