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60 years on, 87 Kashmiris want independence

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Why the FCUK does every thread get converted to a Kashmir centric thread???

I ask all the Pakistani's on this forum in plain terms...What can you do if India does not give Kashmir? What can you do if there are human right violations? What can you do if there is a fcking earthquake in Kashmir other than voice your words?

I'l give an answer for you...NOTHING.

It doesnt matter what you say in this forum, or whether you prove what point here. At the end of the day, at the end of the week and at the end of this world, you will still find Kashmir will remain in India. So stop discussing the damn thing, there is no purpose to be served.

Incase you all havent noticed, no one gives a tiny rats a$$ about Pakistan's constant rants at every global fora about Kashmir's right to whatever it is that Pakistan says. So why does every Pakistani on this forum try to start the whole admissions and submissions routine, India did this, India did that and now you have to admit it.

Face it, there is nothing you can do about it, so i suggest you let this be. And this goes doubly for Asim. Misusing his authority as a mod to change the titles to suit his views.
The simple answer to your retarded post is that we don’t have to do anything as the region will slip away from you. You can't keep freedom behind with barbed wire and machine guns forever dear boy or two people uniting [azad and occupied Kashmir] you can see that for yourself with what happened with east and west Germany and north and South Vietnam. It is the inevitable we will just wait and when it happens there is bugger all you would be able to do about it.
Waz, let me just say that we can wait and watch. For now, there is nothing Pakistan can do about it. Might is right as they say. All i am saying is that people should stop discussing Kashmir. Kashmir has been dicussed more thoroughly and acutely than any other thing in this forum and its enough. There is no point to it, things will progress as they have to.

There is no point in discussing the legality of Kashmir belonging in India. All i say is that how does it matter even if every Indian here whole heartedly says that he agrees and Kashmir should be given to Pakistan? Nothing. And does it matter if every Pakistani says the same? Like i said, at the end of the day, Kashmir will remain in India, till the time it can be wrested militarily by Pakistan. And that is simply not possible. So lets remain at that.
Musharaff-Vajpayee Peace process was a good one but the fact is simple Nothing other than LOC being IB can be accepted, falicitation of peoples on the basis of a law is different matter altogather. Change of map can-not be achieved by peaceful means. and btw the sampling was not taken off 2000 peoples but exactly 255 peoples. Read the whole report, it mixes many surveys conducted, read the other news on the same report.

My original post, the one that you replied to, was related to the survey of people in Pakistan and India proper, not Kashmir. I realize that the number of people polled in Kashmir is 255, but that poll was not the one I was referring to.

The opinion poll carried a number of questions ranging from political issues and bilateral relations to show business and sports. The pollsters sought the opinion of 1,011 people in urban Pakistan and 2,030 in urban India.

The CSDS conducted a special poll in Srinagar and Jammu city by interviewing 226 and 255 persons respectively.

Are you saying that the urban Pakistani and Indian numbers are also a sum of people participating in different polls?
This might have been your title...'60 years on, Kashmir core issue Srinagar, Jammu poles apart"..lol u didnt realise that doesnt match with Asim's ideologies and needed to be modified.
Hey it's a brilliant title!

Reflects the punch-line! I always like punch line one should always make good titles, so I revamped a really lame title. I did leave the inside intact.
The peoples poled in india and pakistan was not regarding the independence issue, Dude see the other reports reported by all news agencies this specific 87% is the same percengate done in the poll with 255 kashmiris.

the Kashmir report deals with this poll the 'special' poll.

The CSDS conducted a special poll in Srinagar and Jammu city by interviewing 226 and 255 persons respectively.

Right above where it starts. they were not asked movies et al.I'm stating the report done which concludes 87% of kashmiris wants independence that one.

anyways I g2g will dig in later If I have any mistakes or not.
Why the FCUK does every thread get converted to a Kashmir centric thread???

I ask all the Pakistani's on this forum in plain terms...What can you do if India does not give Kashmir? What can you do if there are human right violations? What can you do if there is a fcking earthquake in Kashmir other than voice your words?

I'l give an answer for you...NOTHING.

It doesnt matter what you say in this forum, or whether you prove what point here. At the end of the day, at the end of the week and at the end of this world, you will still find Kashmir will remain in India. So stop discussing the damn thing, there is no purpose to be served.

Incase you all havent noticed, no one gives a tiny rats a$$ about Pakistan's constant rants at every global fora about Kashmir's right to whatever it is that Pakistan says. So why does every Pakistani on this forum try to start the whole admissions and submissions routine, India did this, India did that and now you have to admit it.

Face it, there is nothing you can do about it, so i suggest you let this be. And this goes doubly for Asim. Misusing his authority as a mod to change the titles to suit his views.

:blah: Stop discussing the damn thing... ya right. Why, cauz u can't take it? Cauz it makes india look bad? Because its the right of the kashmiri people to decide their future and u are taking that right fom them. Awww...:cry: it makes us luk so bad so pls don't talk about it...

