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73 killed as Maoists ambush CRPF team

Indian rebels killed 70 security men
Updated at: 1210 PST, Tuesday, April 06, 2010

NEW DELHI: A patrol party of the Indian Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) was on its way back from a three-day operation when it found itself totally ambushed.

From a hilltop in Indian state of Chhattisgarh's Dantewada district, hundreds of Naxals opened fire at the CRPF group of men. Police officials confirm 70 CRPF men have died.

"We have rushed helicopters to evacuate the casualties," Chhattisgarh Director General of Police Viswa Ranjan told Indian news agency.

The attack took place at 6 am on Tuesday morning. The Naxals also blew up a car being used by the CRPF. This patrol party had been camping in the interiors of Tarmetla jungles looking for Naxal camps.

The police confirms that by 11.30 am, the encounter had ended, and that its personnel were looking for dead bodies.

Dantewada has long been home turf for Naxals in Chattisgarh. The dense forest area is full of landmines

The Naxal attack is seen as retaliation against the government's Operation Green hunt launched in Orissa and Chhattisgarh to clear Naxals.

Indian rebels killed 70 security men
use them


Don't talk out of your arse! Naxalites are a HOME-GROWN GRASSROOTS MOVEMENT STARTED IN THE 1960s. These people who live in REMOTE jungle and forest, barely have contact with mainstream Indian society --- nor can they speak any non-Indian language --- nor do they have any contact whatsoever with any foreigner (much less Chinese, as Mandarin is a particular difficult language to learn) ---> SO DON'T MAKE STUPID ACCUSATIONS.

Get your head out of all that RSS/BJP Fanatical Hindu Propaganda.

You want to solve the problem, then eliminate the source. :sniper:The source of these movements is DOMESTIC CORRUPTION, EVIL PERSECUTION OF POOR/TRIBALS/MINORITIES, the CASTE SYSTEM, etc.

You ought to be a deranged man! Who was Chairman Mao? He was Chinese and its a Known fact Chinese were and are involved in supporting and funding maoists who follow ideology of Mao which was basically Anti-India, so u have maoists! What doe Maoists mean?

Don't prove how Retarded u r by giving- logic such as Naxals dont speak Mandarin, so they can't be funded by Chinese!

RSS and BJP (Second Biggest Political Party) if being fanatical would hv destroyed the country, such as Taliban in Pakistan, no they talk about strong country and dont spew any conspiracies.....On the other hand leftist Communist and maoist traitors are fooling and brainwashing tribals, converting them into Followers of already Failed system called Communism! There are agents of china all over India propagating ideology which even China does not follow these days!

Its the ideology of brainwashing and inward-looking communism to be forced into tribals, so that no development work could happen and further development of the country can be hampered!

Please dont Preach! People who live under Dictatorship have no right to Freedom of expression in their own country, so spare me ur thoughts!

:sniper: :sick: Communism/Marxism/Mao/Stalinism/leninism
May the martyrs, RIP.

Get in attack helicopters and wipe the buggers out. And to make sure they dont crop up again, follow up with a developmental offensive in the tribal areas.
Such a large loss of life is indeed regrettable, may the deceased rest in peace..........................
Hopefully now Indian govt will finally involve Indian army and Air Force to neutralize the naxalites. No more dealing softly with them.
wow these guys are getting a very bad beating... so much for "operation green hunt".. anyways RIP to the soldiers.. no disrespect to them... its a very sad loss for their families....

but seriously... i guess it was true when they said that Maoists are most dangerous militants in whole India... i have not seen the security forces get such a bad beating.. this is turning out to be even worse than Sri Lanka ops against LTTE...
B@$t@rd$...the only word that comes to mind wen i think of those terrorist scum maoists. :angry::angry:


When the Maoists dont think themselves as Indian and continue to kill the Indian security forces Y r u thinking that they r Indians. :hitwall:
Call the IAF nd bomb the hell out of these scums nd I m sure the Maoist menace will be over in a month

nd finally R.I.P to those brave CRPF jawans.The nation will remember u 4 ever
as usual we will forget this incident in two three days the only loss is to the families of these paramilitary men,salute to men who attain martyrdom for their country.

I will carry my soul in my hand
And throw it in the valleys of death
It is either a life that makes a friend happy
Or a death that makes an enemy angry
The noble man's soul has two goals
To die or to achieve its dreams
What is life if I don't live
Feared and what I have is forbidden to others
When I speak, all the world listens
And my voice echoes among people
I see my death, but I rush to it
This is the death of men
And whoever desires an honorable death
Then this is it
How am I patient with the spiteful
And patient with all this pain?
Is it because of fear?
While life has no value to me!
Or humiliation? While I am contemptuous!
I will throw my heart at my enemies' faces
And my heart is iron and fire!
I will protect my land with the edge of the sword
So my people will know that I am the man

salutes to the brave martyrs
Dantewada has long been home turf for Naxals in Chattisgarh. The dense forest area is full of landmines

where the hell are they getting all these land mines.

And how dare they indiscriminately mine the nation.

Area's can remain mined for years, before they are de-mined.

This has been protracted long enough, such tactics cant be tolerated.
Hopefully now Indian govt will finally involve Indian army and Air Force to neutralize the naxalites. No more dealing softly with them.

no need

just provide them all support our CRPF and local police can kill these rats

we have to provide them uav support to gain information and to kill the rats :sniper:
where the hell are they getting all these land mines.

And how dare they indiscriminately mine the nation.

Area's can remain mined for years, before they are de-mined.

This has been protracted long enough, such tactics cant be tolerated.

well govt should find out who support them and kill them first we have lots of rats in our house

and few leaders don't want to solve the problem to gain there votes
can somebody with knowledge about this maoists,tell me,why n how such group originated?????there background,goals etc....
thanks in advance.....
Its important that Army and Air Force is called in and use Carpet Bombing to kill all Junglee Maoists their supporters and family members!

Above hang all Fake Corrupt Human Rights such as miss Hypocrite arnudhati roy, javed akhtar, mahesh bhatt et al activists all gang of traitors!

Its high time we withdraw police and other para-military forces which are ill-equipped and call in army. Its been long, this Chidambram Guy is corrupt and will shed crocodile tears, as he is busy minting money and taking services from chines agent Maoists!:sniper: :sick:

Dont play pity Plotics here.
Keep your filty mouth shut .We in India are well aware what was the situation during BJP rule and how good was Advani as HM.

Naredra Modi is you ideal

all the menace is due to people and political parties like your

My deepest condolence to Martyrs

Jai Hind
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