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White Americans are dumb humans by birth. That is why nearly all of the innovations in the US are done by Asians (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Indian, etc). Then the whites claim that it's their superiority that make them so innovative.

Most Americans couldn't locate their own country on a map.

Wrong. One look at the American nobel achievements in sciences disproves your statement.

Also the groundwork for space travel in the 60's was done by white Americans.
And air travel was perfected by people like Beoing and Sikorsky.
A) I can draw a decent world map from memory...and have travelled to much of it (you ever been outside of China?)...so can all my friends. B) Name an "Asian" innovation we claim (Steam? Internal combustion engine? electronics? Flight? anything?) and yeah...our cities look more and more like copies of Asia...Lol!

All the engineers and scientists that innovate or contribute to an invention are Asian. Not many white people do science and engineering. Look at the top students in your universities, most of them are Asian. Only smart white people are Jews. But non-Jewish whites are very dumb, they are good at movies, reality shows, lawyers, diplomats, politicians, etc.
Come to think of it...I have a hard time naming a single "asian" innovation. Good at copying that done by others...not a single original thought.
Noble prizes are a joke, it's not given to the people that deserve it, but to undeserving people. It's a political tool to prove white superiority. Just look at the innovations done by apple, google, etc are done by Asians and few Jews. The rest of the whites are just passengers, the Asians innovate and whites claim credit for it.
Noble prizes are a joke, it's not given to the people that deserve it, but to undeserving people. It's a political tool to prove white superiority. Just look at the innovations done by apple, google, etc are done by Asians and few Jews. The rest of the whites are just passengers, the Asians innovate and whites claim credit for it.

Because they own the company. The company is their brainchild. Of course Bill gates gets the credit for microsoft, as does Steve jobs for apple.

And the engineers are told what to do by the boss. The Iphone was Steve Jobs idea, even if it took hundreds of engineers to develop it.

And no nobel prizes in the sciences are not a joke. The winners have come up with important scientific work. The theories for which the prize was awarded are still mostly in use today.
Dammit...gotta keep telling myself...don't feed the trolls...but it is hard...
Come on guys we are going off topic here. This tread is not about innovation but about intervention and the US has quite a few. And as the steamroller of death of the US rolls on more innocent people around the world are going to get killed. The massacres committed by the US from the native Indians to the Afghans who's bodies are being piled up ever higher and the rivers of blood is running ever deeper. And yet Americans can still have the gall to claim the moral high ground on international affairs and lecture others about humanity. This shows you either a very deep sense of shamelessness or simple plain ignorence of there passed and present actions.
That list is totally stupid , although america did intervene in so many , the OP is pure anti -american.
That is why nearly all of the innovations in the US are done by Asians (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Indian, etc).
You forgot Iranians, Turks, Arabs...
I hope you guys in the US liked 9/11 there is going to be more to come. If you kill people all over the world sooner or later they are going to kill you.

You know CENTCOM monitors these forums and is probably using NSA to track you. :D
Back on topic. I would say any great power will alway have more military interventions compared to lesser powers. Remember Spain in the 1500's? England in the 1800's? USSR? Empire of Japan? That is just how things are. Even China now has a host of military interventions.
You know CENTCOM monitors these forums and is probably using NSA to track you. :D
great one buddy......good thinking....:lol:
You forgot Iranians, Turks, Arabs...

you seem to be so interested in iranians i dont know why you have a turkish flag .

Turkmusun sen? Eger turksen bu hayranligin ne fars lara.

Back on topic. I would say any great power will alway have more military interventions compared to lesser powers. Remember Spain in the 1500's? England in the 1800's? USSR? Empire of Japan? That is just how things are. Even China now has a host of military interventions.

I dont remember Spain in the 1500s , i remember we were whipping them continously along with all of their europe. Charles V Holy Roman Emperor was a coward and couldnt even step agains Suleiman the magnificent , Battle of mohacs he got whipped.

Battle of Mohács - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
All the engineers and scientists that innovate or contribute to an invention are Asian. Not many white people do science and engineering. Look at the top students in your universities, most of them are Asian. Only smart white people are Jews. But non-Jewish whites are very dumb, they are good at movies, reality shows, lawyers, diplomats, politicians, etc.

So Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, The Wright Brothers, Einstein, Alexander Graham Bell, Isaac Newton, Stephen Hawking, Galileo, Alon Musk, are all Asian. :D
you seem to be so interested in iranians i dont know why you have a turkish flag .

Turkmusun sen? Eger turksen bu hayranligin ne fars lara.

I dont remember Spain in the 1500s , i remember we were whipping them continously along with all of their europe. Charles V Holy Roman Emperor was a coward and couldnt even step agains Suleiman the magnificent , Battle of mohacs he got whipped.

Battle of Mohács - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Spanish empire was the superpower of its day, and it was greater in both landmass and influence. It was among the first truely global empires.
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