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50 mortars fired from Gaza into Israel

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Israel should attack Hamas hq with air strikes :tup:
Israel should attack Hamas hq with air strikes :tup:

That's the problem .
Those coward Hamas fires from civilian areas .
Similar to the situation in Kashmir , where those coward separatists fire from houses .
So Israel is practically helpless , if it attacks many civilians are killed in the operation coz of dense population present there .
That's the problem .
Those coward Hamas fires from civilian areas .
Similar to the situation in Kashmir , where those coward separatists fire from houses .
So Israel is practically helpless , if it attacks many civilians are killed in the operation coz of dense population present there .

They need to use drones and spy sats to gather intelligence b4 attacking on where those rockets are being launched from.
And your point is ?

OK.. how can you equate a stone throwing boy tied to their jeep to deliberate hiding behind children and shooting? That too Hamas militants hide behind their own people, there by counting on the mercy of the Israelis to protect themselves.
If i give you "proof" that these are genuine verses, will you accept them or just simply deny them as propaganda?

Doesn't matter if you give "proof"

The verses you quoted have been grossly twisted, horribly translated and taken out of context.

There is NO verse in the Quran which says to "kill the jews."

The fact that you posted a hadith as a quranic verse shows that you have little to no knowledge about the quran, haven't bothered to do your research (other than visiting hate sites like answeringchristianity.org or thereligionofpeace.com to pick up the "verses"), and as such have malicious intent to malign islam.
I`m not insulting your religion, i`m insulting those that take the worst from it. If i give you "proof" that these are genuine verses, will you accept them or just simply deny them as propaganda?
Quoting the versus is not an issue.

Quoting the versus in out of context is the issue. Get the picture?

Consider this as a friendly notification. Don't do it again here.

And don't try to act innocent. Israeli people are no less arrogant then Hamas workers.
Yeti, if you go watch the video on the 3rd page you`ll see when we do try to avoid civilian casualties they literally call women and children by phone to come to the buildings being targeted to die.
Quoting the versus is not an issue.

Quoting the versus in out of context is the issue. Get the picture?

Consider this as a friendly notification. Don't do it again here.

And don't try to act innocent. Israeli people are no less arrogant then Hamas workers.
Is that a threat LeGenD? Or else what? Either way, out of context or not, it is still there. But lets disregard the verses about Jews. What about Sharia Law? What about the inhumane things done to those that leave Islam or choose to not comply with Sharia Law?
Yeti, if you go watch the video on the 3rd page you`ll see when we do try to avoid civilian casualties they literally call women and children by phone to come to the buildings being targeted to die.
I am extremely against using of human shields. If Hamas do this, they are doing wrong. If Isreali do this, they are also doing wrong.

However, the weaker side is more prone to use such tactics. This is typical human madness.

Israel should resort to peaceful means to end its issues with arabs. By choking the entire Gaza, you people are not helping your cause. Where is the fun in choking an entire region just to punish one group? You guys are acting like german forces. Stop this madness.
Is that a threat LeGenD? Or else what? Either way, out of context or not, it is still there. But lets disregard the verses about Jews. What about Sharia Law? What about the inhumane things done to those that leave Islam or choose to not comply with Sharia Law?
It is a friendly notification. I have not threatened you.

Out of context quoting is a big issue. If you present just part of an information without looking at its basis, you will end up presenting a misleading picture.

Point is that if you would do it again, then you will be responded appropriately. And you will end up looking like a fool. I am trying to save you from this point.

I have corrected non muslim people before in these cases in other forums. Therefore, don't do it again.

Regarding Sharia Law; it is not demonic as the western media projects it to be. It is effective, if utilized correctly.

And regarding apostasy; punishment for this act is in other religions as well.

However, Holy Quran does not suggests that apostates be punished, unless they try to act against muslims or tarnish the image of Islam. If apostates try to remain peaceful, they can be left alone.
Is that a threat LeGenD? Or else what? Either way, out of context or not, it is still there. But lets disregard the verses about Jews. What about Sharia Law? What about the inhumane things done to those that leave Islam or choose to not comply with Sharia Law?

the problem is you have a vision of Islam full of hatred

of course in Quran there are verses which are not "matching" appropriately the modern world because the holly book should be read in an open way of mind and understanding what was the conditions at this time

for exemple women were "nothing" at that time and our prophet gave us more rights
of course now the world changed. so things should change accordingly

And about stoning and so (because i am sure you think about this) this is not Quran.
If some people act badly, middle age minded way, it doesn't mean Islam is this

And sharia law doesn't mean BAD . sharia is the way we should act, us muslims.
there are many interpretations and many ways to apply sharia

Anyway it was abotu Gaza
and you make it a thread against Islam.
You come back saying you don't hate Islam but you act very differently indeed.

Respect our civilizations, our beliefs and speak about facts of the thread please
thank you
OK.. how can you equate a stone throwing boy tied to their jeep to deliberate hiding behind children and shooting? That too Hamas militants hide behind their own people, there by counting on the mercy of the Israelis to protect themselves.

When older Palestinian boys started throwing stones at Border Police officers in the flashpoint West Bank village of Biddu last week, 13-year-old Muhammed Badwan went along to watch.

The act of the boy is recognized as a lawful act in an occupied teritory, the act of tying the boy is an illgal act.
the problem is you have a vision of Islam full of hatred

of course in Quran there are verses which are not "matching" appropriately the modern world because the holly book should be read in an open way of mind and understanding what was the conditions at this time

for exemple women were "nothing" at that time and our prophet gave us more rights
of course now the world changed. so things should change accordingly

And about stoning and so (because i am sure you think about this) this is not Quran.
If some people act badly, middle age minded way, it doesn't mean Islam is this

And sharia law doesn't mean BAD . sharia is the way we should act, us muslims.
there are many interpretations and many ways to apply sharia

Anyway it was abotu Gaza
and you make it a thread against Islam.
You come back saying you don't hate Islam but you act very differently indeed.

Respect our civilizations, our beliefs and speak about facts of the thread please
thank you

i appreciate your interpretation about women law in islam.
i am not sure whether you support stoning or not but i believe even death punishment for worst kind of criminal also should be in a painless way.yes some times when emotions take over we feel that he should be tortured to death but thats not what we really should go for as civilized nations.
The act of the boy is recognized as a lawful act in an occupied teritory, the act of tying the boy is an illgal act.

Care to give us a link to the international law that allows the use of Children?
The act of the boy is recognized as a lawful act in an occupied teritory, the act of tying the boy is an illgal act.

How is stone throwing is legal? Who created the rules? Hamas? Isn't what the Israelis did better than attacking the stone throwers.

You still did not reply how it is equal to using children as shield during firing.
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