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73 killed as Maoists ambush CRPF team

This is totally ridicules and must be stopped. Chitambram is a total wimp and he must resign after such as incident. The army must be sent into these areas now and we must give back to them in the same language they know. Each and everyone of these bastard’s must be shot, talking and negotiating period is over. This snake must be crushed before the bites all of us.

Calm down chap..........Chitambram is a good minister......and thankfully and patient one at that, otherwise he would have long ordered the Military in........

You cannot hold this man responsible.....The CRPF commander is responsible for not following procedures which has got his men killed. As unfortunate as it is, it is a fcat and be blame cannot be thrown at someone elses door for the sake of appeasing anger.

Wait and see the response of the GoI and then make this emotional demand of resignations.....
You could simple have asked the source for this info.
Anyways, this is the way they operate. They attack in large nos to compensate for the weapon quality v/s the Police & Parra forces. They simply overwhelm using numbers.

Which means that other countries like China and Pakistan are not arming these people..........at least that blame isn't on anyones door huh
Errrrrrrrrrrr hello............Pakistani forum,.....I think we have every right to participate in threads here..........Just like many many Indian members Participate in Pakistan related threads, which I can say also doesn;t involve Indians or Hindus, but then again, its a forum where we all participate.


Please dont take it out of context and read the question to which i answered. I did not mean not to participate! The post or the question asked was off topic.
Calm down chap..........Chitambram is a good minister......and thankfully and patient one at that, otherwise he would have long ordered the Military in........

You cannot hold this man responsible.....The CRPF commander is responsible for not following procedures which has got his men killed. As unfortunate as it is, it is a fcat and be blame cannot be thrown at someone elses door for the sake of appeasing anger.

Wait and see the response of the GoI and then make this emotional demand of resignations.....

No Gazzi this stupid problem of the Maoist has gone on for too long. If the actual measures are taken, they can be done away with in one swift move. The Home ministry is seriously lacking vision and is not doing what it is supposed to do. With the amount of resources available to the, this problem should have never even come up but we are too busy guarding thugs like Mayawati to spend time on our Jawans. In my eyes he is the weakest Home minister ever. Bring back the TADA laws and deploy the air force. we either do it now or dont get a chance to do it later on.
If its not his job to find then who's is it.If liars are posted who are giving wrong information, whose job is it.I as a layman knows that all such eqpt will be needed, the bright and great chidambaram is a fool. If so he should sacked on the basis of incompetency.Shastrji set an example where even u can follow, that bigger than railways.compare to the shameless politicos hanging to power now maybe u willl find the difference.BRW he was instrumental in 1965 war and went on to become P.M for exemplary honesty he had shown.

Read my post again. I have said who should made these. Here layman are talking abt carpet bombing the jungles. Do you think this is the right way?
His job as a minister is to provide leadership. To provide what is asked by Parra forces. TO make sure they get what they need. How he will know what is required, what quantity is required, what quality is required? Its not his job. He can ask the CRPF head what he needs. Its the duty of those heading CRPF to tell HM what they need.

And as I said, if instead of resigning Shastri Ji had worked to make IR more competent, IR would have been different org today.
The last major attack that I remember was in February this year when the maoists attacked a paramilitary force camp in West Midnapore in West bengal....the attack was carried out in the early morning when most of the jawans were sleeping....this killed 20 personnel...and again now they have killed 73 jawans......:frown:

For me this nothing but a complete intelligence failure....the attack was very well planned by the maoists..this poves that the Maoists network of intellignce is better than the centre...I see no reason why PC cant be blamed.:angry::angry:

I think the time has come when we have to use all our strength including air power and army where necessary to completely eradicate these merciless creatures or else it will turn out to be another Sri lanka type problem.:angry:

cant belive we have lost 70 lives who worked day and night for our security....time has come for Congress to stop doing poliics on this and hit them back hard or else give the responsilbilty of of the country to some other safe hands...:angry::angry:

My heart goes out to the shaheeds.......may their souls rest in peace.
Which means that other countries like China and Pakistan are not arming these people..........at least that blame isn't on anyones door huh

I mean what is Chidambaram thinking - Sending in Paramilitary forces with inadequate jungle warfare training and expecting that there will be no casualties.

This is nonsense - IT IS EITHER INDIA OR MAOISTS! They have always taken the opposite side to any national point, may it be the wars or any diplomatic stance of the government. Why doesn't the government understand that their philosophy of a successful state is completely different from the DEMOCRATIC VIEW on which the Indian State is built.

I think we need to send in the Army and contain the situation. The Maoists are being funded, they have recently gotten aid of Rs 1600 crores. Clearly its not the tribals who are funding them. We need to get more tech savvy while engaging these guys.

I hope Mr. Chidambaram is smart enough to understand and acts on this urgently more so in the light of the recent Chinese defence analyst's article on funding the insurgencies. I believe we even caught hold of some Ulfa leaders who trained with the PLA along the NE border areas.



I hope you have the answer now!
Read my post again. I have said who should made these. Here layman are talking abt carpet bombing the jungles. Do you think this is the right way?
His job as a minister is to provide leadership. To provide what is asked by Parra forces. TO make sure they get what they need. How he will know what is required, what quantity is required, what quality is required? Its not his job. He can ask the CRPF head what he needs. Its the duty of those heading CRPF to tell HM what they need.

And as I said, if instead of resigning Shastri Ji had worked to make IR more competent, IR would have been different org today.

