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6 Hezbollah members killed in Israeli attack on Syria

@500 my boy, are you enjoying this discussion? I bet you are.
Too many Israeli-loving/sympathizing scum here, which is just too obnoxious for me to be able to stick around. Im outta this thread. Bye. :)

Don't leave. Now you understand why I used to cuss these members out. Because I was telling you all they are Zionist trolls. When push comes to shove they reveal their true colors.

I doubt there will be a conflict.
The FINUL is there.

How do you call this a 'conflict'? It is a major escalation on Israel's part. Whether Hezbollah will respond or not doesn't make it any less grave.
Meanwhile, you encourage them to seek military action against a country with far superior in fire-power and it will end up killing even more Palestinians/Arabs, just for you to spread your influence. Emotional people like Hazzy can't see how they are being used by other states with the disguise of support to fulfil their own interests.

Ofcourse,it's not like the mighty Iranians will do the actual fighting while Lebanon and Palestinians drown in blood.They'll send some of their over glorified Grads and just brag of how they're fighting "the great satan" while others get slaughtered.
Don't leave. Now you understand why I used to cuss these members out. Because I was telling you all they are Zionist trolls. When push comes to shove they reveal their true colors.

I am a Zionist now too? A Wahabi for being Anti-Iran and also Zionist, what other names do you want to throw at me?
My point was neither him nor others care about civillians, for him it's about national interests so he shouldn't use the death of civillians.

Still does not change the ground realities that I wrote about. Nor the fact that Mullah influence in the Arab world is only about expanding power and is poison for the Arab world. Nor does it change the fact that Iran is yet to go to war with Israel, that they were supported by Israel less than 30 years ago and that most Iranians do not give a shit about Palestine, Iraq, Lebanon or Syria.

Ofcourse,it's not like the mighty Iranians will do the actual fighting while Lebanon and Palestinians drown in blood.They'll send some of their over glorified Grads and just brag of how they're fighting "the great satan" while others get slaughtered.

Notice that they are also only sending Iranian Arabs mostly. The Iranian killed in this attack was an Iranian Arab. Just like that general killed in Iraq recently. Also an Iranian Arab. You do the match.
Waiting for 600kg warheads.
So far: 0.
Let's make it clear once again.

This is a declaration of war by Israel on Lebanon. It is an very obvious instigation. These war hungry people just finished bombing Gaza a few months ago. They never get enough.

WTH ? Hezz is an illegal organisation which is actually keeping Lebanon hostage,they're in no way associated with the state.More so,the Lebanese officials would be very glad to see them go extinct.
@500 my boy, are you enjoying this discussion? I bet you are.

500s like :

The 'saudis' or wahabis or whatever you want to call them are just upset because Hezbollah has killed countless of their camel kissing country men and relatives in Syria and Iraq. Loosing their ISIS family members is hard so don't blame them for being grateful that Hezbollah members got killed.

I am personally hoping this leads to a full on war. The zionists seem to forget the spanking they received in 2006, now it's time they get even more the pounding. Just imagine a thousand or so 600kg warhead Fateh missiles blowing these blood drinkers to pieces. I mean for god sakes, their missiles need to be used, how long are they going to be stored. Start firing them away!

These zionists are very cowardly. Fire a few missile in Tel aviv and they'll pack up, run away and go occupy Germany or something :lol:
Ofcourse,it's not like the mighty Iranians will do the actual fighting while Lebanon and Palestinians drown in blood.They'll send some of their over glorified Grads and just brag of how they're fighting "the great satan" while others get slaughtered.

I read an excellent book recently on Qassim Suliemani, a bit too romanticized in my opinion but a good read none the less, Iranians are pretty much throwing Arabs at their problems, they will be fighting Saudi Arabia to the last Shia Arab blood these Iranians, they will send commanders to coordinate them, and at the same time, keep them too weak to be able to act on their own and keep them dependant on Iran.

Anyways these past few years their project that they spent the last 15 years building is now crumbling, which is why they are in disaster control mode. And when it crumbles down eventually it will be glorious to behold.
@WebMaster @Jungibaaz @Oscar @waz

May you warn people from making off topic posts but also ones of no quality? Half of posts are just Iran/Hezbollah bashing posts. Not related to actual situation and also many childish posts.
Party time :)

hezbollah has full military support by iran . let the game begin . if hezbollah pulls the trigger , we'll watch an all out war and i promise you , we'll put them back at their places :)
Don't leave. Now you understand why I used to cuss these members out. Because I was telling you all they are Zionist trolls. When push comes to shove they reveal their true colors.

How do you call this a 'conflict'? It is a major escalation on Israel's part. Whether Hezbollah will respond or not doesn't make it any less grave.

Honestly there is no point for me to stick around. I will end up saying something I will regret, and it seems there is no discussion to be had anyway given the amount of sympathy for these actions. So what is to discuss in this thread, with these kinda people?

I'll be over in the Iranian section if you want to talk and discuss more. :)
Party time :)

hezbollah has full military support by iran . let the game begin . if hezbollah pulls the trigger , we'll watch an all out war and i promise you , we'll put them back at their places :)

This would be just perfect. Exactly what the doctor ordered, please do escalate the situation, I am getting excited.
WTH ? Hezz is an illegal organisation which is actually keeping Lebanon hostage,they're in no way associated with the state.More so,the Lebanese officials would be very glad to see them go extinct.
that's what makes me lol @ him anything that is against Israel is his saviour. that's his rational thinking I can't believe it my self he actually called hizbullah lebanon. he's insane, officially
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