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A Christian Province in Pakistan?

AgNoStiC MuSliM

Jul 11, 2007
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United States
Overwhelming votes to support PCC demand of Separate Christian Province is true voice of Pakistani Christians. Nazir Bhatti

London: August 31, 2008. PCC leaders shall soon tour Canada and EU countries to address seminars and open discussions to seek support for division of Pakistan in 12 federally administered units to be called provinces
and formation of Separate Christian Province in southwestern parts of Punjab said Nazir S Bhatti in telephonic conversation to Central Executive Council leaders of PCC.

Nazir Bhatti said, “overwhelming votes in favor of PCC demand is true voice of Pakistani Christians and government shall accept this verdict unless Christian youth shall be forced to take their own course of action”

We have received messages; mails of support and invitation from many countries to address gatherings on issue of Separate Christian Province in Pakistan, which have been accepted, and tours are scheduled in 2009.

Nazir Bhatti clarified that suggestions made by many Pakistani Christian leaders abroad to form exile government of “Christland and Takistan” are not under consideration of Pakistan Christian Congress because we demand Separate Christian Province within federation of Pakistan not an independent Christian country on division of Pakistan.

Nazir S Bhatti urged Christians to unite and join peaceful movement for division of Punjab and formation of Separate Christian Province.

“We support struggles of Siraki and Hazra movement to divide Punjab in three provinces because division of Punjab is important for solidarity of Pakistan” added Nazir Bhatti

Nazir Bhatti paid homage to all who voted in PCP to support demand of Separate Christian Province and urged government to consider it as referendum.

Nazir S Bhatti said that division of Pakistan in autonomous unit is only solution to end terrorism and religious extremism in Pakistan.

Pakistan Christian Post


Create a Christian province while dividing the current 4 administrative units into 12 or more? Excellent idea - provided the demographics and geographic contiguity of any such area allow a 'Christian province'.

In general I have always been in favor of more administrative units, especially in Punjab, which at over 80 million is a huge province.

I am not sure I agree with that last quote of Nazir Bhatti (with whom I share my family name), in that more administrative units with greater autonomy would result in lower terrorism and extremism.

I think decentralization and a delegation of powers to the administrative units (and more of them) might make governance more effective, and perhaps remove some of the inter-ethnic tensions caused by the perception that the all powerful center is inherently biased towards one or the other ethnic group, or the Federal 'establishment/bureaucracy'.
He is the First Knight From Pakistan and appointed as Grand Prior of Grand Priory of Pakistan, therefore a freemason. Freemasonry is tryin to take its proper hold in pakistan and is on Rise. My friend, dont fall for their propaganda, they are only suggesting this to dismember Pakistan and break it up. They want to break Pakistan's federation into confederation. Allah help us.

Making such a move would further turn us towards the theocratic path.
He is the First Knight From Pakistan and appointed as Grand Prior of Grand Priory of Pakistan, therefore a freemason. Freemasonry is tryin to take its proper hold in pakistan and is on Rise. My friend, dont fall for their propaganda, they are only suggesting this to dismember Pakistan and break it up. They want to break Pakistan's federation into confederation. Allah help us.


Another conspiracy theory, and I agree with you thats all freemasonry stuff. The game of chess is on full flow and the enemies of Pakistan using all sort of tactics. Pakistan is a muslim country (no offence against christians)and would always remain as muslim country, or in other word we consider this option if all the christian countries do the same by allowing atleast one muslim province in their countries.:pakistan:
Shortly I would post a detailed article about freemasons activites around the world and that includes Pakistan as well.
Guys you might find this never ending sort of article but its so interesting, once you start reading this you will get more involved and would surprise that how organize they were and they are and most importantly who is involved.

August the 2nd 1990 Saddam Hussain's forces crashed the defenses of oil rich Kuwait in fear of an Iraqi invasion into Saudi Arabia. The United States and her coalition allies poured into the Arabian Peninsula to form a deterrent that would be known as Desert Shield. The result was a series of diplomatic talks, negotiations and count negotiations that rapidly declined into a no hope situation. On August the 17th 1991 the Desert Shield became Desert Storm.

The conflict was witnessed by millions through the IF, CNN and the BBC showing propaganda of the systematic eradication of Saddam's forces by a coalition far superior in technological, political and economic power. However what was little known was that from the outset the war was engineered, controlled and manipulated by an elite group. A group which had created the illusion of a man with power at the head of a million strong army on the verge of going nuclear. A man who had gained control of the 1/5 of the World's oil overnight. However in reality he was merely a pawn in amongst many pawns. Just a puppet in a grand master plan with the Gulf War as a well orchestrated stepping stone. The orchestrates of the War were by no means strangers to controlling major World events. In fact they have done so for centuries.