Lack of BPJ,Drones,UAV,Intelligence,Radiosets,if chidambaram doesnt know any of these things then why is he sitting in the chair surrounded by liars which he well knows.
IR might be have better but if india lost the 65 war where would I.R be without shatriji being P.M and he became P.M only for his honesty in the I.R crash.
Which means that other countries like China and Pakistan are not arming these people..........at least that blame isn't on anyones door huh

Irrespective of fun we make about blaming every incident on ISI, Ppl responsible\Official has not even hinted this. There were some reports regarding Naxals getting weapons from China but no offiicial statement regarding this. They attack the police to loot there weapons.
The CRPF commander is responsible for not following procedures which has got his men killed. As unfortunate as it is, it is a fcat and be blame cannot be thrown at someone elses door for the sake of appeasing anger.

keep your comments with yourself if you dont have any idea about what you are saying.:angry:
what is the process that was supposed to be followed by the CRPF commander that was not followed..please let Indians know that secret as well.
No Gazzi this stupid problem of the Maoist has gone on for too long. If the actual measures are taken, they can be done away with in one swift move. The Home ministry is seriously lacking vision and is not doing what it is supposed to do. With the amount of resources available to the, this problem should have never even come up but we are too busy guarding thugs like Mayawati to spend time on our Jawans. In my eyes he is the weakest Home minister ever. Bring back the TADA laws and deploy the air force. we either do it now or dont get a chance to do it later on.

Desiman.........I can see your point as well.......If not now, sooner or later the Maoists?Naxals will seek better weaponry and training and like they say "the tree has grown to high to reach the top" type of scenario where India may face a similar situation like Pakistan, therefore nip it in the bud while it is growing.......

However, the other side of the equation is.......if India does decide to go in, remember, that there is a Maoist presense in a 1/3 of India, this is just a huge task....requiring hundred of thousand of troops.....and the results of such an operation can never be known, as the Indian Army will be fighting in the Moaists home ground (although it is all India, the Maoist have grown up there)...... If Indian troops get deployed and suddenly the maoists, start to get armed with more sophisticated weaponry....like say from China....who will never ever allow an opportunity like this to go a miss, where India can be hurt badly, and make its economy suffer, then the results may turn against India very quickly over night.

Just remember, the Maoists/Naxals are a well trained group to have co-ordinated such an attack and target the recovery team also, clearly they are aware of how the organisations in India operate......

Right now, they are just targetting personnel, if and when they receive help from outside agencies and are informed where to hit India economically, then it will be very very damaging, therefore in any way you look at it, Military solution will not solve it......not until a last last last resort, as this is a point of no return, and a very clear decision will need to be taken.

Just think about it with a calm and collective manner opening up all angles.
keep your comments with yourself if you dont have any idea about what you are saying.:angry:
what is the process that was supposed to be followed by the CRPF commander that was not followed..please let Indians know that secret as well.

That he wont know since he projects chidambaram as a fool and expects us to bear with him.He also would not be knowing any requirements being projected by the commanders but that doesnt stop him from making asnine comments for his majesty chidambaram.I am repeadedly telling him that shastriji resigned from I.R and because of this honest gesture he was made the P.M just in time to save india in 1965, but he is more interested in Ir than the country which would have been demolished along with whatever work shastriji had done in IR if india had lost in 1965.
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keep your comments with yourself if you dont have any idea about what you are saying.:angry:
what is the process that was supposed to be followed by the CRPF commander that was not followed..please let Indians know that secret as well.

Keep my comment to myself.........hey, thi is a forum, if you dont like people participating, then you F off, dont tell others too.

What is you problem.......if you don't like Pakistanis participating then please go join another forum elsewhere......

My point with regards to this is a clear Military tactic, practised by paramilitaries also, which I have posted already is as follows:

This is similar to the kidnapping of a hundred Pakistani soldiers, and when investigated, it was found that procedures were just not followed.....PA has never repeated that fiasco again, as will the Indians, I doubt they will make this make twice.

It is quite straight forward to assume that when on any route back to camp, (a) do not use the same route back to camp which is most obvious (b) if this route is to be used then a scout is used, either a sniper who has stalked the ground before the convoy passage, (this is highly unlikely as they are not on hostile ground), or a front scout on foot, a motorbike, quad or even a bluddy chopper to scan the area before hand.

Quite clearly, when you are passing through a valley, this is a hotbed for an ambush, you do not need to be a military tactical expert to know that, as unfortunately the soldiers walked into the enemy "kill zone". Once you have entered the k.z. you are not going to come out alive, that is an unfortunate reality.

Head will clearly role for this blunder and procedures will be definately be followed in future, only down side is, it cost 70 soldiers for the Indian Army to buck up.


Now please try and grow up, I have not made fun of anything in this thread and added my views and experience in combat myself to shed some light, if you dont like that then go and discuss it in a little village somewhere where you live, not here
Sorry for such a big loss.

It will take more than just gun to calm them down so long there is a support base. This attack on security personal proved that these guys neither weak nor lacks in ideology. They are moving toward their aim with full swing say the least. It will be interesting to see how GOI handle this deadly force.
Lack of BPJ,Drones,UAV,Intelligence,Radiosets,if chidambaram doesnt know any of these things then why is he sitting in the chair surrounded by liars which he well knows.
IR might be have better but if india lost the 65 war where would I.R be without shatriji being P.M and he became P.M only for his honesty in the I.R crash.

And how do you know that they were not provided for? Drones, UAV from where? Even IA does not have this. Intelligence.. so he should gather this personly and hand it over to all commanders personly right. In every setup there are diff ppl and they have diff roles. I suggest you just look up what all Home Ministry supposed to do. Even he recently talked abt creating diff department to handle mundane stuff.
And even he knows that these are required but CRPF head says they can start operation without them then what?
And no Shastri Ji didn't became PM because he resigned from RM. He was the acceptable candidate for both faction after Nehru. And again, resigning is easy. Facing the problem and fixing it is difficult.

If these incidents happen regularly and he unable to counter them, than yes, he should go. No because of one-off incident.
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