Well if u treated the kashmiri ppl and all minorities in ur country equally then we wud'nt care nor wud the ppl in kashmir care and nor wud those muslim indian nationals who are now taking pakistani pasports. Do u ever wonder why this is happening?...There are so many indian muslims who stayed back there just becauz they luved their country and did not want it to break like this but its ur constant bias towards them that makes this happen. 3 days ago my muslim freind from india told me he dus'nt feel any loyalty to india and that he is getting a pakistani passport... have u ever wondered why muslim indians do not love their country as much as u gyz. Cauz u never accepted them, u always wanted them to get out. Not only muslims but even a sikh dude told me the same thing. He sed his folks moved to pak in 1971 due to indian intolerence.

yh i agree the new govt is better than bjp and watever... but ur attitudes have not changed! U still favour hindus over muslims f4 job positions, wen theres a cricket match u assume muslims must be supporting pakistan and even wen they say no u keep askin them to chek if they are lying. What political power do minorities have? How dus ur "beautiful" army present in kashmir treat the people there? Is it there to protect the people or suppress them? I've been to india 5 times cauz i hav family there. Evrytime i go there and mention i am from pakistan i receive a tirade of anti-pakistani talk rather than welcome. This is what i hear:

1. Pakistan is instable and economically weak compared to india. (yeah the 3rd fastest gdp growth... that dus'nt even matter, it must be made up... <yeh watever u say>)

2. Pakistan is not doing enough to curb cross-border terrorism. (Do u not have an army that guards your border or do u want pakistans armies help to u protect urselves, maybe u shud call our armies to all ur main cities)

3. Social Problems in Pakistan and human rights e.g. Mukhtaran Mai. (As if widows aren't burned alive in indian villages when their husband dies)

Finally the very fact that u are on this site proves ur hatred of us (i do not talk abt all indians). U did not come here to make sum goodwill gesture or support the peace process nor did u come here out of curiosity if thats ur excuse cauz i dun hav any interest in indian defence sites. U came here either bcuz u hated us or it was f4 the fun u'd have wen u came to a pakistani site and mocked the pakistani economy and military as weak. Tell me if i am wrong.

The only reason we support kashmir is because we know how it is to live in suppression as we have lived like that ourselves, we know how it feels and i am proud that today i am free and yes we cud always and can still do sumthin about kashmir but i dun think we need to... ur suppression is gud enuf to do it. Thank You:pakistan:
Why are u gyz so quiet now? What happened to all that ranting about? :D Or did sum mafia gang get u?
Well if u treated the kashmiri ppl and all minorities in ur country equally then we wud'nt care nor wud the ppl in kashmir care and nor wud those muslim indian nationals who are now taking pakistani pasports. Do u ever wonder why this is happening?...

We dont wonder why this is happening, bcoz its not happening!!! Can you just check the formalities of getting a Pakistani passport before you fart. Pakistan is no haven for Muslims that you walk in and you get a passport.

There are so many indian muslims who stayed back there just becauz they luved their country and did not want it to break like this but its ur constant bias towards them that makes this happen. 3 days ago my muslim freind from india told me he dus'nt feel any loyalty to india and that he is getting a pakistani passport... have u ever wondered why muslim indians do not love their country as much as u gyz.

If you are saying Muslims dont luv India, then why shud we treat them well?

Cauz u never accepted them, u always wanted them to get out. Not only muslims but even a sikh dude told me the same thing. He sed his folks moved to pak in 1971 due to indian intolerence.

Well who are you? Some sort of ' tell me anything, i solve it machine'..???

I've been to india 5 times cauz i hav family there. Evrytime i go there and mention i am from pakistan i receive a tirade of anti-pakistani talk rather than welcome.

U didnt get spanked, im surprised. Im sure u kept ur mouth shut and thats why you were spared.

This is what i hear:

1. Pakistan is instable and economically weak compared to india. (yeah the 3rd fastest gdp growth... that dus'nt even matter, it must be made up... <yeh watever u say>)

Third fastest...???

2. Pakistan is not doing enough to curb cross-border terrorism. (Do u not have an army that guards your border or do u want pakistans armies help to u protect urselves, maybe u shud call our armies to all ur main cities)

So Pakistan doesnt support and arm terrorists? Well your president says so.

3. Social Problems in Pakistan and human rights e.g. Mukhtaran Mai. (As if widows aren't burned alive in indian villages when their husband dies)

Well human rights activists in US made the noice, ask them.

Finally the very fact that u are on this site proves ur hatred of us (i do not talk abt all indians). U did not come here to make sum goodwill gesture or support the peace process nor did u come here out of curiosity if thats ur excuse cauz i dun hav any interest in indian defence sites. U came here either bcuz u hated us or it was f4 the fun u'd have wen u came to a pakistani site and mocked the pakistani economy and military as weak. Tell me if i am wrong.

you are right, how did you guess it?