From the shadows they have engineered every major war, revolution and recession. They control everything you read, everything you hear and everything you see. They have managed to indoctrinate an entire populace to their way of thinking and have infiltrated key positions in places of authority and it is from the shadows they have created a new political order, a new economic order and most sinister a new religious order. Their ultimate aim is total global domination and they will stop at nothing to reach their goal. The goal that was outlined in a speech given by a former President of the United States, George Bush "What is at stake is more than one small country it is a big idea a New World Order".

However the origins of this Global plan were not created in the offices of the White House. In reality their roots lay in another war this time the year is 1095 and the place Claremont, France. 11th century Europe was ruled by the church which held a firm grip on the hearts and minds of the people. This power enabled Pope Erwin II to wage war on the Muslim Caliphate and crusade in what he called a War of the Cross to recapture the land of Jerusalem. It had been under Muslim rule since the year 637 but in 1099 this rule was brought to a bloody and sudden end. In the name of the Cross women were raped and murdered, children were put to the sword and it is said that the blood ran in the streets knee high to the horses. Out of this land of bloodshed and terror a group of men arose which would stop at nothing to get what they wanted no matter what the cost. Twenty years after Jerusalem was taken the Dome of the Rock was seized by a group of warrior monks calling themselves The Knights of the Temple of Solomon or most simply the Knights Templers.

In Jerusalem the Templers began to deviate further and further away from the practices of Christianity. They learned the secret arts of the Kabala and ancient form of Jewish magic along with its dark rights and rituals. The Jews have learned the arts from the pagans of ancient Egypt during the times of enslavement to the Pharaoh and develop them into Babylon for the time of Navakanazar. In 1307 King Philip of France arrested them for charges of denial of Christ, homosexuality and idol worship as well as magic. In 1314 Pope Claymont V declared all Templates heretics to Christianity ordering all their properties to be seized. Their leader Chekthemolay was captured and burnt. The Templace was cornered and just when it seemed they were finished forever a glimmer of hope arose from a seemingly certain end they were to find a safe haven as well as an ally but not in France in fact in a country in a desperate struggle for independence against the English. The country of Scotland. The Scotland's hope of independence has died with the death of William Wallace. However to the King of Scotland Robert the Bruce the arrival of the Templace gave him a new secret weapon. Their experience gained over two hundred years of fighting against the mighty armies of Islam had made them expert in combat and warfare and more than a match for any army brought before them. In 1314 the Templers allied with Robert the Bruce and his army took to the field of Ballack Burn in the long awaited showdown with the English. Robert the Bruce's four sight paid off the 25,000 strong English army suffered a humiliatingly defeat at the hands of only six and a half thousand men. The dream of an independent Scotland had finally been achieved. The Templers had brought themselves back from the brink of destruction and never again will they allow themselves to be destroyed. This time they will control the country by controlling its Kings and in order to preserve their secret order the Templers would have to die or The Templers who had escaped Europe were finally laid to rest in Rovelin Chapel Scotland (as shown in picture Beside) which stands to this day as sign of their presence in Britain. Their descendants became the true power of Scotland. In 1603 the death of Queen Elizabeth I left England without an heir to the throne by virtue of decent King James V of Scotland became King of England in doing so Scotland and England joined to form a new kingdom and the power that the Templers held over Scotland spread to give them a firm grip on the whole of Great Britain. For over a hundred years the Templers concealed their activities fading into the background until they were little known and little remembered. However they did not seize to keep a firm grip on Britain. All the time they were planning, regrouping and infiltrating positions of power in all corners of the kingdom. In 1717 the Templers made their reappearance in Europe they had grown in both number and strength and were now ready to coin a new identity free from their reputation of the past and given credibility by none other than the monarchy and aristocracy of England and the name they chose for themselves was a name that would be known by many but understood by a few [I slightly disagree with the name "freemasons" It comes from French "frerés masons" i.e. masonic brothers. Silly English people shortened & translated it to Freemasons]

The new identity in the grand jury of its members afforded the Masons with respect and dignity. The first World member of the Free Masons was Fredrick, Prince of Wales. The latest members include Prince Philip the Duke of Edinborough and consort to the current Queen of England Elizabeth II who herself is a grand patron to the Masons. However behind closed doors the Free Masons were free to indulge in the secret rights and rituals handed down to them by their ancestors and these became the basis of their levels of membership called Degree. The Free Masons were not content with power in Britain alone their ambitions were far greater. In the years to come the World and America being pledged by wars and revolutions each more devastating than the other. However these were not the as commonly believed the spontaneous effects of the downtrodden people but in fact schemes created by the exclusive few driven by hunger for absolute power. All this would take place from the very country from which they had fled centuries earlier and will come to the base for the Global domination.

