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A Curious Indian!

it pakistan lol means di ck

so what i said about muslim indians cheering for pakistan during cricket do you think its true?

Me and my friends (which includes Muslims as well) used to watch cricket matches together and I never saw a sign of despair on the face of my Muslim friends when Shoaib was smashed for a six or when Inzamam used to get run-out in every other match. Rather they used to cheer with us, or even sometimes more than us. And these all things used to happen at the place of one my those Muslim friends (actually his dad was the ADM of my district).
Even while I studying, we all had just one single aim, that was to crack JEE so that we all can get into the IITs which stands for Indian Institute of Technology. Unfortunately, I couldn't make it, but 2 of my muslim friends did and I am happy for them.

So based on my experiences, I can never believe on what you are saying.
1) We don't like Indians (personally me) because they are Indians, timid, short, weak, pathetic, veggie burgers.

They have been invaded genetically modified by every invader, but they will jump up and say oh its the pakistanis that it happened to, it wasn't us, we are pure as ice.

2)India as a country is doing well and vest of luck to it, no concern of ours.

3) All other religions in Pakistan are given equal right by Islam but in reality that's it possible and ground level.

4)Pakistan is it unstable, what yout hear on the news isn't always what a common man faces on a day to day basis.

5)Pakistani army was the most respected because they fought for this land and was seen as a symbol of all that is good. Now that is not the case but that is not to say that a common soldier is not loved or respected.

6) Some Pakistani care about Indian Muslims, personally i dislike them purely because they are Indians, we don't them to come nor will we allow them to come if they are in trouble.

7) you placed 3 twice, next time you ask something put some effort in to it to present it well, every Indian knows how a Pakistani feels about them so its stupidity asking such questions.

asalamulaikum for this brother lol

Me and my friends (which includes Muslims as well) used to watch cricket matches together and I never saw a sign of despair on the face of my Muslim friends when Shoaib was smashed for a six or when Inzamam used to get run-out in every other match. Rather they used to cheer with us, or even sometimes more than us. And these all things used to happen at the place of one my those Muslim friends (actually his dad was the ADM of my district).
Even while I studying, we all had just one single aim, that was to crack JEE so that we all can get into the IITs which stands for Indian Institute of Technology. Unfortunately, I couldn't make it, but 2 of my muslim friends did and I am happy for them.

So based on my experiences, I can never believe on what you are saying.

maybe your friends didnt cheer for pakistan or maybe they just didnt cheer for us in front of you but regardless it doesnt matter, i just told you what my indian muslim friend told me thats all.
Those were really harsh words.
And that Kashmir one holds true for us too, since for the last 65 years we are also showing Gilgit-Baltistan as our Integral part but in reality it isn't!

well bro truth is always harsh and thats why the people who have courage to speak truth are often prosecuted ...Hope Mods dont do that to me

any way pakistanies will never aknowledge and treat indians on par no matter what they will hate us as its there onli thing that gives then national identity

as for gilgit and balistan bieng indian well we also show that because of ego issue and nothing wrong in bieng a little over ambitious

well we lost it in 1948 and we will not get it back niether will the pakistanies as china wont give it back and they dont have means to challenege china

so the bottom line is pakistani publik loves to hate every thing indian but dosent minds using the benefits for example bollywood
well pray that some day we will live in peace but thats highli unlikely too sad but true

says an indian living in a country with 60 percent poverty compared to 23 percent in pakistan

good you brought this up i was hoping more wonder when rapes , toilets & cow **** is coming into the thread :omghaha:
well bro truth is always harsh and thats why the people who have courage to speak truth are often prosecuted ...Hope Mods dont do that to me

any way pakistanies will never aknowledge and treat indians on par no matter what they will hate us as its there onli thing that gives then national identity

as for gilgit and balistan bieng indian well we also show that because of ego issue and nothing wrong in bieng a little over ambitious

well we lost it in 1948 and we will not get it back niether will the pakistanies as china wont give it back and they dont have means to challenege china

so the bottom line is pakistani publik loves to hate every thing indian but dosent minds using the benefits for example bollywood
well pray that some day we will live in peace but thats highli unlikely too sad but true

good you brought this up i was hoping more wonder when rapes , toilets & cow **** is coming into the thread :omghaha:

im jus guna ignore you after this

What will I do just by knowing his name! There may be millions of Yousef in India.
Give me his Email id or atleast his Facebook profile's link.

your askin for too much.
1) We don't like Indians (personally me) because they are Indians, timid, short, weak, pathetic, veggie burgers.

They have been invaded genetically modified by every invader, but they will jump up and say oh its the pakistanis that it happened to, it wasn't us, we are pure as ice.

2)India as a country is doing well and best of luck to it, no concern of ours.

3) All other religions in Pakistan are given equal right by Islam but in reality that's it possible at ground level.

4)Pakistan is it unstable, what yout hear on the news isn't always what a common man faces on a day to day basis.

5)Pakistani army was the most respected because they fought for this land and was seen as a symbol of all that is good. Now that is not the case but that is not to say that a common soldier is not loved or respected.

6) Some Pakistani care about Indian Muslims, personally i dislike them purely because they are Indians, we don't them to come nor will we allow them to come if they are in trouble.

7) You placed 3 twice, next time you ask something put some effort in to it to present it well, every Indian knows how a Pakistani feels about them so its stupidity asking such questions.

When India was invaded, there was no Pakistan! So it applies to you as well. Think before you say such things.

Your 3rd point is the LOLest thing, I have ever heard (and btw here LOL means laughing out loud).

People on this thread itself have accepted that Pakisatn has been unstable since 2005.

