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9/11: The Rothschild Zionist Connection

9/11 terrorists were from KSA and whole strike was funded my Saudi money.

KSA = Al-Qaeda

If the Saudi's were the real attackers and funded the whole attack, then

Why didn't the US attack KSA?
Why they are still friends with KSA?
Why did they attack goat herders in Afghanistan?
@al-Hasani US media isn't free either. Its a State Department and CIA front. If you watch US media for a couple of days, you will realize they never wander away from official US policies.
But isn't Ceylal an Arab lol? An Arab hates all Arabs?

Says an Algerian who speak influent Arabic, French and English.

He is a Berber and probably partially Arab as well. Anyway I was joking. But he has had a habit of writing anti-Arab posts.

Anyway he wrote this so I got my clarification. I like the guy.

Admit what? How can you hate somebody that you don't even freaking know? And Can you say that I hate arabs, when we share blood and culture... For a supposed learned individual, you are really lacking in social skills. Sometimes, you act like an imbecile..and you are showing it here...

You should not take everything seriously. We Middle Easterners have a habit of emotional outbursts.
The Saudi govt and Israeli govt share many interests in the region and work hand in hand in Syria. I agree about the zionist connection on 9-11. But Saudi Arabia is also a factory for terrorism in the region. Saudi arabia's speciality is provoking Arab on Arab and Muslim on Muslim war. Which is perfect for Israel's divide and conquer policy. Saudi Arabia will never be able to cleanse its image, in fact it will only get worse as the Arabs of the Mideast and Muslims of the world wake up to the fact that the Saudi govt is subservient to Israel. That's how the Saudi family stays in power, the second the Jew elites of the world sense the Saudi rulers going against Israeli interests there will be a revolution in Saudi Arabia.
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