In 18th century France the majority of the population was very poor while the aristocracy and royalty lived a life of luxury and extravagance, there existed a wide gulf between the two classes. The Free Masons would use this to make the pledge for power resulting in the biggest upheaval in French history. The Masons took advantage of the growing atmosphere of anger amongst the French and used it to achieve their own aims for the carefully planned propaganda war. They completely controlled the media system and used it to sway the tide of public opinion. The newspapers were geared into calling for the end of monarchy and the establishment of the society based on liberty, equality and finality. The Masons vast amount of wealth were used to influence the political landscape of France. Politicians funded by the Masons promoted the Masonic ideology the secret lodges of the Masons were opened to the members of the French army, high ranking officers and generals were indoctrinated to the Free Masons way of thinking. With the people the politicians and the military of France under Masonic control the Masons could finally strive. On the 14th of July 1789 a group of people stormed the Basteel a prison in Paris. This sign of resistance against the French authorities triggered off a massive response all over France. People in villages and towns expressed their hatred for the system symbolized by the monarchy but it was not until 1793 that the French anger would be cooled. On the 21st of January of the same year King Louis XVI was beheaded in front of a crowd holding an end to the French monarchy and paving the way for another Masonic state in Europe. With the monarchy gone it seemed as if nothing stood between the Masons and complete control of France however what took place would leave the Free Masons in a serious dilemma and what was to come next was not exactly in accordance with the Masonic plan.

A young soldier by the name of Napoleon Bonaparte was about to lead France into a bloody war with Europe and instead of dancing to the Masonic tune Napoleon declared himself the Emperor of France. Napoleon was forced to abdicate from his throne in 1814 and was exiled to the island of Corsica. However in 1815 Napoleon arrived in Paris again raising a new army ready for a fresh war in Europe. The Masons had a big problem on their hands. Britain and her Masonic allies could not afford to maintain a long term war against Napoleon without risking bankruptcy. Help came from an unlikely source Nathan Rothschild was the head of a leading banking family but because of their status as Jews they were forced to work from the shadows of others. Rothschild seized the opportunity to liberate his people and often alone demanding in return recognition of the Jews as equals to the European counterparts under right to openly do business. If the Masons refused the money could always go to Napoleon. The Masons had no choice but to accept and the loan transaction was completed. In 1815 British, Dutch and Russian soldiers landed in Waterloo, Belgium where they met Napoleons forces and defeated them. Napoleon was captured this time never to return France was finally under Masonic control. Although historians made little mention of the Masonic involvement in the revolution the Masons themselves have to reveal their shadowy movements during this important period in history. In 1904 Marc Vadourasambo a Free Mason set before a pact audience "Free Masonry has worked in a hidden but constant manner to prepare the revolution we are then in complete agreement the Free Masonry with the only offer of the revolution and the applause which I receive from the left and which I am little accustomed proves gentlemen that you acknowledge with me that it was Masonry which made French Revolution."

When the so called founding fathers of America landed on the Plymouth rock not only they bring with them disfranchised people they also brought the Free Masonic elements of Europe. The injustices which the fathers of America were escaping from in Europe was also to be found in the new land in the form of a tyrannical British regime. In order to gain complete dominance of the new state the Masons had used the same methods they had used to gain control of France. Although the British monarchy was run by the Masons the American war of independence was a necessary action and the people involved in the war were expendable for the Masons to fulfill their dream. The emotions of the people were manipulated into anger and just like France anger turned into war this time however previous mistakes would not be repeated. The defeat Masons faced against Napoleon and his army in Europe taught the Mason's a lesson. Any forth coming leaders of the resistance must follow the Masonic agenda and the best way to do this was to ensure the leader himself was a Mason and the leader who took the war to the British was none other than George Washington.

On the 4th of July 1776 declaration of independence was made. On the 17th of October 1781 the British were finally defeated and surrendered the colonies to the Americans and the World's first Masonic state was born a nation that would represent Masonry in every way. A sign of the Masonic presence in America is plainly visible on the dollar bill which carries the picture of George Washington the first Free Masonic president in the World and the picture of the Free Masonic symbol of the so called "All Seeing One Eye."

