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‘Bush fears a Pakistan-aided Sunni bomb’


Jul 8, 2006
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News from todays ToI, dated 16th April 2007.

‘Bush fears a Pakistan-aided Sunni bomb’

Says If Shia Iran Gets N-Weapons, Mideast Nations Would Seek Same

New York: US president George Bush has reportedly expressed the fear that if Shia Iran acquires nuclear weapons, the Middle Eastern countries might turn to the nuclear-armed Pakistan for help to create a “Sunni bomb”.
As officials in Washington tried to build their case for stepping up pressure on Iran, Bush talked privately to experts on the Middle East about his fears of a “Sunni bomb,” and his concerns that countries in the Middle East might turn to the only nuclear-armed Sunni state, Pakistan, for help, it said.
With Shia Iran increasingly ascendant in the region, Sunni countries have alluded to other motives, it said, adding that officials from 21 governments in and around Middle East warned at a meeting of Arab leaders in March that Tehran’s drive for atomic technology could result in the beginning of “a grave and destructive nuclear arms race in the region.”
The paper said that two years ago, the leaders of Saudi Arabia told international atomic regulators that they could foresee no need for the kingdom to develop nuclear power. But today, it claimed, they are scrambling to hire atomic contractors, buy nuclear hardware and build support for a regional system of reactors.
Turkey is preparing for its first atomic plant. And Egypt has announced plans to build one on its Mediterranean coast. In all, roughly a dozen states in the region have recently turned to the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna for help in starting their own nuclear programmes, the report said.
While interest in nuclear energy is rising globally, it is unusually strong in the Middle East, the paper said. “The rules have changed,” King Abdullah II of Jordan recently told the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. “Everybody’s going for nuclear programmes.”
NYT said the Middle East states contend they only want atomic power but it quoted US government and private analysts as saying they believe that the rush of activity is also intended to counter the threat of a nuclear Iran.
The underlying technologies of nuclear power can make electricity or, with more effort, warheads, as nations have demonstrated over the decades by turning ostensibly civilian programmes into sources of bomb fuel.
Iran’s uneasy neighbours, analysts said, may be positioning themselves to do the same. “One danger of Iran going nuclear has always been that it might provoke others,” said Mark Fitzpatrick, a senior fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, an arms analysis group in London. “So when you see the development of nuclear power elsewhere in the region, it’s a cause for some concern.” PTI
Pakistan and KSA have an unwritten understanding that in case of any threat to KSA, Pakistan would provide her a nuclear umbrella.

As the Sunni or GCC bomb is concerned, they do not have capability or political will to do so in near future.
These western countries are still of that ancient mindset about Islamic bomb, now that there's so much sectarian talk so we have Sunni and Shia bomb. The only people who offered nuclear tech to the Arabs were Shia Iranians.
But is it not the case then some time back when I raised this issue in the forum that, "Pakistan is actively helping Saudis in thier nuclear drive", people here raised n number of objectiosn, calling all excuses at thier disposal to nullify that 'CLAIM'. Now if the issue come from Uncle SAM then it is taken as a 'FACT'!
We all know that Pakistan and Saud's have an (un)written pact to defend house of sauds, in case of disaster.
You know why 'Kerry' did not win the last election in US of A. Becasuse one of the reasons was that Saudi Arabia was on his 'Hit List' as the major supporter of crime, not the Iran. Neocons and jewesih lobby in particular know the above fact about Pakistan and Sauds. they would never have taken the risk of invading SA and bring the wrath of 1 billion people, including nuclear armed Pakistan. They want to play it safe with Iran, although Iran also look disasterous at the moment.
You are mixing so many issues at one place, no body confirmed that Pakistan is helping KSA, Bush want to built a case against Iran and that is nothing more then this.

Now, come to Iran, she would never think in her dream to go against KSA in any situation, their relations are getting batter from worst.

Third thing is that it is understood that if any power threatens KSA security, be it Israel or Iran, it would be very clear that Pakistan is a partner in any such situation and use whatever they have in inventory. However again Iran KSA conflict is out of question.

Now use some logic, when KSA already enjoys a nuclear umbrella, why on earth they would go for some thing for which they do not have capacity and political will?

There are rummors that Pakistan would supply KSA with Nuclear reactors for power purposes, but nothing is confirmed yet. KSA have announced a plan to enter the civilian programme but let us see who gets the contract, it can be SU, US, or Pakistan.
News from todays ToI, dated 16th April 2007.

