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6 Hezbollah members killed in Israeli attack on Syria

Israel never attacked Quseir..
yes if you say so

soon or later the Quicker it will be exposed more and i come and see you

so Israel is running air cover for ISIS now?
the American soldiers refused to fight in Syria but Israelis have no issue with destroying the only force that has put ISIS and its affiliate forces in the back foot?

I wont be surprised if Al Qaeda and ISIS will be cheering the Israeli strikes.

by the way talking about the air strikes.. has even a single Israeli air strike has been conducted against Al Nusra or ISIS or Al Qaeda or has it strictly remained agaisnt the enemies of ISIS?

Let's all listen to this song below and calm down.

If one does not like music I can recommend this video below. Yu are guaranteed a free laugh. I promise.

8 less terrorists in this messed up world.

Let's all rejoice with some Arab dances.

lovely videos, but be careful with posting something lustful and having a sacred signature my brother.
What is wrong with Russian provided anti-air defenses to Syria? They never see these planes coming. Is it because the proximity where Israeli planes took off is very near the places where the attack place? Or does it mean Israeli has advanced technical knowledge of these systems and basically blinds them whenever they are coming to attack Syria?

It is mind-boggling to see Israel attacking Syria at will with no attempt to shoot down their planes or going after their bases. It is understandable that the Syrian government does not want to escalate the conflict with Israel due to the ongoing war in Syria, but shouldn't Syria's friends - particularly Russia and Iran - do something here?

so Israel is running air cover for ISIS now?
1) There is no ISIS on Golan.
2) Hezbollah is foreign terrorist group which should not be in Syria. Not better than ISIS in any way.
3) Only week ago Nasrallah claimed that there is no Hezbollah on Golan. So how can he complain now?
More than 24 hours passed since the attack and not a single 600kg warhead released.
by the way talking about the air strikes.. has even a single Israeli air strike has been conducted against Al Nusra or ISIS or Al Qaeda or has it strictly remained agaisnt the enemies of ISIS?
Israel and ISIS are 2 sides of the same coin. Netanyahu only looks more 'civilized' in appearance compared to Abu bakr al Baghdadi. So I don't see why Israel should attack ISIS or Nusra.
2) Hezbollah is foreign terrorist group which should not be in Syria. Not better than ISIS in any way.

Almost all Israeli citizens are foreigners who migrated to Palestine in a systematic demographic change. So they are also foreigners and its army, IDF can be considered as terrorists, hence legitimate targets.
wait my son it will not be 600 KG as i explain to you .
my son me and you still have to spend time together

be patient my son

I don't think they can afford 600kg anymore the oil drop has made them downsize the load to 400kg. In a couple of months its going to be downsized even further.

Yes, they will try.
They've been trying hard to blow up someone - in India, Georgia, Thailand, Cyprus - until they finally succeeded in Bulgaria.

I think they will try something with their special 'Quds' Brigade. They might try to blow up a newspaper stand in some European capital and call it a retaliation against the airstrikes in Syria. It's typical mulla mentality. It makes for a morale booster in Iran.
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1) There is no ISIS on Golan.
2) Hezbollah is foreign terrorist group which should not be in Syria. Not better than ISIS in any way.
3) Only week ago Nasrallah claimed that there is no Hezbollah on Golan. So how can he complain now?
just be careful who you benefit by conducting these air strikes.
your forces are occupying Golan heights so how can Hezbullah be there? I thought they are helping Assad in his fight against ISIS.

One of those killed Jihad Mugniyeh took the command on Syria-Israel border together with Samir Kuntar. According to these news article from October 10th, 2014 Samir Kuntar was preparing an attack from the Golan. anusra unlike Hezbollah isn't plotting to attack because they know it will be too costly.

The Jewish Press » » Samir Kuntar Organizing Hezbollah Terror Cell on the Golan
Jabhat Al-Nusra 'unlikely to target Israel soon,' senior army officer says - Middle East - Jerusalem Post
let's take these news as "kosher" and not dispute them

if true, then I cant fault the air-strike. even when Iran has the spectre of all out Arab- Israel invasion looming over its head , why it chooses to antagonise Israel and other Arab allies and gives them an excuse to hit it?
the best thing it did was offer support to Americans and Baghdad against ISIS.

its help of Assad is not very popular among those who are supporting ISIS and Al Nusra but still it shouldn't have bothered Israel.

but .. planning anything against Israel will only cause it more trouble than it can afford.
Israel and ISIS are 2 sides of the same coin. Netanyahu only looks more 'civilized' in appearance compared to Abu bakr al Baghdadi. So I don't see why Israel should attack ISIS or Nusra.
Hezbollah and ISIS are two crazy jihadi groups which came to Syria and slaughter local population, what Israel has to do with it?

