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60 Reasons to Celebrate With Israel

The problem is my Brother the jewish people have strong lobbies in all of the major countries, especially the United States. Until we don't dislodge these lobbies then Palestinian's will never get justice, But what do you expect it is the jews, the Prophet (Peace be upon him) told us this will happen.

But it is shameful that none of the Muslim countries are trying to help the Palestinians. I mean we should take lessons from Saladin, instead where more interested in greed and fearful of America, even though we should only be scared of Allah. But don't worry there time will come as Allah is the best of all planner's.
There was never a state called Israel before 1948...the biblical narration of a jewish kingdom, is no more real than the fables of King Arthur's Kingdom...Palestine is not the Jews' national home...jews have not craved their homeland for 1000s of years, absolute BS, they never believed in a jewish nation state before the creation of zionism...I'll say it one more time, there is no such thing as a jewish historical homeland -
Most of this storyline is only about twenty years old. Canaan has an excuse, albeit a poor one, for spouting it: he could be killed without trial as a "collaborator" if he denied it in Hamas or PA-controlled territory.

But the Pakistanis here, almost all of you know better than this. Why are you remaining silent? Why don't you speak up? And if you don't speak up, what conclusions am I supposed to make?
Most of this storyline is only about twenty years old. Canaan has an excuse, albeit a poor one, for spouting it: he could be killed without trial as a "collaborator" if he denied it in Hamas or PA-controlled territory.

But the Pakistanis here, almost all of you know better than this. Why are you remaining silent? Why don't you speak up? And if you don't speak up, what conclusions am I supposed to make?

Stop inciting Muslims against each other
Your case is lost . . Your efforts, desperate and clear to all . . Arabs, Pakistanis, Bengalis, Persians, Afghans, Turks, Berbers, Kurds, Bosnian they are all Brothers . .
It seems that your boss at the Mossad did not like your performance here
Your fantasies about me are way off. On the other hand, the Pakistanis are quiet, aren't they Nishan? AK even thanked you rather than speak up for himself. So it's your opinion, Nishan, that Pakistani acceptance of the propagation of lies demeaning Israelis and Jews is a matter of Muslim unity, and this unity is to be valued over truth, justice, peace, and family?
So it's your opinion, Nishan, that Pakistani acceptance of the propagation of lies demeaning Israelis and Jews is a matter of Muslim unity, and this unity is to be valued over truth, justice, peace, and family?

What is "truth, justice, and peace"?

Israel invaded two countries over the course of only 2006 to 2008, i.e. Lebanon and Gaza. That is not "peace".

Where is the "justice" in the suffering of innocent civilians?

I am neutral to Israel, and favourable to Jewish people.... but clearly, the idea of "truth and justice" is not black-and-white when you look at it from different perspectives.
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What is "truth, justice, and peace"? Israel invaded two countries over the course of only 2006 to 2008, i.e. Lebanon and Gaza. That is not "peace". Where is the "justice" in the suffering of innocent civilians?
Indeed there wasn't peace before Israel invaded Gaza and Lebanon, only after. The 2006 and 2008 invasions mastered the rocket-firing terror so that 2009 was the most peaceful year the region has experienced in a decade.

clearly, the idea of "truth and justice" is not black-and-white when you look at it from different perspectives.
Knowledge, courage, and drive are needed to battle the enuui brought on by moral relativism. Otherwise you might as well accept that the victim is as guilty as the thief, isn't that so?
Knowledge, courage, and drive are needed to battle the enuui brought on by moral relativism. Otherwise you might as well accept that the victim is as guilty as the thief, isn't that so?

Well like I said before, I am neutral to Israel, and favourable to the Jewish people.

So I don't see the Israel-Arab conflict in black-and-white terms. In my opinion neither side is completely guilty, nor completely innocent.

If you feel that one side is "right" and one side is "wrong", feel free to convince me. At the moment I think that both sides share the guilt over the conflict, and both sides have innocent civilians that are suffering.
If you feel that one side is "right" and one side is "wrong", feel free to convince me.
I'm so sorry, but this is a Pakistani forum, not a Chinese one, and right now I'm most interested in what Pakistanis have to say for themselves.
I'm so sorry, but this is a Pakistani forum, not a Chinese one, and right now I'm most interested in what Pakistanis have to say for themselves.

That's not very friendly of you.

Just because I am "Chinese", doesn't mean my opinion on the Israel-Arab conflict is not worth talking about.
ok we celebrate with israel

Your fantasies about me are way off. On the other hand, the Pakistanis are quiet, aren't they Nishan? AK even thanked you rather than speak up for himself. So it's your opinion, Nishan, that Pakistani acceptance of the propagation of lies demeaning Israelis and Jews is a matter of Muslim unity, and this unity is to be valued over truth, justice, peace, and family?

Indeed there wasn't peace before Israel invaded Gaza and Lebanon, only after. The 2006 and 2008 invasions mastered the rocket-firing terror so that 2009 was the most peaceful year the region has experienced in a decade.

Knowledge, courage, and drive are needed to battle the enuui brought on by moral relativism. Otherwise you might as well accept that the victim is as guilty as the thief, isn't that so?

I'm so sorry, but this is a Pakistani forum, not a Chinese one, and right now I'm most interested in what Pakistanis have to say for themselves.

mr solomon 2
Why insist that your opinion is the correct
Why not join the Western military forums that defend Israel
Are all efforts to spread propaganda Israeli free or for a price
Can you deny the existence of an Israeli lobby moving between the forums and in particular the Islamic Forum of Israeli propaganda
Why describe each of the contrary opinion that he is not enlightened and ignorant does not know anything
Let me tell you something, dear
You are here perform a particular job
Israel is the promotion of Lies
The whole world says that Israel is an occupied country,
Jews themselves say they came from America and Europe
Even a blind man sees injustice became Israel
But thou, it seems you are unfortunately blind insight, and not by sight

Yes, sir
All love and respect and appreciation
To each of the conscience alive And stood by the oppressed against the oppressor
Whatever their nationality
Whatever the religion
No matter what language
Because conscience is the conscience
Whatever his nationality, language, religion
Not bounded by borders
I hope your conscience to wake up soon
With love
What is "truth, justice, and peace"?

Israel invaded two countries over the course of only 2006 to 2008, i.e. Lebanon and Gaza. That is not "peace".

Where is the "justice" in the suffering of innocent civilians?

I am neutral to Israel, and favourable to Jewish people.... but clearly, the idea of "truth and justice" is not black-and-white when you look at it from different perspectives.

Well like I said before, I am neutral to Israel, and favourable to the Jewish people.

So I don't see the Israel-Arab conflict in black-and-white terms. In my opinion neither side is completely guilty, nor completely innocent.

If you feel that one side is "right" and one side is "wrong", feel free to convince me. At the moment I think that both sides share the guilt over the conflict, and both sides have innocent civilians that are suffering.

That's not very friendly of you.

Just because I am "Chinese", doesn't mean my opinion on the Israel-Arab conflict is not worth talking about.

Thank you Sir for understanding and standing with the wright and justice
there is chinese say: Do not accompany the crocodile Though his tears flowed
While the three of us banter about, the Pakistanis, to whom all is addressed to, remain quiet, save for a bit of pornography.
Pakistan could learn something from Israel. Both are similar countries as both are involved in brutal campaigns of suppression on their people...just kidding.
While the three of us banter about, the Pakistanis, to whom all is addressed to, remain quiet, save for a bit of pornography.

there is a say : Speak of the status of the speaker . .

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