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500 Wahabis Attack German Police, Injure 29 Officers

You reap what you sow

How is it that Iran and Turkey, two Islamic countries, as well as some other Islamic nations, have completely destroyed the wahabi/takfiri cult, but Western countries can't!? Here's a ******* idea: DON'T LET THEM IN YOU MORONS! Here's another idea: DON'T ALLOW SAUDIS TO FUND MOSQUES!! They allow a bunch of extremists to walk in and then allow them to make mosques with money coming in from the kingdom. The end result is hundreds of local born muslims joining the cult.
You reap what you sow

How is it that Iran and Turkey, two Islamic countries, as well as some other Islamic nations, have completely destroyed the wahabi/takfiri cult, but Western countries can't!? Here's a ******* idea: DON'T LET THEM IN YOU MORONS! Here's another idea: DON'T ALLOW SAUDIS TO FUND MOSQUES!! They allow a bunch of extremists to walk in and then allow them to make mosques with money coming in from the kingdom. The end result is hundreds of local born muslims joining the cult.

They are their allies thats why
They are their allies thats why

Funny how Canada bans George Galloway from entering the country, but I see Burka clad takfiris walking in parks!!!! I saw an Arab woman with a burka once (you could only see the eyes) and I swear, she had like 42 children, all boys. All these rugrats will one day be destroying the fabric of this nation.
Funny how Canada bans George Galloway from entering the country, but I see Burka clad takfiris walking in parks!!!! I saw an Arab women with a burka once (you could only see the eyes) and I swear, she had like 42 children, all boys. All these rugrats will one day be destroying the fabric of this nation.

It is known as duplicity
When I was a kid, attacking German police would have earned you a few bullets. They must be getting soft...
When I was a kid, attacking German police would have earned you a few bullets. They must be getting soft...

was that the time of Hitler Juice. Man you have lost your sense of humour
DON'T LET THEM IN YOU MORONS! Here's another idea: DON'T ALLOW SAUDIS TO FUND MOSQUES!! They allow a bunch of extremists to walk in and then allow them to make mosques with money coming in from the kingdom. The end result is hundreds of local born muslims joining the cult.

Can you please come to Germany and explain this to people? The political correctness is so paralyzing here that even moderates are unable to even touch this subject (Immigration/Mosque funding). The Saudis are the biggest problem because they spread extemely hateful and violent ideology, but on a much larger scale the Turkish government (the religious ministry) is funding mosques here too..That is also a problem. They are not extremists but very conservative(by our standards), sexist, homophobic and not helping integration.. but hindering it in many regards.

The Police don't have it easy these days.. they are getting beat up left and right over here.
When I was a kid, attacking German police would have earned you a few bullets. They must be getting soft...

Too many laws. The police are scared to use force. Same is the case with France.

If they did this in Russia, or Spain or the USA, things would have been much different.
Can you please come to Germany and explain this to people? The political correctness is so paralyzing here that even moderates are unable to even touch this subject (Immigration/Mosque funding). The Saudis are the biggest problem because they spread extemely hateful and violent ideology, but on a much larger scale the Turkish government (the religious ministry) is funding mosques here too..That is also a problem. They are not extremists but very conservative(by our standards), sexist, homophobic and not helping integration.. but hindering it in many regards.

The Police don't have it easy these days.. they are getting beat up left and right over here.
Funny you say this b/c there is a German guy in our college (met a Canadian girl on vacation and ended up moving to Canada a couple of years ago) and we discussed this exact thing. The matter was so simple in my eyes and I just told him straight up what I wrote here and he didn't know what to say.

Germans are too damn scared of their history. Who gives a **** what happened under Hitler. Kick em out back to their own nations. If the interviewer in the immigration office sees the woman with a scarf on, or worse yet with a burka, then don't ******* give em the opportunity to live in Germany, very simple! My parents were interviewed in 1999 in Tehran and they both presented themselves in a manner that the interviewer knew they would be able to adjust easily (plus they both have been to graduate school and have Master's). The point is, the solution IS SIMPLE and clear to everyone.

Instead of worrying about Iran on a daily basis, a country that has never harmed Germany, the German government should worry about the idiots that it allows to enter the country. Instead of talking about Ahmadinejad and what he thinks about Israel, German media should focus on the mosques that are being funded by the saudis. Instead of worrying about Iran, maybe Germany should worry about the country where every suicide bomber originates: saudi arabia.
I hope Germany and Russia bans it soon. It inspires terrorists who hopes to blow themselves up and go to heaven

...suicide doesn't bring anyone to heaven; and it isn't allowed under any conditions, even if one is paralysed for life and wants to commit assisted suicide. And it's certainly not Salafi (Sunni) ideology :lol:
Thinking about it, should Muslims blame the west for so-called "islamophobia"? A more accurate term would be "Wahhab-o-Phobia".

We need to identify the problem (Wahhabism) and uproot is at once. Strict scrutiny should be practiced for authorizing Imams at mosques and NO imam with Wahhabi inclination should be entertained. In many European countries, these Wahabis take advantage of the religious freedom offered and spread their terrorist ideologies. THey have infiltrated Sunnis and even Shias to some extent. If this is not taken care of, image of Islam and prestige of Muslims would take further dent.
Thinking about it, should Muslims blame the west for so-called "islamophobia"? A more accurate term would be "Wahhab-o-Phobia"

Of course not; Sunni-o-Phobia is more than justified by you lot :lol: You guys should start a movement to ban all evil Sunnis ("Salafi") people form Europe :rolleyes:
The Europeans are of course working with them evil lot and allow them to kill their own people :disagree:

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