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80 years old Hindu man beaten for eating in Ramazan

Is it not the whole point if fasting that people are eating around you and you are not for the sake of Allah?
Is it not the whole point if fasting that people are eating around you and you are not for the sake of Allah?

First logical post of the thread ! Seriously I was wondering the same thing.
First logical post of the thread ! Seriously I was wondering the same thing.
I take strong exception...Why did you not check my comment on the topic before reaching this conclusion :)
I take strong exception...Why did you not check my comment on the topic before reaching this conclusion :)

I appreciate your balanced perspective on most topics bro !
noob question: are animals in zoo required to fast during ramadan?

No, animals within the zoo and those which are still free are not required to fast.
This happened in a liberal area or a Hindu area like rural Sindh, imagine how hard it must be for minorities in other parts of the country. Other than the constant blasphemy case labelled on them and their daughters and kids kidnapped and married to muslims this is another worry in the face of the Hindu community in Pakistan.

I hope the vision of Jogindar Nath Mandal strengthens the Hindu community with the hope that things will be better and that their ancestors vouched to stay in Pakistan due to Jinnahs promise of equality. I wish the Hindu brothers of Pakistan luck and success and hope that concerned authorities take severe action. The person is a cop and police may be involved in defending said person.

rural sindh has to be one of the most backward and ignorant parts of Pakistan, quite shameful. Unfortunately these incidents happen every year and not just to Hindus even Muslims get beaten for eating.
Actually in reality Sindh and Sindhis in particular are far more liberal than many others. How many terror incidents take place in Sindh? The 8.5% hindus of Sindh have played a part in this as more contact with other religious groups opens your mind and allows respect to flourish between the communities. Sindh-interior may be backward economically but is not conservative as such.
I didn't know you can't eat in public during Ramdan. Well that needs to be looked upon by the Pakistani administration as not everbody can fast during Ramdan and not just Hindus but Muslims as well.

There is NO such rule in Islam. elderly, sick, weak and those who cannot bear the hunger and feeding mothers are already exempted from fasting in Islam. Now this elderly Pakistani man is not even a Muslim so he can EAT even in a MOSQUE. But our Jahil slave Muslims in rural Sindh are ignorant to their core.

Don't people break their fast in the evening anyways? He was eating at 6 in the evening.

He can eat anytime. He is not even a Muslim so fast is not and cannot be for him. Even many Muslims do not fast and eat in public. Our police need to mind own business instead of meddling in personal affairs of others
There is NO such rule in Islam. elderly, sick, weak and those who cannot bear the hunger and feeding mothers are already exempted from fasting in Islam. Now this elderly Pakistani man is not even a Muslim so he can EAT even in a MOSQUE. But our Jahil slave Muslims in rural Sindh are ignorant to their core.
There is not a single precedence from Holy Prophet's (ﷺ) of any such rule...neither the Quran nor any authentic Hadith mentions any such restriction...People are focussing on patients, children and elderly people to be exempt from fasting but it is remarkable to note that healthy young man and women are also exempted from fasting if they are travelling and in women's case in their special time. Thus this rule needs immediately revision as per the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah. Also masses need to be educated though I am sure that overwhelming majorty is totally tolerant towards anyone eating in front of them and that where laws come into action when some hooligans and crazy people do such an idiotic thing.
There is not a single precedence from Holy Prophet's (ﷺ) of any such rule...neither the Quran nor any authentic Hadith mentions any such restriction...People are focussing on patients, children and elderly people to be exempt from fasting but it is remarkable to note that healthy young man and women are also exempted from fasting if they are travelling and in women's case in their special time. Thus this rule needs immediately revision as per the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah. Also masses need to be educated though I am sure that overwhelming majorty is totally tolerant towards anyone eating in front of them and that where laws come into action when some hooligans and crazy people do such an idiotic thing.

Agreed. And that is what I was saying.
There is not a single precedence from Holy Prophet's (ﷺ) of any such rule...neither the Quran nor any authentic Hadith mentions any such restriction...People are focussing on patients, children and elderly people to be exempt from fasting but it is remarkable to note that healthy young man and women are also exempted from fasting if they are travelling and in women's case in their special time. Thus this rule needs immediately revision as per the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah. Also masses need to be educated though I am sure that overwhelming majorty is totally tolerant towards anyone eating in front of them and that where laws come into action when some hooligans and crazy people do such an idiotic thing.
No eating in public wasn't allowed in time of caliphs. Those exempted from eatinh can eat inside their houses or office or some where else but eating publically was strictly prohibited but Policeman needs to be told to give warning in these cases instead of going crazy @Spring Onion
Muslims get beaten too; although the attackers probably had bias.
No eating in public wasn't allowed in time of caliphs. Those exempted from eatinh can eat inside their houses or office or some where else but eating publically was strictly prohibited but Policeman needs to be told to give warning in these cases instead of going crazy @Spring Onion
Thanks for the info as I didn't know that so excuse my ignorance. But still what I said is also true as there is no restriction prescribed by either holy Quran or authentic Hadith of holy Prophet (ﷺ). Though of course the example set by companions and especially the caliphs is a guide and should be followed but it is not binding. You rightly pointed that policeman should issue a warning however my question is it binding on non-Muslims too since they do not fast?
And we all agree that no one should have beaten an old man...I still feel his pain.
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Thanks for the info as I didn't know that so excuse my ignorance. But still what I said is also true as there is no restriction prescribed by either holy Quran or authentic Hadith of holy Prophet (ﷺ). Though of course the example set by companions and especially the caliphs is a guide and should be followed but it is not binding. But as you rightly pointed that policeman should issue a warning but my question is it binding on non-Muslims too since they do not fast?
And we all agree that no one should have beaten an old man...I still feel his pain.
Yes they can eat inside their houses or in a certain place in their offices
Muslims get beaten too; although the attackers probably had bias.
Nobody should be beaten...first they should be given a warning and if still they persist, apply some sort of fine for example the amount that can buy food for 10 or 20 people and if someone is a habitual culprit, the fine should go higher like for 60 people or 100 people.
No, animals within the zoo and those which are still free are not required to fast.
80 year Hindu man = animal?
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