Almost all Israeli citizens are foreigners who migrated to Palestine in a systematic demographic change. So they are also foreigners and its army, IDF can be considered as terrorists, hence legitimate targets.
First of all thats rubbish, the overwhelming majority of Israelis are Israeli born. Secondly all countries have migrants (maybe beside North Korea and Iran), nothing wrong with it. Hezbollah and IRGC on the other hand did not come to settle in Syria they came just to kill.

just be careful who you benefit by conducting these air strikes.
Both sides equally hate us, why should we care?

your forces are occupying Golan heights so how can Hezbullah be there? I thought they are helping Assad in his fight against ISIS.
Small strip of Golan is in Syrian hands, they have fights with local population there
Almost all Israeli citizens are foreigners who migrated to Palestine in a systematic demographic change. So they are also foreigners and its army

That's blasphemy, don't you know God gave them that land. Never mind that God has never been in the real estate business.
I think they will try something with their special 'Quds' Brigade. They might try to blow up a newspaper stand in some European capital and call it a retaliation against the airstrikes in Syria. It's typical mulla mentality. It makes for a moral booster in Iran.
While most Israelis got used to precautions since like... ever, I hope the inhabitants of those European capitals and their security forces are not careless of the dangers of international terrorism.
Israel strike on Golan Heights kills 5 Hezbollah: source | News , Lebanon News | THE DAILY STAR

The Daily Star
BEIRUT: An Israeli helicopter strike hit a Hezbollah convoy in Syria's Golan Heights Sunday killing 5 fighters, among them a field commander, a Lebanese security source told The Daily Star.

The strike entirely destroyed one Hezbollah vehicle and damaged another, the source said. A field commander who goes by the nom de guerre "Abu Issa" was killed in the attack, he added.

Hezbollah issued a statement confirming the strike saying "a number of mujahedeens were martyred," during an inspection mission in the Syrian town of Quneitra, The Hezbollah statement added that the names of the fighters will be divulged later.

An Israeli helicopter carried out a strike against "terrorists" in the Syrian sector of the Golan Heights who were allegedly preparing an attack on Israel, an Israeli security source had earlier said.

The source told AFP the strike took place near Quneitra, close to the cease-fire line separating the Syrian part of the Golan Heights from the Israeli-occupied sector, confirming a report by Al-Manar television.

The report had said that an Israeli helicopter fired two missiles in the Syrian province of Quneitra near the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

It did not specify the target of the strike in the area, called Amal Farms. The Israeli military declined comment and Syrian state media did not mention the attack.




Do not know what objective is here. It's possible Netanyahu needs reputation as his is sinking lately before elections time. Center-Left in Israel is gaining popularity as evident by recent polls. We all know the regular Israeli tactic of claiming anyone who they target was 'preparing attack'. It is nonsense and disproven over and over again. Israeli has camera footage, if such statement is true present the proof to us.

Another unprovoked attack on foreign land. Which international community will not condemn.

@Serpentine @haman10 @ResurgentIran @kollang


I already know this will attract lots of loudmouth Indian trolls so mods please keep eye on this thread.

@Horus @waz @Jungibaaz
They say that the bombing was aimed at al nusra but killed six Hezbollah by mistake because the jews and shia Rafidah never killed each other they both have common enemy which are the Sunnis if israel knows that was Hezbollah member they would never attacked them
Both sides equally hate us, why should we care?

Small strip of Golan is in Syrian hands, they have fights with local population there
that said. (based on your history with Hezbullah) ... ISIS has placed itself to the Nth level of brutality and savagery. I cant class them as human... and I don't say it out of hatred or anger. they are a mutated form of everything which is wrong with Muslims....

I must say just watch out dont get yourself dragged into it. but dont sit back with a cup of coffee though.

for some reason I cant dispel that iconic scene from World War Z. these ISIS fiends will devour the entire middle east and then turn to next source of human flesh.

I really dont envy that place called Middle east. I say that when I also have Peshawar massacre last month fresh in my mind as well.
That's blasphemy, don't you know God gave them that land. Never mind that God has never been in the real estate business.

Yeah, muslims mocking their Quran:
Qur'an 17:104 : And We said unto the Children of Israel after him: Dwell in the land
:lol: ;)
Yeah, muslims mocking their Quran:
Qur'an 17:104 : And We said unto the Children of Israel after him: Dwell in the land
:lol: ;)

Most "Israelis" are not even religious. The land was given to the children of Israel who believed in God, not half European colonists who have no ties to the land of Israel apart from an obscure ancestor few thousands of years ago.

They are mostly secular anyway, you can't play the God gave me this land card here.:coffee:
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