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9/11 Total lie, Scientifically proved by Indian Scientist.

Well, neither it was a bullet or a plate!

It was a mesh of steel reinforced steel structure, designed to survive missiles!


No sir it was not----no public building is designed to survive missile hit---secondly no civilian building can take a such a massive hit---and a tall bulding at that---.

Some of you physics students can you tell me the ft/lbs of force that the building was hit with---the plane weighed 100000 lbs---it was travelling at around 550--575 mph---.
Assuming this figure is true, what about the many more who does not? How stupid are you to disagree with the many more professionals?

What is incredible is that the 'freefall speed' debunked nonsense is being brought up again. And who is suppressing anyone's free speech about this? Just because your loony ideas are challenged, found deficient, and ignored mean your free speech is suppressed?

same applies to you, how stupid are you to trust your government but not professionals, i truly belive that cavemen can not do anything like 9/11.

No sir it was not----no public building is designed to survive missile hit---secondly no civilian building can take a such a massive hit---and a tall bulding at that---.

Some of you physics students can you tell me the ft/lbs of force that the building was hit with---the plane weighed 100000 lbs---it was travelling at around 550--575 mph---.

dude if that was the case then the building would not go down like that, the plane would make a big hole into the building but it would collapse.
same applies to you, how stupid are you to trust your government but not professionals, i truly belive that cavemen can not do anything like 9/11.

Err..... you do know that Bin Laden claimed responsibility for the attack, don't you? All claims by other cavemen(even those with internet access) therefore remain excused.
you just need to imagine, an aluminum frame hitting a steel reinforced concrete!

For your simple understanding, it was a case of melon cutting the knife!!!!!!

Arent you forgetting the tank full of aviation fuel ??
What you are then suggesting is that Bin Laden used his cavemen to help "partner" Bush? Funnily, that still seems to prove "cavemen" culpability.

idc about bin laden if he was terrorist in my eyes to because our religion was damaged so much because of him, but all i know is that 911 was inside job, those buildings collapsed very, lets say suspiciously.

and if osama was so big of a terrorist, then why did bush do bushiness with him, both are culprits some how.
Surprisingly this holds true, even if the guy is a die hard Hindutva supporter.. Looks like the hate for America transcends the centuries old Hindu Muslim tussle for some Pakistanis :)

you are wrong, i dont hate Americans, "hate" is a big word my friend, no one hates anyone in the world, its just the government's policies that some people disagree with.

well now you left, so ill leave too and go to sleep, ill check tomorrow for your reply.
Arent you forgetting the tank full of aviation fuel ??

If you know anything about Aviation fuel you would have known that under this much fire that fuel would have burned and evaporated within a couple of minutes as it got sprayed all over. For the steel girders to melt it would have required " Sustained temperatures of 3500 degrees Farenheit for nearly an hour. And how did the Towers Collapse as if there was a controlled demolition with the towers coming straight down.
same applies to you, how stupid are you to trust your government but not professionals, i truly belive that cavemen can not do anything like 9/11.
Cavemen? The hijackers were not uneducated people. They were engineering and pilot students.
If you know anything about Aviation fuel...
Do YOU? How much experience do you have with flammable liquids? How much aviation experience do you have?

...you would have known that under this much fire that fuel would have burned and evaporated within a couple of minutes as it got sprayed all over.
Are you certain about that? The majority of any fuel supply intended for any kind of combustion engine is in a 'non atomized' state. It is only when the liquid fuel is separated into as fine droplets or even molecular state is when we have a rapidly burning, if not an explosion, fuel state. Else as the fuel is dispensed during the crash, it will be absorbed by the many materials common in an office and once those materials caught on fire, the fuel will feed those fires for much longer than a couple minutes. You do not know what you are talking about.

For the steel girders to melt it would have required " Sustained temperatures of 3500 degrees Farenheit for nearly an hour.
The steel columns does not need to literally melt. They were under CONSTANT vertical compression. All that was needed was the softening of the steel due to exposure to fire.

And how did the Towers Collapse as if there was a controlled demolition with the towers coming straight down.
Because of the way the towers were constructed. It is understandable to assume based upon visual cues alone that the method X can only come from causes Y and Z. But if what you assumed to be true, then why is the world's demolition companies so silent? Did Bush paid ALL of them off?
& they were all under CIA's control ... Many of them did NOT even board flights according to flight logs & above that many of them were found ALIVE after their alleged attempt towards 72 virgins... No!!! Either you are really gullible -or- (more probably) u r part of same sadistic group who r enjoying mass-murdering of innocents ...
Many? Why not all? That alone debunked your argument. Still, stolen IDs will have multiple claimants to said IDs. Guess that is too difficult to understand.
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