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7 reasons the world will end in 2012.

Dude isn't Alexander the great fairly recent when compared to the Prophet Ibrahim (as)?

1850 BCE compared to Alexanders birth in 350 BCE?

I was refering to the other part of video (some calculations), not of zulqarnain or Alexander,

and I also said I dont believe it unless I do some research on this. :)
Turkey is a Muslim majority nation and will always remain so. Turkey is the only nation that aggressively spoke out against the Israelis. Joining the EU isn't anything necessarily bad. Its a political union and since they are Europeans it makes sense.

Yes turkey is a majority muslim nation, but Its the same govvt of turkey that banned Hijab and other stuff.

and secondly ever heard about sufiyaani? He will be the ruler of a "Muslim Majority" Syria but fight against Imam Mehdi,

and I dont know how things will end up at that time, its just my opinions...can be rite or wrong....:enjoy:
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Some of the signs are coming true today. I've noticed that Muslims are getting very disunited these days, which is one of the signs.

2012 is just around the corner. Al Madhi is still yet to come.

And I dont know if Dijjal is here on earth or not, the Hadith gave a very specific description about him and his parents.
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Guys, I have an apology to make.

I posted all the Hadiths from the a website, which is an online version of all the book of hadiths but I dont know how authentic is this..therefor I request you dont believe it unless you do some research on it..that is why I have deleted all my previous posts regarding these hadiths...I did it in the best of my intentions......I apologise once again.

Guys, I have an apology to make.

I posted all the Hadiths from the a website, which is an online version of all the book of hadiths but I dont know how authentic is this..therefor I request you dont believe it unless you do some research on it..that is why I have deleted all my previous posts regarding these hadiths...I did it in the best of my intentions......I apologise once again.


Yes, that source is not trustworthy. Never did I hear Khyber mentioned in any Hadith.
Yes, that source is not trustworthy. Never did I hear Khyber mentioned in any Hadith.

I think It was not an Hadith itself which you are refering too.........becuase it didnt mentioned the source and stuff..........It was an explanation of the Hadith by some scholar.

no one knows when the world is going to end
except god
people have been saying this throughout history that "the world is gonna end now!! the world is gonna end now!!"
trust me
nothing has happened yet
no one knows when the world is going to end
except god
people have been saying this throughout history that "the world is gonna end now!! the world is gonna end now!!"
trust me
nothing has happened yet

indeed. in christianity the book of revelations was likely written for those early christians who dared to wonder "why hasn't jesus returned yet as foretold in the gospels?" all sorts of apocalyptic literature can be found in the apocrypha, it was all written to boost troop morale and keep everyone focused on the "end game." church leaders simply appended one of the stories to the bible like nobody's business, calling it "revelations," and often claiming that it was written by the author of the gospel of john although it most certainly was written much later, and in much sloppier language.

how's that for divine revelation!
indeed. in christianity the book of revelations was likely written for those early christians who dared to wonder "why hasn't jesus returned yet as foretold in the gospels?" all sorts of apocalyptic literature can be found in the apocrypha, it was all written to boost troop morale and keep everyone focused on the "end game." church leaders simply appended one of the stories to the bible like nobody's business, calling it "revelations," and often claiming that it was written by the author of the gospel of john although it most certainly was written much later, and in much sloppier language.

how's that for divine revelation!

Muslims also believe that Jesus (peace be upon him) will return.
indeed. in christianity the book of revelations was likely written for those early christians who dared to wonder "why hasn't jesus returned yet as foretold in the gospels?" all sorts of apocalyptic literature can be found in the apocrypha, it was all written to boost troop morale and keep everyone focused on the "end game." church leaders simply appended one of the stories to the bible like nobody's business, calling it "revelations," and often claiming that it was written by the author of the gospel of john although it most certainly was written much later, and in much sloppier language.

how's that for divine revelation!

good insight
and the bible has been changed throughout history to fit people's need's and desires [kings and monarchs] [example. divorce in not allowed in christiantity and some england king wanted to divorce his wife so he wrote that in the bible after recieving much opposition from the church[that would explain alot about the conflict between the roman and enlish empires]]
historians believe that christianity today is not the same religion as when it was created, thats because it has been changed too much throughout history
Turkey is not considered as a "muslim" country now.....

Theres a islamic party that runs the country.

and I have read somewhere that under Imam Mehdi Muslim forces will take over constantinople..

But was constantinople not taken over by the ottomans for islam.

Doesnt that makes sense after Ataturk declared it as secular state....and it is willing to join EU Union and is trying to estabilish close ties with ISRAEL and US.

If anything the turks in the recent years have taken a pro islamic line then a pro western one.
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