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9000 Kashmiri boys show up for Indian army selection, defying threat from terrorists.

All armies do what they are told to do. I don't see you shedding tears for Lal masjid which was as brutal as Golden Temple. Is not Kashmir much better of than Swat and Bajour ? All countries have problems and India or Pakistan are not any better.


u are mixing oranges and apples, kashmiris did not choose to be occupied, sawties did not ans called the Army to help them and in doing so they left swat to allow Army's operation go thoroughly.

In the case of Kashmir Indian Army is acting like terrorists for the past 60 years and Kashmiris want them out not in kashmir.

You need to be informed of the truth and learn to live truthfully and not in your own concocted world of diciest and innuendos.

Read and learn the facts and put by kashmiris.

u are mixing oranges and apples, kashmiris did not choose to be occupied, sawties did not ans called the Army to help them and in doing so they left swat to allow Army's operation go thoroughly.


I have read the EU report on that and thats better than any brainless propoganda you put up. I have seen enough interviews on BBC and Aljazeera and I see both the Swatis and certain parts of Kasmiris on the Indian side disgusted of their respective Armies as well as the militants. Sorry to puncture your balloon but the world is well informed and does not need brainless propoganda put up by you the GOI or that GOP.

u are mixing oranges and apples, kashmiris did not choose to be occupied, sawties did not ans called the Army to help them and in doing so they left swat to allow Army's operation go thoroughly.

In the case of Kashmir Indian Army is acting like terrorists for the past 60 years and Kashmiris want them out not in kashmir.

You need to be informed of the truth and learn to live truthfully and not in your own concocted world of diciest and innuendos.

Read and learn the facts and put by kashmiris.


Kashmiris did ask for protection by India and is since then under Indian possession. They chose to be occupied. They signed the documents for annexation and is infact thouroughly legal.

Army was heavy handed in Kashmir, but the primary reason for saperatist movement gaining ground in 1989 was the rigged election unlike the 60 years of torment as you foundly mention.

You need to be informed of the truth and learn to live truthfully and not in your own concocted world of diciest and innuendos.

Also better decide you want to debate on legality or morality, they sometimes don't run parallel.

If you were searching for atrocities committed by Indian Army, you could have done much better than a personal blog.
I have read the EU report on that and thats better than any brainless propoganda you put up. I have seen enough interviews on BBC and Aljazeera and I see both the Swatis and certain parts of Kasmiris on the Indian side disgusted of their respective Armies as well as the militants. Sorry to puncture your balloon but the world is well informed and does not need brainless propoganda put up by you the GOI or that GOP.


You believe in EU reports and in BBC, tell me when has BBC ever done a report that is fair and reasonable, they have their agenda and they follow it to the pointless point.

The world u are talking about is hell bent on sub serving a small entity in Middle east and is willing to sacrifice all its principals that it boast about of freedom of speech and expression, why than they would not allow Iranians the right to discuss about holocaust and only allow insults on out holy prophet P.B.U.H.

If it is all open to discuss, i would say discuss it rationally and fairly without any abusive or piousness language.

Personally i believe that Hitler did commit holocaust and it is true, but some who want to discuss should be able to do so, as Europeans proudly say that they are the pillars of human rights and freedom of speech. so it should be open for discussion any time any where.

Your version of events is right and my version is propaganda even though i put a site run by kashmiris and not me. what belief u have mate.

As for as Al Jazeera is concerned again u are saying its name with a disgust and that is not right as they have the same right as CNN and BBC.

Myself i see all sides and decide for my self as to what i need to believe or not.

"Fools rush in where angels fear to tread".
Kashmiris did ask for protection by India and is since then under Indian possession. They chose to be occupied. They signed the documents for annexation and is infact thouroughly legal.

Army was heavy handed in Kashmir, but the primary reason for saperatist movement gaining ground in 1989 was the rigged election unlike the 60 years of torment as you foundly mention.

You need to be informed of the truth and learn to live truthfully and not in your own concocted world of diciest and innuendos.

Also better decide you want to debate on legality or morality, they sometimes don't run parallel.

If you were searching for atrocities committed by Indian Army, you could have done much better than a personal blog.

Which kashmiris are u talking about, only maharajah and he was forced even though he did say that his populous is Muslims and they should be the one to decide, but India after 1948 did not leave while Pakistani forces did leave from out skirts of Sri naga and withdrew to the point at LOC.

document signed under duress is are not valid, your version of reason for them to rebel is different than most kashmiris i talked with, so do not make your version as official ones.

