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A Bad MoFo ? You'd Better Beleive It !!!

@boomslang Get a new hobby, like a girlfriend you wierdo gun freak. :sniper::rofl:
I'm married, ball sack.:nana:

Hey man! Since you're our official badass here, can you tell us how a beginner should start learning how to shoot? Is having a gun dangerous? I would like to go to shooting range, but I'm worried someone might steal the gun I barrow and commit some kind of crime and I get into trouble, is this even a legitimate concern? Can you give us an overview? How did you start? Thanks!
Hey man! Since you're our official badass here, can you tell us how a beginner should start learning how to shoot? Is having a gun dangerous? I would like to go to shooting range, but I'm worried someone might steal the gun I barrow and commit some kind of crime and I get into trouble, is this even a legitimate concern? Can you give us an overview? How did you start? Thanks!

You can go to a range and take lessons. Rent different guns at the range to find something you like for purchase down the road. A gun is only a tool. The person holding it is the weak link. Keep a eye on your shit. If your gun is lost or stolen you report it to the police, pronto. And you keep ALL the paperwork from EACH weapon in a orderly fashion. We used to have a place in the mountains when I was young. We shot a lot.
I didnt find my Enfield Mk1 any less capable. although double action but accurate and devastating enough at close range

Bro... ive lost mags for my Jungle Carbine.. any info where to get new ones from?
Bro... ive lost mags for my Jungle Carbine.. any info where to get new ones from?
rifle number 5?
contact the army. there should be some still there gathering dust in armoury

@Falcon29 This is so funny! :lol:

@boomslang If i didn't disagree with your political views regarding muslims, we may have been good friends. Your antics are pretty funny. :bunny: :usflag::pakistan:
@Falcon29 This is so funny! :lol:

@boomslang If i didn't disagree with your political views regarding muslims, we may have been good friends. Your antics are pretty funny. :bunny: :usflag::pakistan:


The bit at the end is a 'yo bitch' out for 'The Big O'. Red Dot at 50 yards, genius. But I don't expect you to know what that even means.:sniper:In a gunfight, just me and you........I like my odds.
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In a gunfight, just me and you........I like my odds.

:lol: Are you scared that I will win?
:lol: Are you scared that I will win?

You would hit the ground SO fast you'd defy the laws of physics.:sniper:
You would hit the ground SO fast you'd defy the laws of physics.:sniper:

You ARE scared then. Because you don't know anything about me. :lol:
You ARE scared then. Because you don't know anything about me. :lol:

I know about ME, and I like my odds.
I know about ME, and I like my odds.

Well I know YOU and I like my odds. :lol:
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