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8 Best Special Forces---Could Have been 10

@ Desert Fighter

You are one delusional MOFO, the Pak of your dreams doesn't exist, all the world sees, is a beggar nation that gets by whoring around for money. We are today watching while your pathetic nation destroys itself from within. For all the chest thumping, all we see is white flags always being raised by your abandoned soldiers. At the very least, we bury your dead soldiers for you.

Nuff said, the world knows the facts.


The reason why Pak always looses its battles because you fail to respect your enemy. Your army is professional but brainwashed with hatred. The battle scars run deep and your past continuous failures have made your leaders bitter. Your nation seeks to claim equality with India but won't be able to quite simply because of this hatred, your people can't think rationally. When it comes to India, there is no war you can win. Actually there is no war you can win period. Your own jihadi retards are tearing your nation apart and every action your nation takes is only making it worse.

As for which SF forces are top notch, we'll see again on the battlefield when it comes to it. We'll again bury your soldiers with due respects just as we do ours, for we know how you treat your own people. There is plenty of land in India for Pak troops to be buried in full honors, be it brave SSG or other regular regiments.

Out of indian sff MARCOS are arguably the best. Not the Paras or Ghataks.

Marcos are great but Para SF have an equally daunting training regimen, Para SF also plenty of exp.. I rate them quite equally just different skill sets for different roles. Ghataks are elite infantry similar to Rangers, deadly shock troops again specialist for different roles, not a SF per say.
What? You bingos are so funny.. Didn't you see that movie?:rofl:

yes some idiot made that mistake .. But we made up for it :

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And by destroying quarter of your airforce...:lol:

:lol: Do you think they will ask for volubteers?:lol:

Hu... whats that supposed to prove?

1965: Pakistan tried to capture J&K.

Result: J&K is still part of India. Pakistan ended up fighting inside Pakistan at the outskirts of Lahore (!) after the Indian counterattack.

Thus, we achieved our objectives while Pakistan failed.
Never heard of Ladakhis being deadliest warriors............

Ladakh Scouts is one the highest decorated regiment in the Indian Army.

You are even misquoting your own officially lists casualties ...(which I believe counts over 800-900 indian dead).:lol: and talking about 5000 Pakistani casualties (which weren even 500- just over 300-400).

Do you even know longewalla was an aeral bombardment of unprotected assets on ground ? Dumbass.. Otherwise the spankin IAF got was an example in itself.

Go make a Gay bollywood movie... With 1 guy killing 500 Pakistabi soldiers and couple of homosexual or fetish type songs ... With a bunch of white dancer in background..:lol: I just watch india superpower 2030..:lol:

Official count that India gives was of the PA regular army, bodies which were found, the rest fell victim to Artillery, aerial bombing etc i.e. turned to ashes.Even your own beloved retard of a PM claimed over 2700 soldiers dead while the rest circa 2000 were your beloved jihadi retards. How about you believe your own Govt. for once?

Pak lost 2,700 men in Kargil war: Sharif - The Times of India

PS: Over 200 of your men are buried with honors in India. They fought valiantly only to be abandoned by their own brothers in arms. What a sham!!!

The odds are and were always against Pakistan

India is 7 times larger than Pakistan and most Pakistani major cities and settlements are close to the border

The Pakistani military has done wonders against a much larger foe, your indian generals should be executed considering how they have failed to defeat a much smaller country

In 47 Pakistan managed to take half if Kashmir and at the same time cut off ind8a from Afghanistan and central asia whilst creating a land route to China

In 65 india panicked after being pushed back in Kashmir and decided to attack Lahore to stop imminent defeat and loss of kashmir, intending to occupy Lahore indian forces was decimated

Even in Kargil, indian forces were routed until politics and international pressure forced Pakistan to stop supporting the mujahadeen, only this then allowed tthe indian military to end the intrusion, Pakistan to this day however still holds vital peaks in the area

It is only 71 which was a civil war that india took advantage of with Pakistan forces fighting over a thousand miles from the homeland with no supply or relief that ended in the formation of Bangladesh

How do you justify such a smaller country like Pakistan being able to take the war to india over such a long period

We have defeated you 4 times, end of the day, all that matters is who raises the white flag first, Pak did ever time check your books. India's response to Pak has always been fitting. What do you mean failing to defeat Pak? What is victory in this sense? Do you think a victorious India would rule over Pak? India has no intentions to rule over Pak, we have enough problems of our own.
Every time your people ran to Washington and others for help crying. 1965 was a big learning point for us, we had some big victories but blunders too and 1971 we did far better and 1999 we did even better. How do you explain a small nation like your not learning the key lesson after 4 defeats, some more humiliating than others?

You speak of 1971 war being fought far away, what happened in Kargil though, when your PM says over 2700 regular soldiers died? How about the sudden abandoning of your soldiers, regardless of political pressure? Why not a planned retreat instead of the careless abandoning?

Actually your generals/politicians should be executed for the repeated failures in judgment, regardless of small victories and battle honors, all outcomes of war with India will be defeat in varying forms of humiliation.
@DESERT FIGHTER Good Bloody Job Mate!
Ladakh Scouts is one the highest decorated regiment in the Indian Army.