" An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.
You believe in EU reports and in BBC, tell me when has BBC ever done a report that is fair and reasonable, they have their agenda and they follow it to the pointless point.

The world u are talking about is hell bent on sub serving a small entity in Middle east and is willing to sacrifice all its principals that it boast about of freedom of speech and expression, why than they would not allow Iranians the right to discuss about holocaust and only allow insults on out holy prophet P.B.U.H.

If it is all open to discuss, i would say discuss it rationally and fairly without any abusive or piousness language.

Personally i believe that Hitler did commit holocaust and it is true, but some who want to discuss should be able to do so, as Europeans proudly say that they are the pillars of human rights and freedom of speech. so it should be open for discussion any time any where.

Your version of events is right and my version is propaganda even though i put a site run by kashmiris and not me. what belief u have mate.

As for as Al Jazeera is concerned again u are saying its name with a disgust and that is not right as they have the same right as CNN and BBC.

Myself i see all sides and decide for my self as to what i need to believe or not.

"Fools rush in where angels fear to tread".

Ok BBC is a liar with an agenda ? Infact BBC first pointed out the bombing of civilians in Gaza ?

I guess if you believe personal blogs and internet websites without having visited Kashmir than you become oracle of truth whereas the EU report which was written after through research is bunkum.

So I guess you also believe the gospal truth written on the Baloch website ?

Ok BBC is a liar with an agenda ? Infact BBC first pointed out the bombing of civilians in Gaza ?

I guess if you believe personal blogs and internet websites without having visited Kashmir than you become oracle of truth whereas the EU report which was written after through research is bunkum.

So I guess you also believe the gospal truth written on the Baloch website ?


From Mountbatten to Emma Nicholson
By Dr Shireen M Mazari

The EU Rapporteur on Kashmir, Baroness Nicholson has shown in her report "Kashmir: present situation and future prospects" that politicians of British origin continue to be afflicted by three major traits of their now-dead imperialism -- duplicity, deceit and deception -- at least when it comes to Pakistan and Kashmir. The historical record on Mountbatten's deceit and deception on Kashmir is an established fact and the Nicholson Report on Kashmir shows the same characteristics and is filled with half-truths and distortion of facts -- if not outright lies. To call it controversial is giving it too much credit. Before one goes into the highly questionable process which finally produced this report, let us look into some of the passages of the report that prove my contentions regarding the content.
The preamble is interesting in that it specifically refers to certain European Parliamentary resolutions, including those on the EU-India strategic partnership and EU's economic and trade relations with India as well as the 2004 resolution on the situation in Pakistan. So right from the start, the bias is built-in given that the Indo-EU strategic partnership is a major factor motivating the report as is the issue of Pakistan's internal matters -- a biased start if ever there was one!
The report then goes on to declare, still in the preamble, that "whereas much of Jammu and Kashmir, in particular Azad Jammu and Kashmir, suffers from abject poverty…" Now most data would point to Occupied Kashmir as being particularly suffering from abject poverty, but we know what the intent of the Baroness was.
For those still willing to give some benefit of objectivity to the Baroness, the section on the October 8, 2005, earthquake should be an eye-opener. While the Pakistan government is berated for its inadequate response which, according to the Baroness, allowed "extremists" to move in, the Indian government is commended for its competence in the emergency -- despite Indian press and eyewitness accounts to the contrary. Where the Baroness picked up her information is known and discussed below, but clearly it is incorrect. Of course, the Baroness also uses the opportunity to condemn Pakistan for only offering minimal basic "rights" (her inverted commas) to the AJK Kashmiris, no political rights and so on. The fact that Pakistan has not usurped AJK and made it an integral part of Pakistan as India has done, quite contrary to UN Resolutions, which incidentally are cited as a reference point for the Report in the preamble, is condemned also by the Baroness. In contrast, there is not a word about the suffering of the Kashmiris in Occupied Kashmir after over a decade under the repression of Indian security forces. Ironically, she actually commends Article 370 of the Indian Constitution which is one of the reasons why the Kashmir dispute is facing difficulty in being resolved.
In fact as one goes through the Report, there is less on ways to bring about a resolution of the Kashmir dispute and more on condemning Pakistan -- including on issues unrelated to the dispute such as the Hudood Ordinance and the "difficult situation faced by homosexuals"! Just out of curiosity how many homosexuals did Nicholson interview to come to this conclusion? These are just some of the examples of the truth distortions and incorrect statements contained in the Report.