Historically the control and manipulation of political opinion has been the Free Masons main weapon in gaining control of countries and states. Once in control of the rulers and politicians of a country laws and political structures could be changed in accordance with their agenda however since restricting the body does not necessarily mean restricting the mind. The Free Mason recognizes that their plan for a Global government hinges completely on subduing the masses to their agenda and thus eliminating opposition to their cause and the greatest threat to their plan causing more danger than any army or law is a threat of a free thinking mind. In order to eliminate this threat and to achieve their objective the Masons have set about the boldest plan ever devise the complete control of every aspect of human life, Your Life and the weapons they are using against you are in your very homes entertaining you and your children and gradually indoctrinating you without you even realizing. In today's society people are spending more and more time engaged with modern media. Television, Cinema, Computer Games, The Internet, Popular Fiction and Popular Music are integral part of their lives. Yet these provide a vast expanse on information which you are taking either consciously or subconsciously into your mind. Information on society ranging from ideals and morals and the difference between right and wrong to the way societies and economies should be structured is past before you every single day.

These media play a significant role in providing the basis for determining an individuals view of the World and everything that exists. Thus any one group in complete control of this information placed on these media will in effect have the power to indoctrinate practically the entire populace of the World to their way of thinking and it is this fact the Free Masons are exploiting. The Masons are using the entertainment industry in particular to condition people to their way of thinking either openly or subliminally. The methods they use vary but the goal is the same to impose their beliefs, their ideology and their objectives on you in such a way that you begin to think of them as your own. Evidence of their presence within popular entertainment is wide spread. Masonic involvement in the industries is not a new thing. Hail is one of histories great composers, Wolf Gang Amadeus, Mozart a Free Mason himself composed a symphony which was an open display of Free Masonry. The symphony is based on a story taken from an ancient Egyptian mythology Avysus and Cyrus. The pagan rights of ancient Egyptian mythology form through the Kabala one of the fundamental aspects of Free Masonry. It is from these same pagan origins of Egypt that the symbol of the One Eye Stems.

Evidence of the Free Masonic presence is also commonly found in the popular music of more recent times. Michael Jackson hails today the King of pop regarded as the greatest entertainer of all times responsible for producing best selling albums in the World may not be known to be linked with the Free Masons. However the cover of his "Dangerous" album had some interesting features on it the Free Masonic symbol of the One Eye can be found and also the picture of a watery Lake behind which laid burning flames. It seems as though anyone entering into the water would really be entering into the fire. The cover also has on it a picture of a bald headed man well known to the occult as Alistair Crowley. He himself was a Free Mason who became a Satanist and wrote the book "The New Law of Man" which stated in it that it would one day replace the Qur'ân as the law of man.

To be continues shortly;
City of Lahore is 20% Christan. Perhaps we can join sikhs and creat the first multination city.
Just a reminder - derogatory comments directed at any community will not be tolerated.

People seem to forget some of the basic tenets of Islam when disrespecting people of other faith's.

Infractions will be issued next time.
Another conspiracy theory, and I agree with you thats all freemasonry stuff. The game of chess is on full flow and the enemies of Pakistan using all sort of tactics. Pakistan is a muslim country (no offence against christians)and would always remain as muslim country, or in other word we consider this option if all the christian countries do the same by allowing atleast one muslim province in their countries.:pakistan:

It is not a 'conspiracy theory'. You can check their website and read the letters to editor and a link which takes you the membership for the grand lodge of Pakistan.

Another conspiracy theory, and I agree with you thats all freemasonry stuff. The game of chess is on full flow and the enemies of Pakistan using all sort of tactics. Pakistan is a muslim country (no offence against christians)and would always remain as muslim country, or in other word we consider this option if all the christian countries do the same by allowing atleast one muslim province in their countries.:pakistan:

you are 100% rite! first they will make a province and then they will start rebellion in name of free Christan state against Pakistan
Don't really see provinces by religion but Christians will be the largest religious minority in Pakistan.

Christianity daily wins more and more converts especially in Punjab. I'm no one to judge another's confession or conscience but I would ask what role the injustices of feudal system and behaviour of the feudal lords what role the behaviour of the more rigteous than thou Muslims, the lack of consciousness of ethics and morality in the public discourse, have played in persuading persons that their salvation lies in christianity.:pop:

Create a Christian province while dividing the current 4 administrative units into 12 or more? Excellent idea - provided the demographics and geographic contiguity of any such area allow a 'Christian province'.
i dont think there is any geographic contigious areas of christian majority in the punjab,Do you think so?
and then wat? one province for every pirzada?
instead of wastin time, we should rather spend more time in amending our laws and increasing awareness amongst masses to live in harmony.
i cant see if india has managed to solve their problems by making new states. still there is demand for more and still many want separation.

a christian province or any minority province will only increase discrimination in the society.
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