Official count that India gives was of the PA regular army, bodies which were found, the rest fell victim to Artillery, aerial bombing etc i.e. turned to ashes.Even your own beloved retard of a PM claimed over 2700 soldiers dead while the rest circa 2000 were your beloved jihadi retards. How about you believe your own Govt. for once?

Pak lost 2,700 men in Kargil war: Sharif - The Times of India

PS: Over 200 of your men are buried with honors in India. They fought valiantly only to be abandoned by their own brothers in arms. What a sham!!!

We have defeated you 4 times, end of the day, all that matters is who raises the white flag first, Pak did ever time check your books. India's response to Pak has always been fitting. What do you mean failing to defeat Pak? What is victory in this sense? Do you think a victorious India would rule over Pak? India has no intentions to rule over Pak, we have enough problems of our own.
Every time your people ran to Washington and others for help crying. 1965 was a big learning point for us, we had some big victories but blunders too and 1971 we did far better and 1999 we did even better. How do you explain a small nation like your not learning the key lesson after 4 defeats, some more humiliating than others?

You speak of 1971 war being fought far away, what happened in Kargil though, when your PM says over 2700 regular soldiers died? How about the sudden abandoning of your soldiers, regardless of political pressure? Why not a planned retreat instead of the careless abandoning?

Actually your generals/politicians should be executed for the repeated failures in judgment, regardless of small victories and battle honors, all outcomes of war with India will be defeat in varying forms of humiliation.

2700 soldiers ?hahahaha u also claims he didn't know about kargil .. He also claims he didn't hijack the COAS's plane.. He also claims he had nothing to do with Supreme Court Attacks... He makes a lot a claims that are nothing by sh!t!

As for india burying our 200 soldiers O RLY? Haha got even a shred of evidence by poor child? Any official document? Or even pics of their "imaginery" graves? Anything??? As for abandoning our bodies ....you can still find video of a body exchange ceremony from KARGIL which is on YT (with a fake label) thanks to the unprofessionalism of indian military ..(whih destroyed its own bunkers,played dead enemy soldiers and go fake medals - only to get busted a few years later).

As for winning 4 wars yeah sure..:lol:

P.S: NLI is the most decorated regiment in Pak army .. It was inducted into the army in 2000 due to its services for the country.. Before it was a paramilitary force!
2700 soldiers ?hahahaha u also claims he didn't know about kargil .. He also claims he didn't hijack the COAS's plane.. He also claims he had nothing to do with Supreme Court Attacks... He makes a lot a claims that are nothing by sh!t!

As for india burying our 200 soldiers O RLY? Haha got even a shred of evidence by poor child? Any official document? Or even pics of their "imaginery" graves? Anything??? As for abandoning our bodies ....you can still find video of a body exchange ceremony from KARGIL which is on YT (with a fake label) thanks to the unprofessionalism of indian military ..(whih destroyed its own bunkers,played dead enemy soldiers and go fake medals - only to get busted a few years later).

As for winning 4 wars yeah sure..:lol:

P.S: NLI is the most decorated regiment in Pak army .. It was inducted into the army in 2000 due to its services for the country.. Before it was a paramilitary force!

For all the things you say, the fact that your soldiers with heads hanging low surrender to the Indian Army says far more than you ever can. Bitch please. Doesn't matter what your silly PM says, your people elected him into power and the very fact the common folk in Pak can't trust their own elected leaders proves exactly the fact that your nation is hardly the democracy it claims to be, it is but a military state run by crooks, thugs, whores and pimps. Regardless of how competent our current PM is or how soft our previous PM was we still have more faith in our Govt. than you ever can in yours. Must be humiliating for you to see your soldiers surrender to us.
I know NLI is a highly decorated unit and when they fought us in Kargil we gave them an honorable death, sad thing is a soldier in Pak can't even have an honorable death. Your own Ex-PA generals claim Kargil was an utter waste of time, treasure and lives.

Kargil war was a total disaster, claims Gen Majeed Malik - thenews.com.pk
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The Author of the article is Mian Khursheed i wonder why he didn't rank Somali SOF as no 1 :lol:

Meanwhile when author was in diapers Indian SOF was engaged in the jungle warfare of SL ......while only 500 paras were enough to successfully crush the Rebels in Maldives.

And since 1989 happy hunting in Kashmir.
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Bomb making ? Anyways yes ISI does recruit civilians on posts like assistant director,director etc.. But I'm not sure about the criteria etc.

Look at me bro .... I'm from a militRy family ...was selected in the 125th LC ... Got injured in an accident (broke a few bones n stuff). And wasted the chance..(I regret not joining since than).

But hey "whatever happens.. Happens for the good"..
you joined the 125th LC or failed before joining the academy???
my close friend is 125 LC
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special forces are for countries like America who need to rescue their nationals and who need to hunt down the likes of
Osama Bin Laden.

Do India & Pakistan need special forces on the scale America has ? For starters we do not have access to the technology the Americans have.

I look at India & Pakistan's special ops - they are more like elite infantry troops.
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