In a similar vein, some recommendations also have little to do with resolution of the Kashmir dispute. For instance, Nicholson recommends exchanges between the national defense colleges, a Joint Pakistan-India Parliamentary Committee and cultural and other exchanges already on the dialogue agenda. Not much here on actual modalities for conflict resolution.
Why is that so? Because the objective of Baroness Nicholson is not to suggest conflict resolution beyond the legitimatization of the existing status quo. In fact, the Report of the Baroness echoes the ideas of the Delhi Policy Group (DPG) publication on "Frameworks for a Kashmir Settlement" which cleverly seeks to force a solution within the Indian Constitution. The link between the DPG and Baroness Nicholson is not surprising since Radha Kumar, the co-author of the DPG publication, effectively devised the Baroness's agenda in India and stayed by her side throughout in Occupied Kashmir as well as in New Delhi. So much for confidentiality. That is why the Baroness never met the any of the Hurriyat leaders -- neither from the JKLF, JKDPF or any other faction. She only met the pro-India leadership. She then basically lied to the European Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee in a meeting on 28 November when she insisted she had met the Hurriyat leaders in Srinagar.
The DPG also helped the Baroness organize a post-Report Conference in Brussels where, inexplicably, the Afghanistan ambassador was invited! It is absurd for a European Parliamentary rapporteur to be publicly aligning with a party which has a direct linkage to the issue of the rapporteur's report. But it was absurd for Nicholson to have been appointed rapporteur in the first place -- she apparently volunteered her services -- given that she is a founding member of the EU Parliament's Friends of India Group. Additionally, her South East England constituency has a large population of Indian origin -- almost 3 per cent in contrast to a less than one percent body of Pakistani-origin constituents. So the India connection is strongly ingrained in Baroness Nicholson.
It is not that there is something inherently devious about Nicholson, but in the context of South Asia and Kashmir she is simply following British imperial tradition -- a tradition that renders her highly biased and unsuited as a credible rapporteur on Kashmir. Therefore, her appointment and the strange manner in which the Report was written begs the question as to what is the EU agenda on Pakistan and Kashmir?
Meanwhile, linked to all these goings-on, there seems to be a needless confusion arising in Pakistan over the Siachin issue. India has now rejected the format of the 1989 blueprint for an agreement and instead is demanding that Pakistan authenticate the positions from which Indian troops withdraw. This cannot be acceptable to Pakistan since it would effectively legitimize Indian occupation of the Glacier. In our present mode of reaching out to India as much as we can, there is some talk of a "compromise" whereby while we would not formally authenticate the positions of Indian withdrawal in an agreement, we would add an annexure where we would give a schedule of disengagement, which means stating each position from where withdrawal takes place. Now, legally, under international law and the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (1969), any exchange of documents and correspondence is to be regarded as a treaty obligation. While Pakistan and India are not Parties to this Treaty, the Treaty is regarded as a declaration of customary international law. So unless a detailed textual provision is added, narrating our position clearly, the envisaged annexure will be as good as authenticating withdrawal positions. Therefore, we should stick firmly to our 1989 position on Siachin and not be in an unseemly hurry -- given India's increasing hard line approach on conflict resolution. We need to be wary of the diplomatic games India is playing in a most offensive manner and not become victims of a needless weariness.
(The writer is director general of the Institute of Strategic Studies in Islamabad. Courtesy The News)

she is a founding member of the EU Parliament's Friends of India Group.
From Mountbatten to Emma Nicholson
By Dr Shireen M Mazari

The EU Rapporteur on Kashmir, Baroness Nicholson has shown in her report "Kashmir: present situation and future prospects" that politicians of British origin continue to be afflicted by three major traits of their now-dead imperialism -- duplicity, deceit and deception -- at least when it comes to Pakistan and Kashmir. (The writer is director general of the Institute of Strategic Studies in Islamabad. Courtesy The News)

she is a founding member of the EU Parliament's Friends of India Group.

Come one Dabong please bring a neutral source to discredit the EU report which has been adopted by the EU Parliament. Miss Mazari hardly comes in that category nor is she regarded as an erudite anywhere in the world. BTW I have visited Indian side of Kashmir and found the going quite good there though in Srinagar certain places I did see some heavy security.

Kashmiris did ask for protection by India and is since then under Indian possession. They chose to be occupied. They signed the documents for annexation and is infact thouroughly legal.

