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60 killed in a Houthi missile and drone attack on Saudi-led coalition forces in Marib, Yemen

Yeah big deal, targeted a mosque during prayer times. Some morons here call them mujahidin.
Houthis (Zaydis) are real mujahidiin.

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at least 70 killed admitted so far by the Saudi side.... with their history of hiding casualties, and their levels of anger, and already admitting "at least" a high toll..

you can be sure this was anus ripping strike that really hit hard... I wouldn't be surprised if the casualties are in the 100s easily...… funny thing was, Soleimani was on an official visit to Iraq to receive a message of peace from the Saudis before he was cowardly murdered....

the Saudis, emiratis, and probably Bahrainis will pay an extreme price for this... this is just the beginning. expect a devastating and shocking Houthi attack on expensive UAE assets at any time
yemen will keep burning next 50 years because the countries fighting in yemen are sitting far away . yemenis are stupids they are killing each other as proxies
Yemen Iraq and Syria, the 3 countries are mentioned in the Hadith, all are suffering from wars simultaneously, but to be fair, we have not reached the mass killing phase just yet, the frightening is that the generations of kids in these countries especially don't know how to read the name of الله because of the wars, their future is gone !!
the Saudis, emiratis, and probably Bahrainis will pay an extreme price for this... this is just the beginning. expect a devastating and shocking Houthi attack on expensive UAE assets at any time

You didn't mention Israel in your list? I wonder why? Afraid from attacking Israel?

And Qatar from where this drone flew to kill soleimani??
You didn't mention Israel in your list? I wonder why? Afraid from attacking Israel?

And Qatar from where this drone flew to kill soleimani??

there were hundreds/thousands of precision ballistic missile ready to turn tel aviv and Haifa into fireballs if trump stuck to his promise and struck Iranian soil.

the Zionists are actually smart and stay clear of Iranian red lines. They declined several times to kill Soleimani even though they easily could when he openly visited Syria. Why didn't they? because they correctly calculated that would invite a direct Iranian response on Zionist occupied soil.

Iran would have probably fired ballistic missiles and destroyed they Israeli base where the attack came from. That would put Bibi into a position of eating it. Or eating it. because he simply has no retaliatory options besides maybe some strikes on Syria? their air force is useless against Iran. what can they do? fire nuclear ballistic missiles?

Israel is a smart player and has done their calculations. they are desperately trying to send in morons like trump and bin salman to do the dying for them. fight Iran to the last American/arab. Zionist blood is far too precious. When trump stupidly murdered Soleimani. the first Israeli statement was it has nothing to do with us, and the US is on its own. Basiclly begging Iran not to drag them in.

as far as Qatar. They are not a hostile nation to Iran. They just recently sent Iran a 3 billion dollar apology, and Iran can wipe out their entire country in 30 mins if push came to shove. why would Iran attack Qatar? the attack did not come from Qatar.
Yemen is certainly teaching oil rich Arabs the meaning of being modest instead of behaving like spoiled kids. Neither petrols, nor their fancy toys can save their lives. Yemen war will be the worse than Vietnam in near future If Houthis proceed killing Saudi led coalition in that speed.
They should had killed Americans who are the main problems

at least 70 killed admitted so far by the Saudi side.... with their history of hiding casualties, and their levels of anger, and already admitting "at least" a high toll..

you can be sure this was anus ripping strike that really hit hard... I wouldn't be surprised if the casualties are in the 100s easily...… funny thing was, Soleimani was on an official visit to Iraq to receive a message of peace from the Saudis before he was cowardly murdered....

the Saudis, emiratis, and probably Bahrainis will pay an extreme price for this... this is just the beginning. expect a devastating and shocking Houthi attack on expensive UAE assets at any time

well done Houthis
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