That you came five times to India obviously indicates that minorities are not discriminated.

Would you visit a jungle full of man eating Tigers five times?

You would have been eaten the first time!

Originally Posted by dimension117 View Post
I've been to india 5 times cauz i hav family there. Evrytime i go there and mention i am from pakistan i receive a tirade of anti-pakistani talk rather than welcome.
Awright, time to erase ur doubts

Bull sed: We dont wonder why this is happening, bcoz its not happening!!! Can you just check the formalities of getting a Pakistani passport before you fart. Pakistan is no haven for Muslims that you walk in and you get a passport.

<dats the point i'm making... u gyz just can't hear the truth unfortunately! Yeh the process is'nt easy but these ppl are more than ready to go thru it. Infact i can get u dis gyz new passport and his old passport and u can deny it all u want.

Bulldog sed: If you are saying Muslims dont luv India, then why shud we treat them well?

<Thats exactly why they don't luv ur country, cauz u dun treat them well and give them the proper rights they are supposed to have>

Bulldog sed: Well who are you? Some sort of ' tell me anything, i solve it machine'..???

<Awwww... c i told u u cud'nt take it! well i just told u the truth u can whine all u want.>

U didnt get spanked, im surprised. Im sure u kept ur mouth shut and thats why you were spared.

< I did'nt maybe i got lucky cauz foreigners are always treated like that in ur country. Unwelcome, unwanted maybe thats the reason ur ppl like the kashmiris and some muslims are so discontented. Continue pls and they will want independence again and there will be another pakistan >

Third fastest...???

<Ya, third fastest, sum sources even went on to claim that it was the second fastest and cud overtake india in 007. Check wikipedia if u dun believe... there hav been 3 other articles too... The link below will hav to do f4 now, i dun hav the other articles>


So Pakistan doesnt support and arm terrorists? Well your president says so.

<:woot: :rofl: Oh did he now!... i dun blame u, u must be intoxicated... drink on and ya okay for a minute lets say ya we support them and send them to india. Wat dus ur army do then... aha i think we know what the problem is now. u don't have a proper army, i think u shud call Pakistani forces to help u defend ur nation... Arm and support terrorists yaa, okay whateva makes u happy, infact u are the guests here so we treat guests with respect and we accept their views... ok.... if u want we support them... and if india needs help protecting itself f4m them jus tell us okay?>

Well human rights activists in US made the noice, ask them.

<i am talkin about u not US. We have their attention but there is much more going on in india in terms of rights abuses. Are'nt women raped in india, are'nt they burned in villages wen their husband dies and of course the gr8 army of 4 year olds that can't stop militants (according to u) present in kashmir treats the kashmiri ppl with utter respect. Infact in extreme cases we have army officers bowing down to kashmiris and also kissing their hands. Kashmiris today are the upper-class citizens of india because of the great support provided by the army>

you are right, how did you guess it?

<i just did inky-pinky-ponky>

That you came five times to India obviously indicates that minorities are not discriminated.

Would you visit a jungle full of man eating Tigers five times?

You would have been eaten the first time!

:pop: Ya ya, u gyz are always right, lets give u gyz the benefit of the doubt... woah a jungle of man-eating Tigers... thats a nice way to put it, so thats what india is? a jungle of man-eating tigers?

That you came five times to India obviously indicates that minorities are not discriminated.

Would you visit a jungle full of man eating Tigers five times?

You would have been eaten the first time!

enuf f4 humor... My folks back there are discontent... unhappy about the discrimination they suffer, their bosses favor hindus for positions is that not discrimination? When going to mosques rioters take sticks and stand in front of the mosques not letting ppl pass. The kashmiris are never treated as proper citizens is that not discrimination? My aunt was afraid to send her kids to skool cauz sum muslims got killed by sum rioters the day bf4... I can tell u with certainity that u wud hav been better off in Pakistan rather than in India cauz u have never been accepted. I know u luv ur country dude but even u know that there is discrimination i ur country!
enuf f4 humor... My folks back there are discontent... unhappy about the discrimination they suffer, their bosses favor hindus for positions is that not discrimination? When going to mosques rioters take sticks and stand in front of the mosques not letting ppl pass. The kashmiris are never treated as proper citizens is that not discrimination? My aunt was afraid to send her kids to skool cauz sum muslims got killed by sum rioters the day bf4... I can tell u with certainity that u wud hav been better off in Pakistan rather than in India cauz u have never been accepted. I know u luv ur country dude but even u know that there is discrimination i ur country!

:mod: Dimension.........you are not on your mobile phone.........use all of the keyboard and spend more the 30 seconds typing your messages. Otherwise it just makes you look like an idiot (especially when you you use words like "SKOOL":disagree: )
well my messages are too big so i use shortcuts... dude, it took me 30 minutes not 30 seconds to get that post in

gud advice... i'll try to keep dat in mind next time. i hope so...
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