The document you talk about is faked and does not replace the aspirations of the peope of kashmir.......a vote under the UN is the only democratic way......you do believe in democracy dont you..does the view of a maharaja count more then all the millions and what they want.
Come one Dabong please bring a neutral source to discredit the EU report which has been adopted by the EU Parliament. Miss Mazari hardly comes in that category nor is she regarded as an erudite anywhere in the world. BTW I have visited Indian side of Kashmir and found the going quite good there though in Srinagar certain places I did see some heavy security.


What has a neutral source got to do with anything....? the facts have been laid out infront of you and either its true or is a lie.

1.The Baroness never met the any of the Hurriyat leaders -- neither from the JKLF, JKDPF or any other faction. She only met the pro-India leadership.

2.She is a founding member of the EU Parliament's Friends of India Group.

The two simple examples show that she can not have made a fair judgement.

Its like me saying the EU minister who is going to give the report on kashmir is a founder memeber of EU Parliament's Friends of pakistan Group and when she goes to kashmir they only visit pro pakistani groups.....would any indian accept that?

Please do tell me is she or is she not a founding member of the EU Parliament's Friends of India Group,did or did she not meet all the major kashmir groups.

If Miss Mazari says that american president is obama are you not going to believe it becauce she said it?
has BBC talked about kashmir lately since that has been going on for 60 years, did BBC know that if they are not part of solution they are part of problem.

Did they embarrass those politicians enough to use British influence on India to settle kashmir problem once and for all, they did talk a lot when it came to East Timur and had U.N and Aussies involved to settle the issue hard and fast.

BBC has a agenda suited to fit U.K. foreign policies and not what is right, this is how it is viewed in most Muslim countries.

I wish it was different, but u ask any person of honor in Muslim countries and that is the answer you will get.

I wish ans hope that one day BBC will realize that it has the power and responsibility to help change minds and actions of those in power to make a real effort in true sense of decency to make peace in troubled spots of the world.

Let me put here for you saying of our beloved prophet. P.B.U.H.

"That person is not of us who inviteth others to aid him in oppression; and he is not of us who fighteth for his tribe in injustice; and he is not of us who dieth in assisting his tribe in tyranny".
has BBC talked about kashmir lately since that has been going on for 60 years, did BBC know that if they are not part of solution they are part of problem.

Did they embarrass those politicians enough to use British influence on India to settle kashmir problem once and for all, they did talk a lot when it came to East Timur and had U.N and Aussies involved to settle the issue hard and fast.

BBC has a agenda suited to fit U.K. foreign policies and not what is right, this is how it is viewed in most Muslim countries.

I wish it was different, but u ask any person of honor in Muslim countries and that is the answer you will get.

I wish ans hope that one day BBC will realize that it has the power and responsibility to help change minds and actions of those in power to make a real effort in true sense of decency to make peace in troubled spots of the world.

Let me put here for you saying of our beloved prophet. P.B.U.H.

"That person is not of us who inviteth others to aid him in oppression; and he is not of us who fighteth for his tribe in injustice; and he is not of us who dieth in assisting his tribe in tyranny".

BBC would have shamed India and our parliament if GOP was as faultless as you think you are

1. Why not give up your part of Kashmir to UN and have an election there ? India may or may not follow but it would be isolated. After all you love the Kashmiris more than the indians

2. Why not tell China to bugger off from the Kashmir and hold elections there ?

I could go on but its pointless.

All three GOI, China, GOP are guilty and thats that.

What has a neutral source got to do with anything....? the facts have been laid out infront of you and either its true or is a lie.

1.The Baroness never met the any of the Hurriyat leaders -- neither from the JKLF, JKDPF or any other faction. She only met the pro-India leadership.

2.She is a founding member of the EU Parliament's Friends of India Group.

The two simple examples show that she can not have made a fair judgement.

Its like me saying the EU minister who is going to give the report on kashmir is a founder memeber of EU Parliament's Friends of pakistan Group and when she goes to kashmir they only visit pro pakistani groups.....would any indian accept that?

Please do tell me is she or is she not a founding member of the EU Parliament's Friends of India Group,did or did she not meet all the major kashmir groups.

If Miss Mazari says that american president is obama are you not going to believe it becauce she said it?

Have you got any source to show she refused to meet them. The report was only headed by her but was done over a period. Just because she has an indian in her team so she was biased is a slur similiar to that because you have Pakistani friends you are a part of the TTP.

Good, its best if Kashmiris protect themselves from the 'punjabi' kashmiri 'freedom fighters'. Good omen.
Changed the title of the thread to read what it should...this is not a case of 9000 Kashmiris "joining" the IA.
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