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95% of all Hindu temples in Pakistan have been destroyed or converted since 1990

Well....Islam is all about protecting and respecting the worship places of others...I feel that we have no write to condemn demolition of Babri Mosque...not only mosques but all worship places are secred

Why did you forget his friend

Someone will come and say it was land mafia and it had nothing to do with religion.
they might be crazy...but not as dangerous as extremists you find in other religion. I wouldn't waste my energy on them (bajrang dal, etc...)
it is a land mafia kiddo!!!! its the ETBP not some radicals who have taken over them and turned in Mosques. Here in our country those places of worship which are operational ie where their religious practices take place are protected (by Muslim government and Muslim armed forces) as under the constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Thats why those which are non operational because yr fellow hindus of pakistan have ran away from their own country to india are now converted into more meaningful things for our own society's goodness in the first place. But this is still Pakistan not yr India where we demolish Taj Mehel for some Shiv temple or demolish our operational Mosque like Babri Mosque for some Ram temple because we heard that it was that Hindu God's janam Bhumi even those there is no proof of that in the first place!.
For his mistakes Muslim Scholars have a free hand to correct these mistakes, but as a matter of fact opposite side scholars could not defeat him in debate....

They would have if he had agreed to Mahendra pal Arya's invitation, Mahendra pal is waiting from 2006.

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