Atleast my writing is better than yours, so it clearly indicates you need to put in much more effort than what I need. And not every Pakistani thinks in the same way as you do. It's because of Chutiyas like that your country is in such state.
You are such a jerk, thats all I can say.
I was here for a peaceful talk but I don't know why you guys are so aggressive. If this is how people are expected to behave on this forum, so ok, I will change my mode too.
What will I do just by knowing his name! There may be millions of Yousef in India.
Give me his Email id or atleast his Facebook profile's link.

Why should i give you his fb ??? I respect his privacy! If you dont believe me then i dont care!
I have been browsing this forum since the last few months, but this is going to be my first post. I have observed that the Pakistanis have a notion that the Muslims in India are a very oppressed class and given a chance, they will rush to Pakistan. This is all BULLSHIT! I don't know what some lame pakistani sites say, I just know what I have seen in reality. I will tell you, in my school, there were around 8 muslim students in a class of 45. And not even once, I ever felt that they are different from the rest of 37 of us. We used to play together, study together, party together and we even used to discuss how Sachin Tendulkar thrashed Shoaib Akhtar in 2003 World Cup. Even today, in college, I have many Muslim friends and professors but neither of them have ever been discriminated on the basis of their religion. They all are achieving great success in their respective fields whether its Academics (like we have the IAS 2009 Topper from J&K) or Cricket or Bollywood (I don't need to give examples here) because they all are INDIANS, by heart.
So please change this opinion of yours which you have created just by reading some fake news on the Internet. I accept that there are some groups within India, which see Pakistan as their homeland. But these groups hardly account for 2-5% of the Total Muslim population of India (which is more than the population of Pakistan).

Apart from this issue, I have one more issue in my mind.
Every Indian child grows up reading that India has 9 Neighbors - Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan & Sri Lanka. And it comes to us as a shock that the map we have been seeing since the last 15 years is not completely ours and India doesn't share any border with Afghanistan, atleat in reality. It was around 2 years back that I came to know that Gilgit–Baltistan and Aksai Chin are not a part of India in reality. Trust me, I was shocked as hell. But now I have accepted this fact.
India has 43% of Kashmir, Pakistan has 37% and China has occupied the rest 20%, so what I feel is whatever we have, we should be satisfied because I have seen people fighting on this forum, as in one day the Indians will get hold of the P.O.K and the Pakistanis will get the Indian Kashmir.

Apart from this, I want to know a few things about Pakistan:
1. What do general Pakistanis feel about the Indians?
2. How do the Pakistanis rate India as a country?
3. How are the other religions (apart from Islam) treated in Pakistan? Are they given equal rights and freedom?
3. Is Pakistan that unstable as we see on various news channels and on internet, unstable as in daily there is a bomb blast somewhere or the other?
4. Why is the Pakistani Army the most respected institution of the country? What's the reason?

Please give me an honest answer because I have already read enough shits on the Internet.

1 General Pakistani just negitive coz of Kashmir issue otherwise its ok
2 Country is just a country noone rates here it's just ok but net boys call India rapistan when pak is called ********* etc
well Islam gives all rights and freedom to non muslim and also equality and constitution too gives that so if some incidents ever happens they are coz of some personal problems or their own thinking nothing to do with law of Pakistan or Islam
4 Karachi and quetta are burning now a bit stable but were burning coz of foreign involvement and political parties wars……
overall punjab is ok sindh expect karachi is ok gilget baltistan is ok Balochistan has some minor probs with quetta probs KPK is a bit troublesome area and Fedral Administrited areas are hell now a days……
6 Army is respected coz of faith,dsicipline and sence of unity and the sacrifices made by them……
expect some useless generals like Yahya allz ok
Army is far more compitent than political parties thats all ……
Kashmir do a poll in Indian Kashmir if they are ok with you then we donot have any problems……:yu:
Why should i give you his fb ??? I respect his privacy! If you dont believe me then i dont care!

I don't know, why you guys are so obsessed with 'I don't care'! (I guess you are the 4th Pakistani to use it on this thread itself)
You don't care thats why you are in such a mess. Start caring, things will automatically change.
When India was invaded, there was no Pakistan! So it applies to you as well. Think before you say such things.

Your 3rd point is the LOLest thing, I have ever heard (and btw here LOL means laughing out loud).

People on this thread itself have accepted that Pakisatn has been unstable since 2005.

Atleast my writing is better than yours, so it clearly indicates you need to put in much more effort than what I need. And not every Pakistani thinks in the same way as you do. It's because of Chutiyas like that your country is in such state.
You are such a jerk, thats all I can say.
I was here for a peaceful talk but I don't know why you guys are so aggressive. If this is how people are expected to behave on this forum, so ok, I will change my mode too.

Firstly when India was invaded there was no India, it was many states and kingdoms, so you really need to think before you start babbling.

People saying on this forum and many others that Pakistan is unstable and blah blah and will perish, but its still doing good.

If your writing is better then mine then congratulation, would you like me to give you a browny point?.

You asked for an honest opinion, upon receiving that you found utility very hard to handle and have resorted to personal insults.

Ny dear friend if you don't like the answers then don't ask such questions.
Dude atleast Economy ki baat toh matt kar, you stand nowhere agaisnt us.

and u thought of talkin with them withowt prejudice and like a sane person well dude they are over egoistick and over agressive they under any circumstances will not tolarate an indian and have a feeling that all indian muslims also think like paksiatnies you cannot talk logik with them as they love to live in a fancy land and always thing indians as @ ghilzai wrote in his post no 29 in point no 1 and the other thing which he dint wrote is that they will keep there campine against india on till they settle the score of 1971 you might find it wrong but thats the truth remain a few months on PDF and all your doubts about them will be cleared ..Good Luck Buddy
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