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9/11 TRUTH: Jewish Ex-Marine SPEAKS OUT on Israeli Involvement

One of the buildings that went down that day was not even hit by a plane.
You mean like this one in Egypt?

Historical Survey of Multistory Building Collapses Due to Fire | Structural Fire Resistance content from Fire Protection Engineering
A fire-initiated full collapse of a textile factory occurred in Alexandria, Egypt, on July 19, 2000.6 This 6-story building was built of reinforced concrete, and its fire started at about 9 a.m. in the storage room at the ground floor. Fire extinguishers were nonfunctional, and the fire spread quickly before the firefighters could arrive. An electrical short-circuit accelerated the fire spread. At about 6 p.m., nine hours after the start of the fire, when the blaze seemingly was under control and subsiding, the building suddenly collapsed, killing 27 people.

That was another lie about the WMD Iraq was invaded to secure Israel from a hostile threat which was saddam who was a well known Palestinian supporter and he also fired scuds at Israel .
Who lied?
Wouldn't mind laying the pipe to the Anchorwoman.

Of course, conspiracy thories are the biggest time pass in Muslim world. Right next to killing infidels.

Actually conspiracy theory is also the biggest past time in the west too, where else can we poke fun to dumbass theory that does not make sense lol

At least reading conspiracy theory give me some good laugh for a very very long time

Western people like senseless humor, hence we are big on bimbo reality TV and game show lol
Actually conspiracy theory is also the biggest past time in the west too, where else can we poke fun to dumbass theory that does not make sense lol

At least reading conspiracy theory give me some good laugh for a very very long time

Western people like senseless humor, hence we are big on bimbo reality TV and game show lol

You poke fun now, but Jersey Shore is going to be seen as classic television 150 years from now.
You poke fun now, but Jersey Shore is going to be seen as classic television 150 years from now.

Lol I said bimbo reality TV and you immediately related to Jersey Shore......

I was thinking about the real housewife of whatever lol
I did not admit anything, i am just saying he is a retard and yet he call other people retard. (That's the analogy of a pot call a kettle black), does it mean i admitted that i am a retard??

Do you even know what "A pot calling a kettle black" mean?

Sure, he called you a retard, you replyed with pot calling kettle black. Tell me, are you the pot or the kettle?
Lol I said bimbo reality TV and you immediately related to Jersey Shore......

I was thinking about the real housewife of whatever lol

Still, you make fun of it now, 200 years now, anthropological classes are going to review it as documentaries.

You admit that you are as retarded as he is? lol

According to @elis as long as he is not a filthy JEW, that is alright.
13 years on and Pakistanis are just not stopping with these little conspiracy theories. It's funny because you don't even see Arabs trying anymore now. Trying to be more Arab than Arabs ?

The fire incident in the textile factory in Egypt burned for nine hours with large rampant fires and probably didn't have fire-retardant reinforced steel beams like Building 7 had, your comparison is grossly invalid and only an amateur would buy it.

What caused the fire in Building 7? The fire in Building 7 was small and localized. The explanation of debris from the WTC Building North and South are not even viable explanations, otherwise you would see at least significant exterior damage caused by the debris. Which would be a first in history, as far as I know. Where fiery debris from nearby building caused an adjacent building to ablaze in fire and structurally collapse in hours.

Building 7 Fire prior to collapse


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Sure, he called you a retard, you replyed with pot calling kettle black. Tell me, are you the pot or the kettle?

Lol, your English sucks man, sorry, but I cannot think of another word for it. And I thought Germany speak limited amount of English

The phrase "The pot calling the kettleblack" is an idiom used to claim that a person is guilty of the very thing of which they accuse another.

The pot calling the kettle black - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In short, that's mean he "Accused" me of being a retard while he himself being one.

I said he accused me of being one, not I admitted to being one.

I don't know what accuse mean in Germany or China, but where I am, I am accused of does not mean I am guilty of something

Dude, go get some night English class please if you still don't understand, I cannot further dumb it down for you, sorry
Lol, your English sucks man, sorry, but I cannot think of another word for it. And I thought Germany speak limited amount of English

The pot calling the kettle black - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In short, that's mean he "Accused" me of being a retard while he himself being one.

I said he accused me of being one, not I admitted to being one.

I don't know what accuse mean in Germany or China, but where I am, I am accused of does not mean I am guilty of something

Dude, go get some night English class please if you still don't understand, I cannot further dumb it down for you, sorry

I don't know man, being in Canada for most of my life and English as my first language, from where I'm from pot calling the kettle black means well, "to share some quality with the target of their accusation."

But anyways.

These theories are stupid, doesn't matter if Bush woke up one day and dreamed 9/11 and started the war. What matters now is, America is powerful enough to mess you up and not apologize and pretend they did the right thing.
I don't know man, being in Canada for most of my life and English as my first language, from where I'm from pot calling the kettle black means well, "to share some quality with the target of their accusation.

But anyways.

These theories are stupid, doesn't matter if Bush woke up one day and dreamed 9/11 and started the war. What matters now is, America is powerful enough to mess you up and not apologize and pretend they did the right thing.

Key word, accusation. Unless you are absolutely right (ie God) otherwise when you accuse someone that does not mean that person is exactly of what you accuse of, that is what accuse mean

And no mortal body is absolutely right, this is a simple facts.

So, in your version of pots calling a kettle black

Elis share the same retard trait from what he accuse of me. I still have not admit whether or not I am as retard as he is.

Dude, u sure English is your first language?
Lol, your English sucks man, sorry, but I cannot think of another word for it. And I thought Germany speak limited amount of English

The pot calling the kettle black - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In short, that's mean he "Accused" me of being a retard while he himself being one.

I said he accused me of being one, not I admitted to being one.

I don't know what accuse mean in Germany or China, but where I am, I am accused of does not mean I am guilty of something

Dude, go get some night English class please if you still don't understand, I cannot further dumb it down for you, sorry

No matter how you try to twist the words, he called you retard and you replyed with pot (retard) calling the kettle (retard). So, are you the pot or the kettle?

We have a similar idiom in German: a donkey calling the other long-ear (donkeys have long ears).

The most logical reply would have been: no, you are retarded, not me and not a retard calling a retard.
I can't believe you guys are still with this shit.

Jhungary, you're a liar and a retard

You get mad for nothing and keep repeating the same things several days
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