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6 Iranians arrested/freed for making fan video

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How do seculars and atheists support wahabis, again?
seriously? what world you live in? may I remind you the situation in Syria? what about the source of wahhabism, saudia arabia and it's relation with west? what about wahhabi terrorist groups like Jundollah or Jeish ol Adl?
U should beg us for technology oil and wealth in 5 years further.

U are small country that are going to live like 3rd world countries.
Everyday I see unrest protests and sit-in in Europe cause of economic austerity.
One of my friedns was in Italy 2 years ago and told about the the low level of life in there.He told me many of Italian youth are learning english to go foreign,especially to UK and US cause of horrible situation of life level.
He showed me strange pictures of Italy that I could not believe it is Italy.
By the way I respect beauty of Italy and especially art.
I was going to forget ,He said many Italian have horrible view about Islam cause of Zionist propaganda there.

Edit: If u are not Muslim or u are atheist do not comment what is good or bad in Islam.If u are christian u should know your people for 1900 years veiled themselves.Do not comment about Islam while your people veiled themselves for 1900 years.

lol...beg you for technology? Are you kidding me? A single VW Golf has more technology in it than anything your country can produce. And no, our people did not veil themself. Italian women don´t take this shit.

As for your comments about italy: lol Italia economy is bigegr than russias economy.
6 Iranians arrested for making fan video of Pharrell Williams' 'Happy' - CNN.com

CNN) -- Apparently, dancing to a song about happiness in Iran can get you arrested.

Six Iranians are behind bars after they appeared in a fan video set to Pharrell Williams' "Happy," the American hit song that has sold millions of downloads worldwide.

Tehran Police Chief Hossein Sajedinia ordered the arrests of the three men and three women because they helped make an "obscene video clip that offended the public morals and was released in cyberspace," the Iranian Student News Agency reported Wednesday.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani may think differently, if a post on his Twitter account is any indication.
"#Happiness is our people's right. We shouldn't be too hard on behaviors caused by joy," the post read in what appears to be a restatement of a Rouhani comment from 2013, based on a date accompanying the tweet.

Heres the video guys-

They should be arrested for making this stupid n boring video.. :lol:
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I know exactly your mindset, want me to bring some older posts of yours ?

lol , go away
They should be arrested for making this stupid n boring video.. :lol:

agree ... kill them all :-D

this is funny how people kicking their asses for a bunch of stupid fankids !

I hate the song anyway !
seriously? what world you live in? may I remind you the situation in Syria? what about the source of wahhabism, saudia arabia and it's relation with west? what about wahhabi terrorist groups like Jundollah or Jeish ol Adl?

Yes, every secular and atheist people support that stuff. Right...
Do you even know the definition of sexual assault in USA? Do you know that even if husband forces his wife to have sex or a simple touch without permission is considered as a sexual assault there? I am pretty sure even what happened to my friend is not considered as rape there.

This comment explains it.

Most of us can agree that there is currently an intolerable level of sexual violence. However, it is highly idealistic to expect only a small percentage of people to have experienced within her/his lifetime any of the behaviors that fall under the vast, vast umbrella of what is nowadays considered sexual assault. Short of jailing most college boys for grinding on their female counterparts at frat parties, or placing every other guy looking for a one night stand at the bar in prison with actual serial rapists, how can we expect to suppress every manifestation of the need to satisfy our most powerful and deep-seated urges? Going beyond the simplistic response of “all acts of sexual impropriety are wrong, so no one should ever do them,” any practical solution involves making rigorous distinction between the many forms of sexual impropriety, determining which of these are criminal, and creating and enforcing laws whose severity is proportionate to that of the offenses. No such solution to the problem of sexual assault in America currently exists in part due to ambiguities and distortions perpetuated by reports designed to maximize shock value. Statistics like 1-in-4 women are sexual assault victims do not mean very much when there is no uniformly accepted definition of sexual assault or the definition is subject to such a wide range of interpretations.
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