The paper said that two years ago, the leaders of Saudi Arabia told international atomic regulators that they could foresee no need for the kingdom to develop nuclear power. But today, it claimed, they are scrambling to hire atomic contractors, buy nuclear hardware and build support for a regional system of reactors.
Turkey is preparing for its first atomic plant. And Egypt has announced plans to build one on its Mediterranean coast. In all, roughly a dozen states in the region have recently turned to the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna for help in starting their own nuclear programmes, the report said.
While interest in nuclear energy is rising globally, it is unusually strong in the Middle East, the paper said. “The rules have changed,” King Abdullah II of Jordan recently told the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. “Everybody’s going for nuclear programmes.”

at least in this way the Muslim countries will get stronger which is much much needed:tup:
This is nothing more then pure crock of s--t.this is to create division with in Muslim countries.
I guess the division is laready there. Saudi Vs Iran & Syria
I guess the division is laready there. Saudi Vs Iran & Syria

It's not their anymore is you read about the Iranian visits to KSA last year, etc, to defuse the tensions which are working. KSA is even against the use of force on Iran, knowing that the region can't handle another war.
Pakistan making sunni bomb and Iran making shia bomb...lolz
But is it not the case then some time back when I raised this issue in the forum that, "Pakistan is actively helping Saudis in thier nuclear drive", people here raised n number of objectiosn, calling all excuses at thier disposal to nullify that 'CLAIM'. Now if the issue come from Uncle SAM then it is taken as a 'FACT'!
I quote the words of G. Bush's theory: 'the Middle Eastern countries might turn to the nuclear-armed Pakistan for help to create a “Sunni bomb”.' But he really missed the 'active Saudi' part you have quoted.
Any way, Bush's part is really not an intelligence news. Many middle eastern countries had publicaly shared their ideas about aquiring nuclear deterence.
Unfortunately, to the contrary fact is that A.Q.Khan individually has been the reason of 'Iran bomb' and 'Indian bomb' but you didn't noticed and neither your dear uncle sam bothered to name those as 'Shia bomb' and 'Hindu bomb'!
Hypocracy at its peak :sick:
Now according to the same theory. If Saudis accept Iran's offer and than the bomb should be termed as 'Shia Sunni Union bomb' waoo... this will be a heck of a bomb but how come this open offer is not of any concern, but the secret pact of pakistan and Saudi is of great concern and should be portrayed as a bomb against 'Shias'.
This is dirty politics and those are stupid who buy this propaganda.
BTW how about the uncle Sam's neuclear help to Indians!:eek:
Sick Indeed.
Actually, In fair analysis, Indian neuclear arsnel is more of a threat to Saudis rather than any other regional country.:cool:

We all know that Pakistan and Saud's have an (un)written pact to defend house of sauds, in case of disaster.
And the whole world is witness to the said verbal pact.
And what is the potential disaster to house of Sauds, which can only be averted by atomic bomb. :lol:

You know why 'Kerry' did not win the last election in US of A. Becasuse one of the reasons was that Saudi Arabia was on his 'Hit List' as the major supporter of crime, not the Iran. Neocons and jewesih lobby in particular know the above fact about Pakistan and Sauds. they would never have taken the risk of invading SA and bring the wrath of 1 billion people, including nuclear armed Pakistan. They want to play it safe with Iran, although Iran also look disasterous at the moment.
By this theory, you are terming Iran and Jews potential partners to nuke SaudiArabia and using America as tool.
:banana2: :banana2: :banana2: What do we called this coallition :angel:
I can see where you are going, typical Indian, ''anti-muslim concpiracy theory''.
Some times you used term house of Saud and some time Saudis or Saudi Arabia! both terms give different understanding! Please, clarify who is American target and who is under protection?
One thing is clearly established that without Pakistani bomb map of middle east would have been very different.
I also wonder who are those one billion people coming to wrath? Any way I hope all Indians are familiar with this term: 'irrespective of who attack Pakistan, we will nuke India' and I add atleast with 100 N.bombs.
i dont think this whole sunni bomb business is not true. but this "islamic bomb" was a stupid statement made by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. i think this is partly our falt too.
Unfortunately, to the contrary fact is that A.Q.Khan individually has been the reason of 'Iran bomb' and 'Indian bomb' but you didn't noticed and neither your dear uncle sam bothered to name those as 'Shia bomb' and 'Hindu bomb'!
Thats cuz no one subscribes to Musharraf's theory that AQ Khan helped in India's nuclear ambitions.

In fair analysis, Indian neuclear arsnel is more of a threat to Saudis rather than any other regional country.:cool:
Nope, we have no major problems with S.Arabia. Infact their king was the chief guest at our Republic day parade last to last year. Hardly a country that we'd wanna nuke lol.

I also wonder who are those one billion people coming to wrath? Any way I hope all Indians are familiar with this term: 'irrespective of who attack Pakistan, we will nuke India' and I add atleast with 100 N.bombs.
You use the term nuke bombs quite callously, you realise that India has more nuke bombs? Using a single bomb on India would invite the wrath of the entire Indian nuclear arsenal, which would amount to suicide for Pakistan. I hardly think any ruler of Pakistan would take this descision in a hurry or would be as careless about it as you.
i dont think this whole sunni bomb business is not true. but this "islamic bomb" was a stupid statement made by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. i think this is partly our falt too.

I dont know weather Bombs realy have religions, like Hindu Bomb, Christian Bomb, Catholic Bomb, Sunni Bomb...................:disagree:

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