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500 Wahabis Attack German Police, Injure 29 Officers

Where did i identify myself as that? Distinguishing yourself (in terms of religious sects) is completely forbidden in Koran.

And crying 'Wahabi this and Wahabi that' is perfectly in line with Islam ?
Reading Quran, reading only reliable hadiths, and no praying at the graves of others

Cheers, I have been telling them this as well....doesn't look like it sinks in through their skulls though..
Man you have no idea what you're talking about.

I know you and the Iranians on this site like using the word wahabi, but then you don't understand what it means either.

My grandfather's side of the family is Wahabi.

It basically means purified Islam.

Reading Quran, reading only reliable hadiths, and no praying at the graves of others.

By this description you yourself would be one too.

Ignorance is bliss.

Agree with all of that ! I'd even understand if someone would call praying at the graves a form of shirk...so maybe I'm an ideological Wahabi in more ways than I know ! :woot:
Where did i identify myself as that? Distinguishing yourself (in terms of religious sects) is completely forbidden in Koran.

Yes that's very true, we should make a conscious effort to not identify ourselves as such; but it's sort of impossible now a days. Saying you're Muslim is simply not enough to really know, so that's were one has to say I'm "Sunni" or "Shia"....or in your case Quran-Alone....to let people know..
And crying 'Wahabi this and Wahabi that' is perfectly in line with Islam ?

Well, it is officially recognised portion of islam which promotes extremism.. I have researched about Wahabism from many sources and all of them agreed that the ideology promotes extremism and has caused mayhems in afghanistan, chechnya, pakiestan etc. So, I did have the right to identify extremists as wahabis.

However, as Saudis find it derogatory I'd prefer not using the term henceforth so as not to insult them. peace
Well, it is officially recognised portion of islam which promotes extremism.. I have researched about Wahabism from many sources and all of them agreed that the ideology promotes extremism. So, I did have the right to identify extremists as wahabis.

However, as Saudis find it derogatory I'd prefer not using the term henceforth. peace

I'm probably one of the most moderate Muslims here, and I am wahabi. Time to stop generalizing people.

Iranians have more to fear from Baath Party and nationalistic Arabs than sects within Islam.
Islamophobia in Europe is perfectly justified.

How do you guys like it if some European comes to your country and goes nude or semi-nude in some beach?

You wahabis go to their countries dressed in that manner, never try to assimilate and end up committing crimes etc... It's their fault for allowing these people in, but I can see why they would be pissed off.

And no, wahabism isn't Islam. Takfir/wahabism is a criminal ideology that should be banned by the United Nations.

two days ago I was a fireworshipper and two days before that I was a Shia dog!

see people? This is the mindset of a wahabi.

i have a serious doubt on these guys faith, they could be anybody hiding behind flags.
Well, it is officially recognised portion of islam which promotes extremism.. I have researched about Wahabism from many sources and all of them agreed that the ideology promotes extremism and has caused mayhems in afghanistan, chechnya, pakiestan etc. So, I did have the right to identify extremists as wahabis.

However, as Saudis find it derogatory I'd prefer not using the term henceforth so as not to insult them. peace

Hello...! I'm a Wahabi...its nearly 5:00 in the morning right now ! Do you think I should take out my to-do-list and mark which place to bomb, whose hands to chop off, who to give a lashing, which sect to declare Kafir and the other usual things that us extremists usually do ? Or do you think its a bit early ?
Well, it is officially recognised portion of islam which promotes extremism.. I have researched about Wahabism from many sources and all of them agreed that the ideology promotes extremism and has caused mayhems in afghanistan, chechnya, pakiestan etc. So, I did have the right to identify extremists as wahabis

Yes, "officially" Islam is also the religion which is responsible for all the muck happening in the world...
Hello...! I'm a Wahabi...its nearly 5:00 in the morning right now ! Do you think I should take out my to-do-list and mark which place to bomb, whose hands to chop off, who to give a lashing, which sect to declare Kafir and the other usual things that us extremists usually do ? Or do you think its a bit early ?

Me, longbrained, Aryan_B and some others were declared Kafirs/non muslims by blackeagle and some other Saudis.. What do you have to say about that? :rolleyes:
Whether it's the Arabs, Iranians, Turks, Afghans, or Pakistanis we've always used Islam as a political tool rather than just leaving it as a faith.

Everyone is at fault for this.
In their blind rage and hatred the muslim radicals even molested their 'allies':

Germany: Muslims beat up Leftists… No, Really

by Ben Barrack on MAY 4, 2012 in BLOG, GENERAL
Perhaps the perfect microcosm to demonstrate the left-right-Islam dynamic. A right-wing / anti-Islamist movement in Germany gathered for a protest at which Muhammad cartoons would be displayed. Apparently, some Salafists became so enraged that they began beating the leftists.

Via Islam vs. Europe, h/t BNI:

Hundreds of assorted Muslims and far-left extremists turned up to harass and intimidate them. Two of these “antifascists” found themselves in the midst of a horde of Salafist Muslims, who promptly started beating them up with bits of wood. Even after they were lying helpless and passive on the ground, the Muslims kept laying into them. One was bad;y hurt in the head; the other in the arm. Both required hospital treatment.

Apparently it wasn’t a failure of recognition either. The Muslims knew that these were leftist anti-fascists who had come to protest against the “islamophobes”. They beat them up anyway.

Germany: Muslims beat up Leftists… No, Really | Walid Shoebat

Also confirmed by the leftists themselves:


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